Chapter 338 (338) The melee begins

A large amount of spiritual energy disappeared, and the purest spiritual energy in the center of the spiritual energy eye became the object of robbery. Before the human beings took action, the monsters and spiritual beasts guarding nearby became tense the moment the spiritual energy disappeared. This roar was the start of a battle. horn.

Chen Yun looked at the people looking in the distance and waved them over. This place was very safe, and humans should also see how animals fight. The moment they turned into monsters and spiritual beasts, they inspired Some of the innate skills that come out are things that humans should be wary of.

Xu Lei and the others saw Shen Yun waving, and ran over immediately without hesitation. They also wanted to see why the spiritual energy that kept pouring into the body slowed down. In the past few days, several people have directly reached the foundation building perfection. , if there is a foundation building pill, it is estimated that the foundation building can be successful, but suddenly the spiritual energy slows down, and they are a little uncomfortable with it.

Coupled with the roar coming from over there, it aroused everyone's curiosity.

 When they saw the scene below, even everyone who claimed to have seen the world in the past few years couldn't help but take a few steps back.

 “This is a fight!”

Yes, a fight broke out below. It can be said to be a big melee. Those with high strength fought with each other, while those with low strength fled for their lives. If one was not in time, he would die on the spot.

There is no way for these animals to fight without hurting innocent people. They go on a rampage regardless of whether or not, and the scene is so tragic that it is impossible to watch.

The people standing on top were secretly on guard. These animals were so jealous that they would not come to cause trouble for them.

Hurling rampantly and fighting with strong bodies, it seems to be more exciting than the gentle fighting of human beings.

“Seeing this makes me want to go over and have a fight.” Someone next to him said excitedly.

"You really dare to think, and you won't be afraid of being torn to pieces by these things when you go down." The teammates next to him knew how to hit people. As soon as he said these words, the hot blood on those people was immediately poured out.

With the same level of cultivation, the human body is generally inferior to that of animals. In addition, animals naturally have some fighting skills. If they appear next to these red-eyed animals, they may be directly killed.

“Watch the skills of the following animals carefully, lest we really encounter each other later and there is nothing we can do with these animals.” Shen Yun reminded at the side.

“Don’t worry, we have dedicated recorders, and we will definitely watch these videos over and over again when we get back.” There are those who watch carefully, and of course there are those who just watch the fun.

Shen Yun nodded. As for whether the effect of watching the video later would be as good as it is now, she didn't know.

The battle below lasted for more than a day. Apart from the escaping animals, the only ones standing below were a giant wolf, a goshawk, a big brown bear, and the most amazing thing was a huge yak. He has been here the longest, and he seems to be the least injured among the animals below.

Four animals stood around the aura eye, as if they had reached some agreement temporarily, and next to these animals were some people who had failed in the robbery. They were lying on the ground not knowing whether they were dead or alive, but depending on the situation, most of them None of them can survive.

“How about we go down and take advantage of the opportunity to deal with these few.” Someone next to him suggested.

Shen Yun turned around and glanced at the other party. His approach was quite cruel. It was really a good idea. Since he couldn't go down, he let them go down. They happened to be of equal strength.

"Then you can go over and give it a try." Shen Yun stood aside to make room for them.

“Well, senior, why don’t you go over?” The person who made the suggestion was stunned for a moment when Shen Yun said this.

"Of course not. I'm not interested in the ones below. Didn't you just propose it yourself? How about, there are so many of you and you can't deal with the following ones." Shen Yun waved his hand and made a gesture of invitation. The people next to them looked at each other, a bit embarrassed. In the fight scene just now, even if there were many of them, they still had to think about it. The fiercest yak was standing there as if nothing had happened, watching. It's not like Shantu.

Chen Yun was convinced when he saw how many people were in trouble. What should he be afraid of with so many people? Even if the other party looked very strong, it would be an outsider who was strong enough to kill the old hero with random punches. There were dozens of people on their side. Could it be that Are you afraid of them?

Are you still planning to let yourself do it? The rules of the world have caused a spiritual eye to appear in this place, just because you don't want the human family to dominate. It's not that I haven't thought about it, but at some point, I was stopped by Xiao Bengqi, and he pointed to the sky.

At that moment, he felt the power of rules again.

Since God wanted to keep them, Shen Yun could only take back his hand.

 But for those who were about the same strength as the opponent, Xiao Bengqi didn’t say anything.

Shen Yundu said that he would let them go down together to try, but these people did not dare to move.

 Shen Yun sighed lightly, no wonder the monsters and humans would confront each other in the end.

 Looking at the few animals that sensed the malice here, they had already looked this way. They were indeed desperate for their lives. There were so many people here, and their strength was not weak. They actually had the intention of attacking over there.

“Either we can’t defeat them, or some of them are difficult to attack.” Xu Lei explained.

As soon as Xu Lei finished speaking, several people around him nodded. The person who just made the suggestion seemed to have just reacted, "Yes, there seem to be a few protected animals inside. We can't break the law."

  Okay, it won’t have much impact anyway. A bit of a crisis can be treated as a human experience. Shen Yun said nothing more.

"Okay, if that's the case, then let's keep this place and use it as a training place from now on. Even if we don't match these few, the ones who escaped outside will be enough to improve people's combat effectiveness." Shen Yun turned around and planned to leave.

"Isn't it important now that man and nature live in harmony? Anyway, it's okay. We don't have to fight with them. We can still get along just fine as before." A simple person said.

Shen Yun actually choked, okay, this planet is so big anyway, it is probably a bit difficult to form a terrifying beast tide, so his worries should be unnecessary.

  Looking at a few of them looking this way, Shen Yun immediately released his aura and stopped them in their tracks.

 Since God has stopped his actions, let him leave them a glimmer of hope.

 “Let’s go, let’s leave this place.” Shen Yun greeted everyone.

Looking at the corpses in the valley below, everyone did not stay too long. They had to go back and report on the situation here.

Shen Yun watched as several people evacuated safely and returned to the valley. Those few seemed to be waiting for him.

"I will spare your lives today. I hope you will practice well in the future and don't let me know that you have human blood on your body, otherwise I will definitely come and deal with you." Chen Yun's aura did not calm down, and Xiao Bengqiao was also beside him. Full momentum.

Even though the few at the bottom couldn't speak yet, after hearing Shen Yun's words and feeling the aura of Shen Yun and the others, they took the initiative to lower their arrogant heads.

 (End of this chapter)

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