“It’s okay, everything outside has been resolved. Didn’t Jin Long come over and say something?” Shen Yun quickly greeted his family members who were still sitting on the ground.

"Having said it, we just want to see if there are any aftershocks from this earthquake. Anyway, we have to take the children to play, so we will stay in the valley." Yang Xiaocao said with a smile.

They cultivators don't worry when it shakes. Because of the protection of the formation, there will be no trees or gravel falling in the mountains. However, the shaking still has some impact on ordinary people. Just now, a few children were scared to cry. This time Playing in the valley slowly made me feel better.

 “Okay.” Shen Yun didn’t force it.

"Come and sit for a while. Jin Long said he would go check on Shen Hong and the others. He should be back soon." Yang Cancan pulled Shen Yun, who had frightened her just now, but when she saw Shen Yun, she finally felt relieved. It's letting go.

"I sent a message to them, but they didn't reply. I don't know what the situation is like over there." There is nothing to worry about since there is a formation at home.

"It should be fine, your brothers and the others are quite powerful now." Yang Cancan glanced at Yang Xiaocao over there. Fortunately, the old lady didn't hear her, otherwise she would have been worried again.

As he was talking, he saw a paper crane fly in.

As soon as Shen Yun stretched out his hand, the paper crane flew directly into Shen Yun's hand, and then an anxious voice came out, "Sister, you guys come to town quickly, something happened at my aunt's house."

It was the voice of the golden dragon. Not only Shen Yun heard it, but also other people in the family. The two old men stood up anxiously.

"What happened, even a kid like Jin Long can't explain clearly?" Yang Xiaocao said anxiously.

"Grandma, don't worry, I'll go over and take a look first." Shen Yun was about to go directly.

"No, no, I'm with you." As soon as Jin Long said this, Shen Guoliang had a bad feeling in his heart, and this time he stood up and swayed a bit.

Shen Yun quickly went to help the person, "Grandpa, don't worry. I'll take you over and have a look. I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Let's go for a walk." The eldest and second uncle also stood up anxiously.

"Go, there is no danger at home anyway, we will take care of the children at home." Seeing the anxious look of the elders, several sisters-in-law quickly stood up and each took their own children.

"Let's go, hurry up." Yang Xiaocao took the apron and didn't bother to pack it away.

"Third brother, you two are watching the children at home. Your eldest, second brother and I and they can just follow Yunyun." Shen Guoliang looked at how if they left, there would only be a few women and children left at home. , if there was nothing he could do about anything, he quickly stopped Shen Limin and his wife who were about to move.

Yang Cancan looked at his nieces and nephews, and then at his own family, "Okay, parents, you go over there. If anything happens, send a message to the family. If it doesn't work, just bring sister and the others back. Anyway, the family is here." Their house is ready."

 “Okay, okay.” Shen Guoliang nodded quickly.

Seeing that they had agreed, Shen Yun didn't say anything else. He took out his flying carpet and everyone who wanted to go sat on it. Shen Yun controlled the flying carpet and walked quickly towards the town.

The situation in the town was much worse than on the mountain. Many mud houses that were in disrepair fell down in the earthquake.

There are also many ordinary people who are injured, and there will be many cultivators and ordinary people helping to rescue them.

 This situation made Shen Guoliang and the others even more worried.

 They were protected by formations on the mountain. They didn't feel this way. Now when we compare them, we feel how good their lives are.

“Yunyun, speed up.” Yang Xiaocao pulled Shen Yun and said. Shen Yun held his trembling hand and increased his speed.

Before reaching Shen's house, Shen Yun felt the aura of the golden dragon and turned directly over there.

I saw several collapsed houses in the distance, with many people surrounding them.

Shen Yun's heart suddenly lifted when he saw Jin Long hugging someone with sharp eyes.

When they got to the ground, the family members hurriedly ran over there.

Shen Yun went over and saw his uncle Huang Song lying in Jinlong's arms. His face was pale this time, and he was breathing heavily relying on Jinlong's aura.

"How could this happen? Aren't you at work? Why are you here and you will retire in two years?" Yang Xiaocao and Shen Guoliang were completely stunned. When they arrived at Jin Long's side, they rushed towards him. The old couple couldn't help but shed tears. flowed down.

 The two people did not get an answer.

 This situation was something Shen Yun did not expect.

"Have you informed my aunt and cousin?" At this moment, several elders in the family were panicking. Shen Yun looked at his uncle and saw that he was seriously injured and had passed out. If it weren't for Jin Long's aura of death Reiki, the person has long since left.

"It's notified. Huang Bin and I have given instructions. He is helping to rescue people and should be here soon. My aunt works in the clinic. There are many injured people today. I don't know where to treat the injured. My uncle's colleagues have sent people to go there. Found it." Jin Long immediately gave the answer.

"Send the person home first, and I'll go find my aunt." Shen Yun made a decision immediately. He could tell what the situation was just by looking around. The house collapsed. There were sounds of crying and howling coming from several places around, and not far from here there was a man lying motionless, with no one around him.

 It seems that my uncle became like this because he was trying to save people.

"That's right, send the person back. You can't leave the child here. Second son, come here and carry him." Shen Guoliang wiped away his tears and began to greet his son.

"Grandpa, let me do it." Jin Long stopped the work directly. Several elders could not stand firmly at this moment. How could they still have the strength to carry people on their backs? He was not so particular and just carried people on his back. His aura was still there. being transported towards the back.

“Let’s go, let’s keep up.” The old couple supported each other, and the uncle and his wife behind them did the same.

“Jin Long, please take care of grandpa and the others, and I’ll bring aunt back.”

 “Okay.” Jin Long nodded, taking care of a few people without any problems.

Shen Yun flew directly into the air, his consciousness spread out, and he found the place where Shen Huaan was within a short while.

"Auntie, there's something going on at home. I'll take you back." Shen Yun landed directly next to Shen Hua'an.

"Hey, Yunyun, why are you here? I'm busy. If you have anything to say, there are few nurses in our town. I'm too busy right now." Shen Hua'an said while stopping the bleeding of the wounded.

“Aunt, my uncle rescued someone who was injured, and the situation is not very good now. I will come and take you back.” Shen Yun said tactfully.

Shen Huaan was stunned for a moment, and the clip in his hand fell to the ground.

"Head nurse, how are you?" Shen Huaan fell directly into Shen Yun's arms. The people who were busy next to him were so anxious that they all gathered around.

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