The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 449: (449) If Shen Yun hadn’t worn two pieces of clothing on his body,

Chapter 449 (449) If Shen Yun hadn’t worn two pieces of clothing on him, the scene would have been a bit ugly.

 The first lightning did not cause any damage to Shen Yun, and he immediately controlled the second lightning to strike down.

The ninety-nine and eighty-one thunder tribulations in the Tribulation Stage are enough to chop Chen Yun into pieces without any resistance. Then is his chance. The spiritual and physical power of a cultivator who is close to the Tribulation Stage is enough for him to seize the plane. He recovered from his injuries.

As for the auras of the other golden elixir thunder tribulations, he didn't pay attention at all. These were all spare spiritual powers, and he could still afford to consume the power of several thunder tribulations.

Thunder calamity struck one after another. Even though Shen Yun's physical strength was strong, he couldn't help but vomit blood when the tenth thunder calamity struck.

The people below did not see the blood that was quickly wiped away from the corner of Shen Yun's mouth, but were filled with admiration. After all, after ten thunder tribulations, the person still sat firmly in place, and this thunder tribulation looked more terrifying. There is still a lot of hope to survive. Although their strength is low, the number of thunder tribulations is small, and the confidence of the people below is greatly increased.

The thunder calamity in the sky followed the thoughts of the people below and gathered quickly. Then the first thunder calamity struck the mountain here. It was like a switch was turned on, and the thunder calamity struck people in different places. Go, thunder rang incessantly on several surrounding mountains. People who were still looking at Shen Yun immediately withdrew their eyes and began to concentrate on dealing with their own thunder disaster. Although they were more confident, no one had underestimated the thunder falling from the sky. The thunder disaster.

 The thunder calamities of the underground people sounded one after another.

The family above didn't seem to expect that so many people were going through the Golden Elixir Tribulation. Even the thunder that struck Chen Yun paused. Shen Yun quickly stuffed a pill into his mouth to repair the wound just now.

The guy in the sky was stunned for a second, as if he was made more impatient by the situation below. The thunder that struck down became more and more fierce. He wanted to take down Shen Yun as soon as possible, so that he could be faster The absorbed energy can also make up for some of the losses caused by this thunder disaster.

As for hacking to death all the people who are using the Golden Dan, he would not do such a stupid thing. These are all his spare energy packs, and they have consumed so much of his spiritual energy. He will not let the following people give up halfway in their cultivation.

What Shen Yun wants is his mentality. With more and more people down there, it will be impossible for the guy above to control him. With so many people gathered together, their luck will skyrocket. Not a fake like him can do that. If they control it, then the true way of heaven will be awakened, and that's their chance.

 Thirty rays of thunder struck down, and Shen Yun was already in a state of embarrassment. The cassock given to him by Senior Yaoyang had become tattered. If Shen Yun hadn't put two of them on him, the scene would have been a bit ugly.

 The flesh on his body was scorched black by lightning, and the speed of repair could no longer keep up with the speed of lightning's destruction.

Shen Yun looked at the hair that had fallen off on his body, and then at the thunderstorms that were still gathering in the sky, and blurted out a national curse, "This guy is so shameless, he must kill himself."

Then I will definitely not be able to fulfill his wish.

 After stuffing a handful of pills into his mouth, Shen Yun directly struck the oncoming thunder and lightning with his Qingfeng Sword.

Amidst the lightning strikes, everyone else sat there obediently.

If anyone could take the time to look up and look into the distance, they would see Shen Yun on the distant hill. Shen Yun was already fighting with Lei Ding. He was smashed into the ground again and again, and stood firm with his sword in hand again and again. He stood up, raised his sword and continued to charge upward.

And more and more people are opening their eyes, and more and more people are starting to go through the Jindan Thunder Tribulation.

Originally, it was expected that all these people's thunder tribulations could be overcome in about a month, and the guy above would be no match.

But now I don’t know if the auras were linked during the previous practice and influenced each other. Coupled with the rumbling thunder and the fluctuation of spiritual energy, unless it is a dead person, there will be no one sitting next to me who can’t feel it. , with this effort, I feel that my state of mind has also broken through, and the golden elixir knots are coming quickly one by one.

The guy in the sky who was still playing with Shen Yun carelessly quickly felt something was wrong. In the past few years, there were 8 people who crossed the golden elixir realm in this plane. In this moment, thousands of them have appeared. Moreover, the number is still increasing rapidly. The spiritual energy in his body is also being consumed rapidly because it has to supply the thunder tribulation. He has now replaced the position of heaven in this plane. It is impossible to stop the thunder tribulation and can only be increased. Or decrease. But even if it is reduced, with so many people, his spiritual energy is not enough to consume.

The number of people experiencing the tribulation in the entire area below has reached tens of thousands.

 The face of a huge figure in the void became increasingly ugly.

 It seems that the group of little bugs below discovered their existence. Who sued them?

 Must be the two little mice who escaped from this plane.

But if tens of thousands of people want to destroy themselves, they think that they are too weak.

 The giant shadow was about to get up and see what the plans of these little bugs were.

 But as he teleported to the sky above the planet, more lightning disasters appeared, and the spiritual energy on his body was torn away uncontrollably.

"The ants also want the **** of war, so they don't overestimate their own capabilities." He is in urgent need of energy replenishment now. The following golden elixirs are too weak and will not be of much use even if they are absorbed. However, Shen Yun is fighting against the thunder calamity not far away. But he saw it.

 The situation changed as the palms moved, and the lightning that hit Shen Yun became faster and stronger.

As expected, the force was increased. Shen Yun, who had been able to stand up just now, was knocked to the ground and could not get up for a long time.

 The hand moved to his mouth with difficulty, and a large amount of spiritual elixir and spiritual spring entered from Shen Yun's mouth.

 Feeling the lightning strike on my back again, I didn’t even have time to breathe.

Looking at the scale shield, a defensive weapon on his body that had not yet been activated, Shen Yun directly wiped his own blood on it. The blood disappeared in an instant, and the defensive weapon emitted a faint light, directly protecting Shen Yun's body.

The defensive magic weapon took over three thunder tribulations, giving Shen Yun a chance to breathe, but there were still more than thirty thunder tribulations to come. The light of the defensive formation had dimmed, and she had to rely on herself next. .

Shen Yun endured the pain in his internal organs, sat up, and looked at the people on the surrounding mountains who were trying to resist the thunder.

Most of the tribulation points were lit up, and only a few people did not enter the tribulation state. Thinking about the more explosive lightning strikes hitting them, it seemed that the guy above was already getting anxious.

Shen Yun raised his head and glanced upward, as if he could see something through the clouds.

 He was anxious, which shows that their approach worked.

 (End of this chapter)

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