Shen Yun couldn't help but look towards the magma below. There was a small fish there.

"Don't think about it, girl. Although you have an excellent physique, you are not of pure fire spirit root. The true sun fire is very domineering. With your current strength, if you want to refine it, it's not necessarily who will refine whom in the end. Really?" If you want it, you have to wait until you reach the stage of becoming a **** before you can come here and try it." As if he understood Shen Yun's envious eyes, he immediately reminded her that he was really afraid that this girl would kill him before she could reach the level of cultivation. Well, my son was so sad that he died.

Hearing what Aoyang said, Shen Yun's heart that was ready to move immediately calmed down. If he was in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, he could still try it, but now he was in the stage of transformation, which was a big difference in level, so he might as well let it go first.

 Come here if you have nothing to do to exercise your spiritual consciousness. This is a really good place.

"If you remove a big part of the true sun fire inside, the heat will be reduced a lot. You can let the people below to put some light on it. But I want to remind you that during the Qi refining period, it is best not to be around for more than 12 hours per month. , the time of the foundation building period is doubled, and then it is doubled in sequence. The true fire of the sun is the most yang thing. If you stay here for a long time, you may feel like a burning fire. The accumulation of fire poison may eventually lead to the inability to cultivate. Be diligent." Ao Yang said casually as he looked at a row of people sitting at the foot of the mountain practicing.

 Chen Yun really didn't know. If people practice here in a daze, they really don't know what will happen later. Shen Yun quickly bowed and said, "Thank you, senior, for reminding me, otherwise something big will happen."

"It's okay, it's okay." Aoyang didn't care. Not many people in their area knew about this. After all, it was Taiyang Zhenhuo, which was not common.

Now that I know this, I need to talk to the people below. People from special departments need to set up rules here. The treasure of heaven and earth has not been surrendered yet. It belongs to everyone. Shen Yun looked at the shadows at the foot of the mountain. The people came over after the earthquake. This time, people from the special department were blocking the way below, but some people could still be heard having opinions. After all, there was a row of people sitting in front of them, obviously practicing, and Shen Yun and the others were still standing. Whoever encounters such a good thing would not want to come and explore it. After all, the fire spirit cannot be contained.

"Sister, please arrange that matter here. I'll go back and see how my family is doing." Jin Long thought that the true sun fire in his body still needed to be refined as soon as possible, so he couldn't accompany Shen Yun to deal with the next thing. .

"Okay, you go back first, or your family will trouble you."

 Watching the golden dragon leave here, Shen Yun also walked down the mountain.

 The regional leaders of special departments and other leaders are here, including ordinary people and cultivators. Ordinary people can't stand the burning feeling here, so it's not even close to here.

 When Shen Yun passed through the foot of the mountain, he was surrounded by people watching below.

 “What’s going on up there?”

 “Why is it so hot?”

"Has some treasure been born? Why don't you let us go up?" The people underground were very dissatisfied with being held down.

“The above situation has just been clarified. When the special department handles the matter, everyone will be able to get closer.” Shen Yun explained.

"There must be some good things that need to be collected in advance, so they don't let us go up. The appearance of these good things is destined to happen. Why don't you stop us here? Look at the stones below that have been moved. What will happen if we go up later?" Some people are not convinced by Qi Shen Yun's statement, and they have already practiced cultivation. Who is not a little bit rebellious? Those who can come here are those who are better than ordinary people.

Shen Yun glanced at the person who spoke, "There is a big treasure on top. Those with strength can get it. It will be up to you if you dare to take it. As for the stone scattered next to it, it is a kind of ore. This place It belongs to the country, so the ore produced here belongs to the country.

 Do you have any opinions? ” ˆ ˆ The man shrank back in fright from Shen Yun’s eyes. Although there was no emotion in Shen Yun’s eyes, the aura of a Nascent Soul cultivator was not something to be boasted about.

 “No objection.” The man shrank in fright.

"No objection. Then you can choose to go back or practice here. When the specific situation comes out, we will set up a sign here." After saying this, Shen Yun walked directly out of the middle of the road. go out.

There are people from the special department watching here. Shen Yun is not afraid that someone will rush over directly. Even if they pass, the burning feeling will make them retreat. If there really is that kind of chosen one, the little goldfish inside After being caught, I can only say that this matter was destined.

 When we arrived at another hillside, there were many people here this time. Basically, they had met each other a few times and were considered acquaintances.

Shen Yun didn't have any ink, so he called people together directly, called the five main leaders together, and explained what was going on.

"The sun is really fire." Everyone has heard of the sun, but this is the first time they heard about the sun. Shen Yun didn't hide it, and talked about the dangers and opportunities. Although it made a few people jealous, but look at Shen Yun Even in Yun Yuanying stage, they had not used the True Fire of the Sun for their own use. After comparing their own strength, they could only covet it.

"The situation is like this. The fire spirit here is so strong that it constantly attracts cultivators from the surrounding areas. It is unrealistic to surround this place. I suggest that we send someone to manage it and not block cultivators who want to come here to practice. , but the precautions I just mentioned should be marked, and the situation of the real sun should be kept secret for now. For those who like to take risks, they will only die in the magma if they try easily." Shen Yun gave his own opinions on how to deal with it.

 Although Shen Yun doesn't care much about things now, no one will ignore his opinions.

"Okay, we will arrange for people to handle the matter immediately." Shen Yun mentioned the general direction, and they can discuss the details and so on. Several leaders were very lucky that Shen Yun was here this time, otherwise he would suddenly appear This thing will definitely cause panic.

“Okay, then you go and do your work. If you have any questions, we’ll call you.”


The matter has been settled clearly, and Shen Yun is no longer here to delay everyone's work, and has returned to the magma again.

An isolation formation was set up directly above the magma to prevent anyone from accidentally entering it, but it did not isolate spiritual consciousness.

 When you encounter someone stronger than yourself, this formation will automatically disappear.

After finishing these things, Shen Yun went directly back to his mountain. Compared with the collapsed trees outside, his mountain was basically unaffected.

When Chen Yun returned to the valley, he saw that his family members were all there. His eldest aunt and several uncultivated children were surrounded in the middle. Although they were no longer shocked, the situation just now might have frightened people, so everyone was still satisfied. Face wary.

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