The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 345: (345) Don’t give yourself any chance to be proud

Chapter 345 (345) Don’t give yourself any chance to be proud

Since there was nothing going on at school, Shen Yun practiced in the office he chose while sorting out all the information that needed to be sorted out.

I used to think that all the information in my hand should be kept secret from my family, but now that I have received this salary, the only thing I can keep is my family’s Kung Fu. After all, a school is not the same as starting a sect.

Shen Yun directly put the things he could use on the jade slips. Professionals would handle the rest, so there was no need to worry about it. This work took Shen Yun a full year.

 This matter is finally over when Shen Heng and Hu Yan have babies.

As soon as Shen Yun returned to the mountain, he was greeted by Hu Yan, who was complaining with a big belly.

"Look at your brother, he doesn't practice anything serious every day. He used to make a flying cart, but now he makes a thermos-proof milk bottle. Can this thing be used? It's not a waste. Material?" Hu Yan complained, but the smile on her face did not diminish.

Shen Yun was already used to these words, "I'll talk about it later, Third Brother. If I have this material, why don't I do something for you? What should I do for the child? Isn't it just thinking about the child? It's too shameful." She cooperated. said.

"That's not true, he has done a lot for me." This was protected again, and Shen Yun knew this was the result. She was a little emotional about being pregnant, and the whole family was happy to support her.

Shen Yun spread his hands and rolled his eyes at Hu Yan, "I knew this was the result. Next time, don't come to me to resolve the matter between you and your husband. I have never dated anyone, and I don't understand the life of a couple. , you go to my eldest aunt, my eldest aunt will definitely look towards you. "

“I’ll tell you about this, don’t roll your eyes, it’s not good-looking.” Hu Yan blocked Shen Yun’s arm.

She is now in the late stages of pregnancy, and the child in her belly consumes a lot of spiritual energy. Now she can only stay here. She is not allowed to do anything at home. She is very bored. She usually either comes to see Shen Yunwan or goes to Watching her grandparents herding ducks and watching them fishing, there really wasn't much to do. Her parents came over to see her at home and wouldn't let her go out. Although the mountains were nice, they were really a bit anxious.

"Okay, I'll take you out for a walk later. I know you're anxious at home." After such a long time, the two of them got to know each other better than before, and Shen Yun knew that she must be bored again.

 “Okay.” Hu Yan agreed without even a beat. "Shen Heng, come here and help me pack my things. We will go out to play later."

Shen Yun looked at Shen Heng who came out from the back of the house and rolled his eyes speechlessly. The couple were playing a double act here. He was their bodyguard when they went out. Forget it, who would let his nephew be in his belly? Bear with these two evil people for a while.

 When the children are born, I won’t be bothered with them.

Bringing the flying carpet, food, and his nephew and younger brother who came over after hearing the news, the entire flying carpet was full of people, and they circled around the nearby hills and towns as if on an outing.

This year, with the provision of foundation-building pills, more people are building foundations. In addition, the school teaches sword flying spells. There are more people flying in the sky, and the people below are not surprised by all kinds of things flying in the sky. Weird.

"Yun, your sister-in-law is about to give birth, so I can't take care of the weapon refining business for the time being." Hu Yan led a group of children to eat, drink and have fun. Shen Hong here began to talk to Shen Yun.

"Then let's put it aside first, my sister-in-law's matters are the most important." Shen Yun had no objection to this. This was something he mentioned casually back then, and then they bought two shops in the town, a weapon refinement workshop and a The alchemy shop buys finished elixirs, which are provided by Shen Heng and his three apprentices.

The business of the weapon refining workshop is to provide materials for refining weapons. Anyway, since someone tried it, the business has been booming. The same is true for the alchemy workshop. Several other powerful people in the family have taken turns to come and inspect the shop. Anyway, the situation at home has gotten better this year.

"I think so too. Please help me persuade Hu Yan, otherwise she won't agree." Shen Hong came over and whispered.

"Okay, I'll help you talk about this matter." Shen Yun agreed. It didn't matter much anyway, so he could take the time to do it himself.

I have basically finished my school work. Now I occasionally practice the Foundation Establishment Pill, and then study the alchemy jade slips left by my ancestors to learn new elixir recipes. There is not much else to do.

 “Thank you, thank you.” Shen Hong whispered to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun waved his hand. There was no need to be polite about this matter. Shen Yun stopped this matter from him when he returned home. Hu Yan heard that someone had done something in the store, so she agreed that Shen Hong would accompany her to take a period of maternity leave.

Although he has been sorting out information this year, Chen Yun has not put down the skills he has learned. He has improved a lot in alchemy, swordsmanship, weapon refining, formations and talismans, and his cultivation has also been slightly improved.

 So some of the orders in the store are not difficult for Shen Yun.

There are also several part-time weapon refiners in the shop, all of whom are students from the school, but they can only refine some simple ones. Shen Yun finished what they couldn't finish and went back. After working for a month and a half, Hu Yan made After confinement, Shen Hong came back to work happily.

Chen Yun went back and took a look at her fat nephew, said hello to the school, told her family, and then went into seclusion to practice. In the past few years, she had done a lot of things. When she came back from town, she felt a trace of The golden light of merit fell again, although not as much as before, but this directly gave Shen Yun an opportunity to advance.

Shen Yun went directly back to the mountain to start a retreat. He waited until the Golden Elixir reached the peak of Dzogchen to stabilize. This retreat took 8 months. By the time he came out, winter had already turned into summer.

Shen Yun stretched himself. The golden light of merit appeared less and less after the rules were perfected. Shen Yun did not expect that this retreat would actually allow him to rise to nearly two levels. The birth of a baby could be completed with just one opportunity.

However, there are no barriers when Shen Yun breaks through. Once the accumulation of spiritual energy is completed, it will be a matter of course.

“Sister, you are finally out of seclusion. Congratulations on the completion of the golden elixir.” The fastest one was Xiao Bengqi, who felt Shen Yun’s breath and flew over directly.

“Yeah, I finally caught up with you.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

"Yeah, but I feel like I'm about to give birth to a baby, probably in the near future if nothing else happens." Xiao Bengqi said naturally, without any intention of showing off.

Shen Yun felt that the existence of Xiaobengqiao was to shock people. He had obviously leveled up very quickly, but he didn't know that there was someone faster than him. However, he didn't give himself any chance to be proud.

 (End of this chapter)

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