Chapter 40 Shen Yun, you have fallen

"Dad, let's go, let's go too." Shen Yun looked at Shen Limin and Ji Momo who was walking away, and shouted directly next to him.

 Shen Limin's mood now was not as exciting as when he came out.

However, thinking about Yun Yun's unhappy appearance just now, Shen Limin restrained his emotions.

"Yun, Dad doesn't want to see the Forbidden City today. He has traveled so much this day, why don't he find a place to rest." Shen Limin really couldn't bring himself to be interested.

"That's okay, Dad. There is a guest house outside the school. There are many people today. I will take you to find a place to stay first. Otherwise, it will be dark and you will have trouble finding a place to stay." Shen Yun suggested on his own initiative.

She knew that Shen Limin was in a bad mood. After all, selfish people always live better. It took Shen Limin a few days to accept himself, let alone the daughter he had raised for 19 years. He definitely couldn't let go. It's just not easy to mention in front of me. The two of them could have a good conversation this time, but they knew that the other party was sarcastic and sarcastic towards the two of them as soon as they arrived. It seemed that they were quite resentful towards themselves and the Shen family, but I didn't hear that the other party was in Shen. It is understandable why the family is so angry and can't look down upon him, but why he can't look down on Shen Limin. Could it be because of what happened in his previous life.

Shen Yun thought to himself, and without stopping, he took Shen Limin outside to find a place to live.

Seeing that Shen Limin was not very interested, Shen Yun asked him to rest here first while he went to do the registration.

 After settling in, Shen Yun went back to the dormitory directly, took his information and met his counselor.

"You're back, what happened to you? I just heard what Hu Yan and the others said. Professor Xu also said something, and I understand it. Anyway, no matter how your parents and family are, it is a matter of the previous generation. If you want to live in the future, It's good, you still have to work harder." The counselor took Shen Yun's information and comforted her first.

"Teacher, don't worry, the impact of these things on me has passed. Now that I have changed my name, I would like to ask how to go about this procedure." Shen Yun said with a smile.

"I feel relieved when I see you like this. Just fill in the formalities, prepare the supporting documents, and submit them directly to the Academic Affairs Office. As for your tuition this semester, the awards applied for by Professor Xu and the school have already been released. , your tuition for this semester is free." During the summer vacation, Professor Xu and the others obtained a complete batch of cultural relics. Only when the semester started did they realize that these were discovered by the student in front of them. At that time, he had to know that he was his own student. I would shamelessly go over and take a look, but these cultural relics are not open yet, so I can’t even see them if I want to.

"Teacher Xu actually applied for a reward for me, which helped me a lot. I should thank him when I find the time." Shen Yun didn't say anything about not wanting a reward. He was indeed a little short of money now.

With the help of the counselor, Shen Yun completed the information required to change his name and the registration process was completed.

“Teacher, I won’t disturb you anymore. I’ll hand this information over to the Academic Affairs Office first.”

"Okay, go ahead. If anything happens later or if you need help, just come to the teacher. You're welcome." Thinking about what Teacher Xu mentioned about Shen Yun's current family situation, he looked at Shen Yun who was about to leave. , he mentioned again.

This girl has good grades and a good personality. Helping her to get through her studies smoothly is all I can do as a teacher.

"Thank you, teacher, I will definitely come to you if I need anything." Shen Yun said with a smile and left the office directly.

 The Academic Affairs Office is not close to the teacher's office here. In order to get there quickly, Shen Yun planned to go directly through the path. There is a particularly quiet path in Beijing University, a forest, and a large lake next to it. Across this section of the road is the Academic Affairs Office.

 Normally, many people like to hide here to read or chat with someone, but today school has just started, and it is extremely quiet in the grove, with only some birds chirping.

Shen Yun walked comfortably. When she arrived in the capital, she realized that as a cultivator, she actually liked this quiet environment. It was quiet and the air was much better than other places.

"Brother, that Shen Yun just saw me and sneered at me. He also said that I don't look like a prince when I wear a dragon robe. Over the years, my rusticity has been deeply rooted in my bones. Even if I am now a member of the Ji family, I can't do anything. After all, the Ji family It can only be regarded as a third-rate family in Beijing. "Shen Yun was walking around, but he knew that his hearing was so good after practicing cultivation that he accidentally heard a voice complaining that he had only heard for a while.

 Shen Yun glanced with his consciousness and knew who was over there.

The level of this complaint is too bad. He has only been away for more than a month. What kind of personality he had before, could it be that Ji Shen has forgotten now.

"Are you serious, did she really say that? I didn't expect that she had only left the Ji family for such a short time, and she had forgotten the kindness of raising her. She also mocked the Ji family. Who is she?" Shen Yun really didn't. She was speechless when she thought that Ji Shen, who had been quite shrewd in the past, believed Ji Momo's words so easily.

  Turning around, I wanted to get far away from here in order to avoid hearing some mindless words, but as soon as I turned around, I felt a familiar wave.

 It’s aura!

Shen Yun didn't care that there were two people who were talking bad things about him, and turned around and walked that way.

The source of the spiritual energy is the lake in the school. The spiritual consciousness is directly swept to the bottom of the lake, and the spiritual energy is emitted from the bottom of the lake.

Shen Yun wanted to feel the depth of the lake inside, and then looked at a few people sitting by the lake reading in the distance, and stopped walking as if walking in the water.

 It doesn’t look like a good time during the day.

Shen Yun could only use his spiritual consciousness to carefully determine the specific location of the aura.

"Ji Shen, look, you are still a college student. I didn't expect that she was eavesdropping on our conversation. Look, you have been deceived by her all these years." Ji Momo was talking ill of Shen Yun to Ji Shen. I saw a familiar figure walking by the lake, and I immediately became angry.

"Shen Yun, I didn't expect that you would degenerate after leaving the Ji family, and you would not even have the basic bottom line of being a human being." Ji Shen also said with a cold face.

After I went to college, I was still like a middle-class student, with no progress at all.

"I'm really tired of you two fools talking to themselves. You just said bad things about others behind their backs. Why don't you do it to yourself now? I eavesdropped on your conversation. Why are you so embarrassed? I came to watch the lake just to listen to you. You two are talking, why don't you two feel that you are unethical and farting in such a beautiful place affects people's mood and pollutes the environment?" Shen Yun was looking intently when he was distracted by these two noisy voices. After interrupting, I suddenly felt that my mood was not beautiful. I scanned the place below with my consciousness, and sure enough, the place I had just looked for was messed up by the fluctuation of my consciousness.

 (End of this chapter)

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