Chapter 43 The Disappearing People and Fish

From far away, I could see the crowds of people over there, and many students who were watching the excitement were looking around.

Shen Yun parked the car and walked directly over there.

As I walked closer, I saw a group of people in uniform attire, holding things and surrounding the lake. There were also people nearby chasing away the students who were watching the fun.

"Classmate, what is going on?" Shen Yun scanned the lake and the surrounding area with his consciousness, but did not find anything special. Could it be that someone, like him, also discovered the existence of spiritual energy at the bottom of the lake.

Shen Yun's mind was wandering, but the lake was already surrounded. What was that thing at the bottom of the lake was not the most important question right now.

"You don't know, someone fell in this morning and was never rescued or floated up. There may be someone dead in our lake." The boy whispered to Shen Yun, sharing the gossip he had heard.

"Someone fell, what happened? Did he commit suicide?" This happened by coincidence. Why did this happen at this time? Shen Yun carefully recalled whether this happened in his previous life, but found that he did not pay attention to campus gossip at that time. , then I would be busy learning the knowledge in the new textbook.

"I don't know, but I heard from others that the one who fell didn't seem to be a student from our school. There were many parents of students in the past two days. I don't know if that parent was confused about the situation and went into the river to take a bath and something happened." The boy looked next to him. The girl who asked her asked for advice seriously and immediately told her everything she knew.

Shen Yun heard what the boy next to him said and searched carefully with his consciousness again. The situation at the bottom of the lake was exactly the same as what he saw last night. Even the fluctuations of the spiritual energy did not become larger, and no one was found.

But something is very wrong. There are no fish in this lake. Obviously, I could still scan one or two with my consciousness last night. What is going on?

Shen Yun was filled with doubts.

 Looking carefully at the people surrounding the lake, although they are not dressed in conspicuously and look nothing special, it is obvious that these people are much better than the people watching next to them.

 Could it be that these people also discovered the fluctuations and strange phenomena in the lake's spiritual energy, so based on the news of someone drowning, they planned to go directly to the lake to find out.

Shen Yun was still planning to continue watching here, but the people driving people over there came over.

"The special department is doing business. Please leave here, two students." The man had a serious face and looked businesslike.

  Shen Yun did not intend to be aggressive with others, but planned to go further and see the situation.

"Well, I seem to have heard this voice somewhere." Shen Yun suddenly thought of something after listening to the voice of the person behind him urging others to leave.

As a cultivator, Shen Yun can say that his memory has almost reached the level of photographic memory. If he hears a sound, he will definitely not forget it easily.

 Shen Yun turned around and took a closer look at the man who persuaded people to leave.

He is very inconspicuous. If you don't remember it carefully in the crowd, you may not notice this person's existence at all.

 On the whole face, a pair of dark eyes are quite distinctive.

 I have seen these eyes myself.

 Shen Yun was now sure that he had seen this person.

"Chen Yun, what a coincidence, I see you again." Shen Yun was just thinking when he heard someone greeting him next to him.

 Looking up, he saw a handsome face, but his expression was as cold as ever.

 It was severely cold. By the way, she remembered where she had seen that person just now.

  In my last life, I was caught in a laboratory. I was Experimental Subject No. 11. The person just now should have been Subject No. 9, but at that time he had been tortured beyond recognition. Only his bright black eyes were still the same. When we were drained of our spiritual energy, destroyed our spiritual roots, and were waiting for death, I heard him say that someone will definitely come to save us.

Shen Yun didn't know where his faith came from at that time. Anyway, he didn't wait until that time.

Seeing the severe cold, Shen Yun suddenly realized that the person just now should be from the special department. As for what he said, someone will definitely come to save us, he may be referring to the special department. That was the last belief he had alive.

“Captain Yan, what a coincidence, are all your employees over there?” Shen Yun asked the tall man in front of him directly.

"Yes, I don't know if you are interested." Yan Hanyi asked pointedly.

"No! How can I, an ordinary girl, be interested in this kind of thing? Captain Yan, please get busy, I'll leave first." Shen Yun was now sure that Yan Han and his team had something to detect spiritual energy, and this The guy doubts that he can discover aura.

 Otherwise, I wouldn’t want to test myself again and again.

"Okay, since you are not interested in this matter, we can only find out where our missing employee is. Originally, we thought that more people would have more power, but now it seems that we can only rely on ourselves." Yan Han said He didn't say anything to persuade him to stay, but he accurately mentioned the point that Shen Yun was interested in.

Shen Yun didn't expect that what the classmate just said was true. Someone really went into the water and disappeared.

At this moment, she wanted to know where the missing person was and where the missing fish in the lake had gone.

"It's not that I'm not interested at all, I'm just afraid that I don't have the ability and will hold you back here. Since Captain Yan warmly invites you, I'll just watch from the side. After all, it's our school's business. If this matter If we don't solve it, no classmates will dare to come to such a good place in the future," Shen Yun said shamelessly.

 It’s shameful if you lose face. Anyway, you will want to stay.

"Okay, you can just watch from the side. First, understand how our department works, so you can decide whether to join us in the future." Yan Han didn't say anything unpleasant.

  After explaining a few words, he took Shen Yun directly over there.

 Everyone who was close to the meeting has been persuaded to leave. There are still some onlookers from afar, but it does not affect the affairs here.

“Captain, this is Principal Zhou, come here to ask about the situation.” As soon as Yan Han came over, he was grabbed by his team members.

"Okay, I understand the situation. You should make preparations first." Yan Han nodded.

"Hello, Principal Zhou, I am Yan Han, the person in charge of this matter." Shen Yun watched Yan Han greeting people. The serious middle-aged man opposite him should be the school's vice principal in charge of things.

This is the first time Shen Yun has seen him.

"Hello, Captain Yan, this matter has bothered you. It has a great impact. I hope it can be dealt with as soon as possible. Otherwise, the students will be in a restless mood and it will not be conducive to the subsequent teaching work." Principal Zhou should be used to being serious. When he saw other people The people in the department didn’t even have a smile on their faces.

He frowned and seemed very worried about this matter.

"Don't worry, we will definitely deal with it as soon as possible." Yan Han nodded in agreement.

 (End of this chapter)

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