Chapter 448 (448) Thunder disaster is not so terrible!

"Yes." This order was carried out in an orderly manner. This was prepared several years in advance, so it did not cause any dissatisfaction.

  After all, ordinary people living in the mountains actually have a lot of inconveniences. Now that they can move to a convenient place outside and receive subsidies from the state, I don’t know how happy everyone is. They followed others with their belongings one by one.

“Marshal, shall we evacuate too?” the person behind asked in a low voice.

The marshal raised his head and looked at the mountains in the distance. He gestured to the practitioners who were working hard in front of him and gestured to the people behind him. A group of people began to evacuate the place in an orderly manner.

 The observation point is far away, and ordinary people still have a strong fear of thunder and lightning.

 Shen Yun and the others on the other side of the mountain did not pay much attention to what happened at the base below the mountain. Everyone was focused on practicing.

 So many people practice together, creating an inexplicable aura. It feels like practicing can get twice the result with half the effort.

This is not only the feeling of Chen Yun, but also the feeling of those who came later to participate in the practice. As for the 40,000 people, they were used to practicing together before. They thought this feeling was magical at first, but now they are used to it. , but I feel that this time the feeling is a little stronger than the previous trainings.

The people above are practicing cultivation and don't feel the change of time, but the people watching below are constantly busy.

External communication and coordination, domestic cultivation and scientific research are being carried out urgently. Those in the middle stage of foundation building are taking advantage of this time to work hard towards the foundation building perfection or even the golden elixir. The golden elixir is thinking about working hard to see if they can reach Nascent Soul. , to provide some help for the next thunder tribulation.

As for the valley of the Shen family, it still looks like it has been peaceful for many years. Ordinary people do not know about such an important matter. If it spreads to the whole world, I am afraid that the whole country will be in chaos before long, and the higher ups will not allow it. This happened.

 So except for Shen Yun, Shen Jian and Shen Hong, no one else in the Shen family knew about it, including Huang Bin.

At this time, the family gathered together to celebrate the 100th birthday of the old man Shen Guoliang, and invited many guests.

But as the protagonist, Mr. Shen Guoliang, kept a straight face in the room.

"Okay, dad, don't be upset. Didn't you see that the three children have sent the message? Shen Jian and the others can't take vacations at will. This is also a critical moment of cultivation. There is really no other way. Don't stop It's embarrassing for the second and third brothers." Shen Libo looked at his younger brother who was standing next to him and holding his head. He was already very old and still had the main task of teasing his father.

"I'm not trying to shame your father. If you're not happy, I'm thinking about my own grandchildren. There's no one else here, just a few of my family. Don't worry, you won't be like this when you go out for a while. You all go out to greet the guests. "Don't get in my eyes." Shen Guoliang waved his hands impatiently, who likes to look at his son's face.

"Dad, we know you miss your grandson, but there are your grandsons and grandsons outside, all waiting to wish you a happy birthday. How about we calm down first and go out to sit for a while." Shen Limin tried. said.

"After all, they are all grandsons. You guys don't have the ability to give me more granddaughters. You can't even live up to your grandson's expectations. So far, I don't even have a great-granddaughter. Our old Shen family's yang is prosperous and yin is declining. When will we be able to give birth to more granddaughters for me?" Balance." Shen Guoliang glared at his sons and lectured.

The spirit seems to be better than that of Shen Libo.

"It's our fault, it's our inability." Uncle Shen and Uncle Shen apologized with a grimace. They were already in their seventies and eighties. After coaxing their grandson, they still had to coax their father. How happy they were!

"Dad, why don't you go out? Everyone is almost here. They are all waiting to see you, the birthday boy. Thanks to your blessing, come out with me quickly." Shen Huaan listened outside the door and pushed directly. The door came in to relieve the three brothers.

Sure enough, Shen Guoliang's complexion improved a lot when he saw his daughter.

 Under Shen Hua'an's persuasion, he stood up and walked out vigorously.

 “The old man is in really good health.” When the guests outside saw Shen Guoliang’s strong appearance, they immediately praised him. Looking at the men standing next to them, I felt even more envious.

 The Shen family is prosperous.

The banquet here is going on lively, but thousands of miles away on the Kunlun Mountains, dark clouds are already rolling in.

Shen Yun, who was meditating in meditation, felt the strange movement in the sky. He opened his eyes, glanced at the mountains next to him, and then looked up at the large dark clouds that were gathering quickly above.

 What we have been waiting for for so many years is finally here.

At this moment, not only did Shen Yun feel that the thunder disaster was coming, but many people below also felt that the spiritual energy in their bodies had reached the spiritual realm.

Thinking of the lectures they had listened to below, they no longer paid attention to the visions in the sky, and quickly packed up the supplies they had received on the mountain, ready to use them at any time.

Shen Yun was not so panicked. He only put on the defensive magic weapon that Yao Yang had given him before and waited for the thunderstorm from the sky to strike.

Only by leading the thing out first, and the people below can then go through the thunder tribulation, can it consume its spiritual energy and let the heaven discover the existence of this thief.

The dark clouds in the sky were so low that the entire Kunlun Mountains seemed like another world. The sky was completely dark. Ordinary people could not see the trees in the mountains.

Shen Yun could feel that many people on the mountain opposite opened their eyes and began to work. They must have sensed the coming thunder disaster.

Looking at the lightning billowing among the dark clouds above her head, she couldn't help but smile.

  At this moment when the dust settled, I realized how anxious I had been over the years. At this moment, I calmed down. Life and death were nothing, after all, I had lived two generations.

Shen Yun raised his head and saw that the clouds were getting lower and lower. As if they couldn't wait any longer, a bolt of lightning struck down quickly.

There was a loud banging sound, attracting the attention of the people around who had already felt the golden elixir promotion.

“Is that the powerful one on the mountain over there? I didn’t expect that she survived the thunder tribulation before us.” Some people murmured, while some people looked at the top of the mountain over there with concern and without blinking.

After a flash of lightning, the figure on the mountain remained motionless, as if the thunder that had just been struck was not as thick as half the top of the mountain, and was just a drizzle.

This actually gives the people below a little more confidence. Thunder disaster is not so terrible!

Chen Yun on the mountain really didn't feel much about the first thunder. She originally had a defensive magic weapon on her body, and her blood was purified by dragon blood. She had not given up her body refining skills for so many years. The first thunder passed by. Her body only felt a little numb.

 After feeling that Shen Yun was about to enter the tribulation period, the guy in the sky opened his eyes. Thinking that the first prey was about to be obtained, the thunder in the sky flashed even more powerfully.

 (End of this chapter)

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