Chapter 39: The old hat in the deep mountains and old forests

"Momo, although you and Yunyun were hugged by the wrong person, it's not Yunyun's fault. It was the nurse who caused you two to be hugged by the wrong person. Besides, Yunyun hasn't been with her parents for so many years. What's wrong with you two? , you have no position to accuse Yun Yun." Shen Limin looked at Shen Yun with a cold face and directly protected the person behind him. There is no need for a little girl to say ugly words and tear her face to the ground.

Only then did Ji Momo notice Shen Limin who was speaking. She had no choice but to go back to the Ji family directly after she recovered her memory. The Shen family had never been there again, so the Shen Limin in her memory was an old man with no ability. The old man, and the one he hadn't seen for a long time, really didn't react when he saw the young Shen Limin.

"Are you Shen Limin?" Ji Momo couldn't help but ask.

Shen Limin didn't expect Ji Momo to ask this question. The two hadn't seen each other for more than a month, so they forgot about it. I couldn't tell what I felt for a moment. "Yes, I am Shen Limin. Now that you two have returned to your own lives, I hope you won't cause trouble like this for the sake of me raising you for 19 years."

"Oh, after raising me for 19 years, I could have lived a life of fine clothing and good food. But what kind of life did your family live for 19 years? I believe I don't need to remind you. Even your family's life is too embarrassing to be related to the Ji family. Bi, you have to remember that your family also has Shen Yun, who will owe me all his life!" Ji Momo said angrily. Seeing these two people, she remembered the hard life she had lived in the past and wanted to buy a silk Since my family couldn't afford the towel, I would only persuade myself that study is the most important thing. Thinking about the time I spent at Ji's house for more than a month, how much advantage Shen Yun has taken over the years,

"I'm not capable of giving you the life you want, but you can't take it out on me either." Shen Limin tried to reason with her.

"You really have no ability. You can't even take care of your own children. What else can you do." Ji Momo doesn't care about anything now, she is full of resentment waiting to be dissipated.

"Yes, my father doesn't have much ability, but didn't your parents who have ability in your mouth still lose you? Why, after a few days of good life back at Ji's house, you treat yourself like a princess, and why? You are full of rusticity. If you are not rustic, why don't you go to heaven? If you step on the ground and get dirt, it will lower your style as Miss Ji.

By the way, the Ji family has a car, so why is there no special car to pick up the princess when she travels? "Shen Yun originally thought that Shen Limin wanted to protect Ji Momo, and his heart was still a little cold, but later he found out that Shen Limin wanted to reason with the other party.

Haven't he figured out what kind of person his adopted daughter is after all these years? She can make three-point explanations regardless of the situation, not to mention that now she feels that she has been greatly wronged.

Shen Yun's words calmed down Ji Momo who was gradually going crazy. After listening to what Shen Yun said, she felt even more secretly angry. In her previous life, the Ji family had been indifferent to her. At that time, she felt that she came back too late. Shen Yun Occupied his own position.

When she came back in this life, her mother and younger brother were very kind to her, so she felt that it was right to come back early. Unexpectedly, within a few days of Shen Yun's departure, her family's concern for her became cold, and her mother became indifferent to her all day long. He would gather around his brother, brother, and father to inquire about their welfare, but he didn't take his newly recognized daughter to heart at all.

Thinking about when I was in the countryside, although I was poor, I was the eldest son in my family. Although my uncle and grandma didn't like me, Shen Limin and Yang Cancan were really kind to me. My family had never encountered a situation where boys were favored over girls. Shen Xing is always the one who comes home by herself.

 For a while, she felt a huge sense of disparity in her heart, but fortunately, the Ji family's life was better than that of the Shen family, which made her feel a lot happier.

Today I came to see Ji Shen. From a distance, I saw Shen Yun's face that could be recognized even if it turned to ashes, so I started to mock him. Now I looked at Shen Yun carefully. He was wearing an indigo shirt, which made his face look even whiter.

Obviously she was wearing the latest fashionable skirt in Beijing, but she didn't look as good-looking as Shen Yun. Shen Yun didn't even tan at all after going to the countryside for so long. Ji Momo felt even more upset. “My home has a car, but my home is close to the school and can be reached in just a few steps. I don’t want some people to come all the way by train.

By the way, look at the latest fashionable clothes on my body. I think the Shen family can only give you clothes made of homespun cloth. Look at this fabric, only someone like you can wear it.

That's right. You and your family are just old people living in the mountains and forests. They are so poor that they don't know anything about fashion. "Ji Momo stretched her hands, revealing her new watch, and adjusted the silk scarf around her neck.

Like a proud peacock, he glanced sideways at Shen Yun and the others.

This outfit is really eye-catching, with a red khaki skirt and a green silk scarf.

This dress looks a bit familiar. It seems that it was worn by cousin Ji last autumn. In spring, she thought it was not fashionable and wanted to throw it away to herself. She was too thin and didn't want it. She didn't expect it to be worn by Ji Mo. Mo picked it up, and now she is showing it off here like a treasure. I don’t know if she feels comfortable wearing an autumn skirt in summer.

Shen Yun secretly wasted his fire-ignition power and quietly raised Ji Momo's temperature.

"Momo, my family doesn't have money, but we will try our best to give our children the best. In the past, our family's conditions were poor. Now that you have returned to your own home, the relationship between us has been severed. From now on, you Don't worry about us old haters looking for you, I also hope you won't cause trouble for Yunyun, otherwise I won't be able to do it, but Yunyun has many brothers, there will always be someone who can protect her in the future." Shen Limin originally looked at Ji Mo. Mo was quite happy and wanted to ask her how she was doing, but after the sarcasm, Shen Limin also understood that the existence of his family was a shame to Ji Momo, and it was his family that allowed her to live. Had a hard time.

Thinking about the fact that she still has things in her bag that she liked before, it seems that she definitely doesn’t like them now, and she doesn’t have to keep them.

"It depends on my mood." Ji Momo originally wanted to taunt them, but suddenly she felt as hot as a fire, and the sweat on her body began to flow out uncontrollably.

Think about the fragrant scent I made today to meet my brother's classmates. If I am covered in stinky sweat later, how will I meet people? I am no longer the unfashionable girl in the village.

Ji Momo glared at Shen Yun and the others fiercely, then turned around and left. She wanted to go home and change clothes.

 (End of this chapter)

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