Chapter 42: What treasure is mud-like?

"Oh, they are all girls. Let's touch them quickly. How did you manage to survive this summer? Is it really because your hometown has good mountains and rivers?" Several people looked closer and drooled with envy. , I was just complimenting the other person’s hometown casually, but now I am really curious about where it is.

"If you want to know why my skin is so good, I will tell you when I have the opportunity in the future." Shen Yun could not say that this was nourished by the spiritual energy of cultivating immortals. He also drank a lot of marrow cleansing liquid that he had practiced, and all the impurities in his body were discharged. , the skin is of course healed.

"No, look at our summer vacation. Our skin has darkened due to sunburn and is not in good condition. Please share it with us quickly." The three of them pulled Shen Yun reluctantly. No girl can refuse a good skin. , the three of them are no exception.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you some of the things I use to wipe my face later. Let me tell you first. This thing is very expensive. It contains a lot of precious medicinal materials. Once you use it, it will be gone." Shen Yun was pestered by three people. I was a little anxious, thinking that when I was practicing the Marrow Cleansing Pill, I would come up with another product and rub it on my face, which could remove impurities from the skin and make the skin better, but it was not as outrageous as the Marrow Cleansing Solution.

I also used some of it on other people’s faces at home. Anyway, my family’s skin has improved a lot, so now it’s okay to give it to my roommates.

However, in order to prevent things from happening later, Shen Yun could only say that this thing is very expensive.

"Really? If it's very expensive, we can pay for it." Several people felt a little embarrassed when they heard Shen Yun say this.

"Okay, just think of it as a gift from me." Shen Yun thought that his roommates were all very nice to him, but he didn't need them now anyway, so it would be okay to give them to them.

Shen Yun used the cover of his bag to take out a small bamboo tube from the space, with light pink frost inside.

“This is Peach Blossom Frost. You bring yourselves over and I’ll give you some.” Shen Yun greeted the three of them.

Although the three of them were a little embarrassed, under the temptation of becoming beautiful, each of them took a small bottle and drank a little. They didn't ask for more. Anyway, in the end, Shen Yun had most of the bamboo tube left.

A few people made a fuss and asked a lot about Shen Yun's family affairs before doing some skin care and falling asleep beautifully.

Shen Yun was lying on the bed but couldn't sleep. His consciousness slowly stretched towards the source of the spiritual energy in the lake.

I carefully explored the bottom of the lake and found nothing strange. The spiritual energy here seemed to be emanating from the mud of the ground, and I couldn't find the source.

Shen Yun was a little curious for a moment, and carefully searched the cultivation materials he had read to see if there were any treasures in the shape of mud.

After much deliberation, I could only imagine the ancient treasure Breathing Earth, but thinking about the spiritual energy fluctuations that I felt were thinner than hair, Shen Yun felt that he must have had too little experience. How could it be such a treasure? It must be I have never heard of it.

Shen Yun felt itchy in his heart, and wanted to go into the space to check information, and also wanted to go out to the lake to explore, but when he felt the roommate next to him turning over, Shen Yun stopped moving again.

The door to the dormitory building is now closed, and I can't fly now, let alone become invisible. If I climb over the wall and someone sees me, there will be rumors of being haunted in the girls' dormitory the next day.

Shen Yun calmed down and carefully started to operate the technique in the dark room, relying on the hair-thin aura to start practicing.

 At four o'clock, Shen Yun opened his eyes refreshed.

Although there is little aura outside, there is no telling how long it will last. Shen Yun wanted to take a look again, but thinking of the time she had made an appointment with Shen Limin, she still held back her thoughts, washed up, and left the dormitory to ride. The bicycle went to find Shen Limin.

When they arrived, Shen Limin had already packed up. The two of them left the guest house room. Shen Yun took Shen Limin directly towards the destination.

"Daughter, are you tired? If you are tired, I'll come down and walk." Shen Limin sat in the back seat and kept asking Shen Yun. He originally wanted to take Shen Yun with him, but he had never learned it before, and it couldn't be learned in a short time.

"You're not tired. Dad, please sit down. We'll be there in a minute." Shen Yun was really not tired. This weight was really not a problem for her.

 When he arrived at the place, Shen Yun didn't even break a sweat.

"Dad, have something to eat. The flag-raising ceremony will be held in a while." Shen Yun handed the things he bought in advance to Shen Limin and ate at the same time.

There are a lot of people here today. Many of them are young people who come with their elders. It seems that they are all students and parents. After all, some people come here only once in their lives. As a Chinese, I will not miss it if I have the opportunity. Flag raising in Tiananmen Square.

 The two of them finished their meal quickly.

 Not long after, the whole square became quiet, and Shen Yun and the others also looked at the flag guard over there quietly.

It was not until the entire ceremony was over that Shen Yun heard Shen Limin next to him exhale softly.

"Daughter, let's go, this trip is not in vain." Shen Limin was very excited at this moment, and his tone of voice rose unconsciously.

 When the two of them arrived at the train station, Shen Limin's mood calmed down a little.

"Yunyun, this money was prepared by your mother and I. You keep it. It's no better outside than at home. When I ran out of money, I wrote a letter home. Dad will send it to you. Be careful outside. Dad knows you are powerful, but you After all, it's a girl's house.

Also, if Momo gives you trouble, just avoid her if you can't deal with her. Anyway, we are here to study, not to make trouble. If you are wronged, don't hold it in. Even if dad is incapable, he still dares to ask who made my daughter feel wronged. "Shen Limin put the money he had carefully packed all the way directly into Shen Yun's pocket, and explained carefully.

“Dad, I still have it, take it back.”

“Just take what dad gave you. There are many people at the train station, so don’t take it out. Dad still has some here. Anyway, I bought the tickets, so I’ll definitely have enough for the trip back.

Alright, go back. I’m about to get in the car, so I won’t tell you anymore. "Shen Limin didn't wait for Shen Yun to refuse. After speaking, he directly carried his luggage and entered the station.

Shen Yun pinched the money in his pocket and looked away. Shen Limin sighed.

Thinking about the things in the lake, Shen Yun didn't stay at the station too long. He called Huang Bin at the post office at the door and told him the time of Shen Limin's arrival, and then he rode towards the school.

"Did you hear that? Our school's Crescent Lake is surrounded by people. Let's go take a look after lunch later." As soon as Shen Yun entered the school gate, he heard someone talking about this matter.

She was stunned for a moment. She had only been away for a morning, and the things she was worried about were already taken care of by others. It seemed that powerful people or organizations were surrounding the lake.

Shen Yun did not stop and rode directly towards that direction.

 (End of this chapter)

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