Chapter 38: Cuckold cuckolding

"Hey, Ji Yun, why does your dad seem different from the one I met in freshman year?" After the outspoken Hu Yan greeted Shen Limin, Shen Limin took a closer look and found something wrong.

On the first day of Shen Yun's freshman year, Ji's father drove over and gave her something. She and her roommates had met each other at that time, but Shen Yun didn't expect that they would still remember it now.

"This is my biological father." Shen Yun planned to talk about his life experience later. After all, his name had been changed. If he didn't say this, people would guess more versions.

 “There are still people who are close to this father but not close to each other.” Hu Yan muttered.

"Okay Hu Yan, just say a few words. Didn't you see that uncle is busy? Let's go out first and don't delay things here." Liu Mei grabbed Hu Yan, glanced at Wang Qin next to her, and was about to walk out. .

Shen Yun glanced at Shen Limin who didn't know where to put his hands next to him. He looked at a few friends who were about to go out and stopped them directly.

"This incident also happened during the summer vacation. I originally planned to tell you in detail later, but now my dad is here. I will explain it clearly to you first to avoid misunderstanding." Shen Yun smiled and closed the door, letting the few Students sit first.

When several people heard what Shen Yun said, they immediately looked at each other and sat on the stools a little uneasily.

"So, we are all good friends, and we will recognize you. If it is not convenient for you to say it, then don't say it. Anyway, no matter who is your father, he is our uncle." Wang Qin came to the rescue.

"It's not as complicated as you think, and there's no nonsense. That father was my adoptive father, and this is my biological father. When I was young, the daughter of my adoptive father's family was mistaken by a nurse. The two families had the wrong child. I am I only recognized my biological father during the summer vacation. Now my name is Shen Yun, and this is my father Shen Limin," Shen Yun explained with a smile. Being carried wrongly is not the child's fault, nor is it the adult's fault. It is someone else's fault at work. There is nothing to hide about it, and his own father is not shameful.

"So that's it, uncle, we were wrong. We were also talking about why Shen Yun is so good-looking. Only when you saw uncle today did you realize that you are also a great person among men." A few people threw out their kind words without paying for it.

At the same time, they felt relieved. Fortunately, it was not involved in the divorce, marriage, cuckoldry of their parents as they thought. Comparing the two situations, recognizing the biological parents was simply not a problem.

Shen Limin has never met a girl who is so good at complimenting others, and he was immediately embarrassed when she was praised.

"Okay, why don't you go find a counselor to sign up? Hurry up and ask me what to do about the name change. I will take my dad out for a walk after I finish cleaning up." Shen Yun said The words immediately relieved everyone on both sides.

The three of them quickly said hello and slipped out.

Shen Limin, who stayed in the dormitory, also breathed a sigh of relief.

I have met my daughter, a college student, before. Now I will meet other college students and realize that there are girls with all kinds of personalities.

“Daughter, if you tell this matter to others, will it affect you?” Shen Limin was a little worried. Anyway, he has little influence in his hometown Shangougou, so he is afraid that he will influence Shen Yun.

After all, she has suddenly changed from the daughter of a cadre in the capital to the child of an old farmer in the countryside. I wonder if she will be looked down upon by others.

“Don’t worry, Dad, what impact will it have? I have changed my name anyway. I will have to talk about this matter sooner or later. I can save them from guessing by saying it myself.

 Besides, if someone looks down on me because of my status, then there is no need for me to treat such a person as a friend. "Shen Yun comforted Shen Limin.

 There will definitely be a little impact, but my mind has matured now and I am no longer really eighteen or nineteen years old, so it won't be a big blow to me.

 “Okay, if you are unhappy anyway, just write home, dad...

 Dad goes home and works hard to earn money for you. "Shen Limin thought that even if his daughter was wronged and wrote a letter back, there seemed to be nothing he could do, and he suddenly felt very worried.

“Dad, just tell me whether the physical training I taught you is good or not.” Shen Yun asked with a smile.

"Awesome." Shen Limin didn't know how the topic changed to this aspect, but he still answered seriously. "Yes, I can teach you such powerful things. Do you think your daughter will be very powerful, and will it be difficult for others to bully me?"

Shen Limin only recalled this moment that Shen Yun once said when he taught them how to practice physical skills. If you practice well, you can be as good as ten, and looking at the proficiency of your daughter, it doesn't look like you haven't practiced well.

Shen Limin then thought belatedly that his daughter should be very powerful, and it would not be so easy for ordinary people to bully her.

And this is the capital city, and we are still in a school. They are all students and teachers, so there should be no bad people.

  I feel relieved a lot.

 The two of them worked together to pack their things, and it was already noon.

 “Dad, take you to our cafeteria for dinner.”

“Just buy some steamed buns and make up for the meal. There’s no need to go to the canteen.” Shen Limin wanted to save some money. Things in Beijing are really more expensive than in his hometown.

“Dad, the food in the cafeteria is not expensive. Don’t you want to know what I usually eat when I go to school?”

As soon as Shen Yun said this, Shen Limin was moved. He didn't hesitate and followed Shen Yun directly to the nearest canteen.

Two people spent 1 yuan, and the food included meat and vegetables and soup.

"This is indeed much cheaper than outside." Shen Limin thought about how he bought four buns at the train station for 1 yuan in the morning, and suddenly felt that eating in the canteen was a real deal.

"Okay, let's finish eating. I'll take you around the city later. When you get back, you can talk to your mother and grandparents." Shen Yun urged.

  Neither of us are slow eaters, and they finished eating in a short while.

After dinner, Shen Yun took Shen Limin and prepared to go out through another door. Taking a bus there would lead directly to the Tiananmen area of ​​the Forbidden City.

 When you come to Beijing, you can’t help but go there for a walk.

"Hey, as I was walking, I felt a rustic feeling coming towards my face. It turned out to be Shen Yun who stole my 19 years of happy life. Why, he still has the nerve to come back to school." Shen Yunzheng said to Shen Limin I was thinking about what I wanted to take him to see for a while, when I felt someone blocking the way.

The eyes haven’t seen it yet, but the consciousness already knows who is blocking the road.

 “Where are the wild dogs? They will bark when they stop anyone.” Shen Yun looked directly at the arrogant Ji Momo in front of him.

"Yunyun, that's Momo, not what you said." Hearing the conversation between Ji Momo and Shen Yun, Shen Limin couldn't help but frowned.

Seeing Shen Limin pulling him, Shen Yun directly averted his eyes. Could it be that when he met the daughter he had raised for 19 years, he, his biological daughter, would step aside.

 Heh..., Shen Yun couldn't help but have a sneer on his face.

Tomorrow is 2023. I wish you all a Happy New Year in advance, good health, family harmony, peace, health and success.

Stay away from yang and yang and stay away from yin and yin.

ps. It’s too uncomfortable to be in the sun. (ó﹏ò)

  (End of this chapter)

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