Chapter 346 (346) Resigning from this position

The family had not seen Shen Yun for a long time. When they saw Shen Yun leaving seclusion, the whole mountain suddenly became lively again. For lunch, everyone in the family who was outside came back, and two tables were set up in the valley before they could sit down.

Shen Yun greeted each one. In the past few months since he was away, the cultivation of his family members has improved. The three apprentices have also successfully entered the foundation building stage. Even his younger brother Shen Xing has a single spiritual root. , the cultivation speed is very fast, and now it has reached the stage of foundation building perfection.

Seeing that Shen Xing, who was still a child when he came, was already taller than him when he was standing next to him, Chen Yun sighed, but thinking about the thunder disaster that the pill formation was going to trigger, some things still had to be prepared in advance. Yes, the magical weapons used by my family are all refined by myself. The defensive magical weapons used on my body are made from sky spider silk, so they are low-grade spiritual weapons. However, the swords used are all made by myself. The piece of deep-sea black iron on the gate was refined into a medium-grade magic weapon.

It is very difficult to survive the thunder tribulation safely and smoothly with just these two things.

Although I have a lot of inventory in my space, there are many people in the family, so one for each person is basically enough. There are also many magic weapons with mismatched attributes. Even if they are used, they will not be of much use.

"I am out of seclusion this time, planning to go out for some travel. I wonder if any of you want to go out." Except for the year when I went out to find myself, my family has basically not been out much. Taking advantage of this time when I was preparing to have a baby. After a period of time, I can take them out to see them, and maybe they will gain something different.

When Shen Yun said this, the youngest brother responded the fastest. He was even more happy when he could jump around.

"No, you can't go out, you haven't started practicing yet." Shen Yun refused ruthlessly.

People who were a little hesitant at first began to respond immediately when they heard that he was not allowed to go. After all, no one wanted to take a child with them when going out, and their older children did not want to take their younger children out to play.

Little brother Shen felt aggrieved for a second when he heard that he was not allowed to go. Looking at the dishes on the table, he immediately turned his grief and anger into appetite and started eating.

Shen Yun here has also decided on the travel list. Several brothers are looking after the house at home. Shen Yun takes Shen Jian, Shen Xing, cousin Shen Yue, and three apprentices to travel with Xiao Bengqi.

As for the other younger ones, wait until next time, like the three little nephews, one is still in his arms, and the remaining two have just started practicing Qi and have to go to school soon, so taking them out for travel will not be of much benefit.

After confirming the time to go out, everyone went back to pack their things, and Shen Yun had to go to school. She didn't expect that it would take so long for her to retreat this time. She was indeed a bit incompetent at this job. If you have to go out, you will lose a lot of time. Let's see how to arrange it in the past. I am no longer suitable for this job. Fortunately, the preliminary work of the school has basically been completed. Now my presence or absence does not have much impact.

Shen Yun is not a person who is greedy for fame and power. If he wants to continue to advance to the next level, the retreat time will definitely become longer and longer. He should deal with this matter first.

When we arrived at the school, there was no one there. The school was on vacation for the summer. Only a few hard-working people and those who had no place to go were still at the school. The others were teachers and office staff of the school.

The four principals are all working conscientiously in the school, but it seems that Shen Yun is even less dedicated.

Shen Yun could only say hello to each office one by one, and several people gathered directly in the small conference room. "Long time no see, teachers. You have worked hard these days." Shen Yun first expressed his attitude.

"Oh, I know you have something important to do. You have finished all your previous work. This is what we should do. But you didn't come, and we didn't have a strong person to discuss the matter when we encountered it." Several people laughed. said.

"Oh, I'm being modest. Teacher Zhang and Teacher Xue are not weak either. Our school is full of talented people and there are many people who can handle things." Shen Yun also said with a smile, "I have one more thing to do this time with a few teachers. Let’s discuss it.”

“Say it.” When they heard that Shen Yunsang said something was wrong, they all immediately became serious.

"I want to step down from this position. In the future, my personal time may take up more time, and I will also spend more time practicing in retreat. I have basically handed in all the information here. The school is basically on the right track. I don’t have much experience in managing a school, so I may not be able to help you much in the future.” Shen Yun first expressed his thoughts.

Hearing what Shen Yun said, several people looked at each other and said, "Are you unhappy in any way? The school does not restrict you. You can have time to do your own things."

Shen Yun was a special person who was hired after negotiation. At that time, they signed a confidentiality agreement before looking at Shen Yun's information. This little girl is not that simple. With her in charge of this school, at least the school can be guaranteed in the future. There won't be any problems. This is not an ordinary school. Who knows if the students in this school will have troubles in the future. With this Zhenshan Tai Sui here, no one will dare to make trouble.

 So when they heard what Shen Yun said, their first reaction was to persuade.

"There's nothing unhappy about it. I just feel like I have nothing to do. Look, I haven't been here for more than eight months. The school is still running normally, and it's getting better and better." Shen Yun spread his hands. .

“No, that’s not what you said. We know that there is a person like you in the school, and you are not far away. This is a reassurance, you know?

You don’t know the importance of yourself. It’s like a mascot. It’s something that must be there. You don’t need to do anything, and you’ve already done enough things before. If anyone is serious about this school and this society, If you make the greatest contribution, then no one can be ranked in front of you.

The school needs you, and we need you even more. Your existence is a deterrent to some people. You know, there are many people who have various opinions on this school, but because of your existence, we can withstand all kinds of pressure. Because of your strength, all parties will consider it when they want to exert pressure. "Four teachers came together to persuade Shen Yun. They were all well-educated people. When they persuaded people, they did not try to reason with Shen Yun, but they persuaded her sincerely.

 Shen Yun felt for a moment that he had done a lot of great things.

I have to say that some teachers are really good at praising others.

"I'm not as important as you said. This decision was made after careful consideration. I will definitely need a long period of retreat to improve my cultivation in the future. This time it will be 8 months, and it may be 8 years in the future. That's why I feel that I am responsible for This position is a bit inappropriate." Although the other party was sincere, Shen Yun also had his own considerations.

 (End of this chapter)

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