The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 41: I can’t even drink water if I don’t have money.

Chapter 41 I can’t even drink water without money

The two people over there were a little confused by Shen Yun's series of words.

"Chen Yun, when did you become so sharp-tongued? I just heard Ji Momo say that you said bad things about our family. I still didn't believe it. Now look at your lack of quality. What kind of things can you do? Not surprised." Ji Shen said with a look of disgust.

“There is something wrong with my brain, so whatever she says is whatever I want. Although I have left the Ji family, I don’t like to gossip about people behind their backs like some people. I am usually unhappy, so I told her face to face.

I think everyone is like you, coming here and whispering bad things about others behind their backs. I have never seen you like this in my life. I am really experienced. "Chen Yun glanced at the two of them disdainfully, turned around and walked towards the Academic Affairs Office building over there. Anyway, there is no way to get this spiritual power during the day, and there are still annoying people, so he should wait until he has time in the evening to come over.

"Brother, you heard it, she said that we are uneducated and have no quality." Ji Momo said angrily. After she came back, she had always behaved well in front of outsiders, and the last thing she wanted to hear was that she was rustic and had no quality. Today she Everyone heard about it from Shen Yun, and they were almost mad to death.

"Okay, it's your fault too. Why is she doing this white-eyed wolf when she has nothing to do? It's bad luck. Go back quickly. Don't come to me if you have nothing to do. Don't you want to get into a good university? If you don't study hard now, do you think Shen Yun is a university? I passed the exam just by walking around every day. "Although Ji Shen was angry, they were the ones who talked behind people's back first. Now he is not only angry at Shen Yun, but also has a bad look at Ji Momo who brought him here.

Ji Momo looked at Ji Shen who was walking away with an ugly face, and then looked at Shen Yun who was walking away. She gritted her teeth in anger, turned around and left the school.

Shen Yun went to the Academic Affairs Office and submitted her materials. The name change was completed. Once the Academic Affairs Office changed the name on her student registration, she would be named Shen Yun in her files from now on.

She walked out of the Academic Affairs Office with a relaxed look, turned around and walked towards the guest house, where Shen Limin was still there.

 Shen Limin was not sleeping when Shen Yun arrived.

“Dad, I was still wondering if it would disturb your rest.” Shen Yun looked at the person who opened the door and said.

"I haven't slept. I'm used to sleeping on a hard bed at home. The bed here is too soft and I can't sleep." Shen Limin explained with a smile, "I will go back tomorrow. There is nothing to do in Beijing anyway. Go back early, your mother and the others will Waiting at home.”

“Dad, didn’t you say you wanted to take a walk around Beijing?”

“Hey, that’s just the way it is in Beijing. I’ve seen it all by bus today, and there’s no need to go to other places. Besides, I’ve never left home. I miss your brother and your mother.

Since you are fine at school, I will go back and won’t cause you any more trouble here. "Shen Limin couldn't sleep here, so he thought about it carefully. First, everything is expensive here, and he just pays for one more person here. Second, he originally planned to visit Momo, but he didn't expect to meet him today. When he arrived, the other party said so many unpleasant things, and he was a little frustrated.

I feel like it’s better to go back to my hometown and find a job to see if I can earn some more money to send to my children.

They can still eat even if they have no money at home, but they can’t even drink water if they have no money outside.

Shen Yun saw that the other party's expression was not false, so he could only nod, "Okay, I'll go home tomorrow. There's a train there tomorrow morning. I'll take you there then. It's too late now, so I'll take you to dinner first."

Hearing that Shen Yun agreed to his return, Shen Limin was happy and followed Shen Yun out for dinner.

The two of them did not choose to stay in the cafeteria at night. Shen Yun saved his tuition, and his hands were a lot looser. He planned to take people out to eat. There were a lot of people shopping in the evening in Beijing, especially near the school. The streets are used for buying food. Shen Limin, who was here for the first time, looked at all the food and felt like he couldn't see through it. "How much money can I make this night?" Seeing people pushing and shoving on the street, Shen Limin couldn't help but wonder. asked.

"Anyway, it's quite a lot. It's easy to make money as a student." Shen Yun heard in his previous life a person who sold food near the school after the opening up. In the end, he earned enough money to buy a house in Beijing and settle down. It can be seen that it is better than working. Earn more.

Shen Yun took Shen Limin around and found a place to eat before sending him back to the guest house.

"Dad, you can just have a night's rest. Get up early tomorrow morning. I'll take you to see the flag-raising at Tiananmen Square. After seeing this, we can go directly to the train station, okay?" Shen Yun thought for a while and said. Shen Limin asked on the way here. I have been thinking about it for a long time, and after traveling thousands of miles, this wish must be fulfilled.

"Can you really see it? Is it far away from here?" Shen Limin hesitated.

"Don't worry, it's not far. You have a good sleep and get up around 4:30. I'll come and take you there then." Shen Yun didn't give Shen Limin a chance to hesitate, and directly agreed on a time with him. He was pushed directly into the house to rest.

Shen Yun walked around the school lake and saw that there were still people there, so he went straight back to the dormitory.

 In the dormitory, several other people have returned.

"Yun, your dad has gone back?" Hu Mei asked with concern.

"No, I'll go back tomorrow. By the way, I'll lend you your bike tomorrow morning. I want to take my dad to watch the flag-raising. There's no bus early in the morning." Shen Yun's previous bicycle was at Ji's house, so he could only ask My roommate borrowed it.

"It's parked at the same place. I'll give you the key. You can ride it yourself." Hu Yan directly handed the key to Shen Yun.


"Why are you so polite? By the way, I haven't asked you where your new home is. Now we are all students from other places. We can go to each other's homes to play in the future." Hu Yan said with a smile.

"My family is from Baiyun Village, Su City. To be honest, the place is very poor, but the scenery there is really nice. By the way, there is also a tomb open during the summer vacation. If you want to go to my house, I will take you to see it. "Chen Yun didn't realize that the place where her home was was worse than other places. She now likes this kind of quiet and nice mountain.

"Okay, okay, I will definitely go over there later to see if a place that gave birth to a beauty like you is a treasure of outstanding people. By the way, why do I feel that your skin is better after this summer vacation? It's like a shelled egg." Hu Yan didn't refuse, but as she spoke, she came directly towards Shen Yun.

 He also called the two people next to him.

Seeing that they were still trying to get started, Shen Yun dodged away.

"Speak as you say. You can only look and touch, no matter what you do." Shen Yun looked at the few people who were about to make a move and warned them sternly.

 (End of this chapter)

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