Chapter 450 (450) A little insect dares to insult the gods

Then, let’s see who can keep calm.

As long as they persist, the opponent's strength will be weakened. As long as they are not killed by the opponent, if they persist, they may be able to meet the opponent face to face.

Shen Yun thought optimistically, but when she saw the thunder falling from the sky again, she quickly concentrated her attention.

 The short period of repair she had just had allowed her to recover a lot of physical energy and a lot of spiritual energy. She still looked embarrassed, but this time she felt some inexplicable confidence added to her heart.

 So the condition is pretty good.

After receiving a thunder tribulation, he immediately adjusted his state. Thinking that there were still many weapons left by his ancestors in his own space that had not yet been divided, Chen Yun did not hesitate. As long as he got through this incident, he would use weapons and other things in the future. Just find a chance to refine it, it's all external.

 With the help of weapons to resist, it was easier for Shen Yun to deal with the violent thunder disaster.

However, the man above him was so angry that his face was ferocious. The spiritual energy on his body was constantly being consumed. A white dot appeared in the void in the distance, becoming more and more conspicuous. He knew that it was the Tiandao who had been deceived by him.

 At this time, so many people are going through the thunder tribulation, and it seems that the movement and luck generated cannot be concealed.

As long as that guy wakes up, I can only give up this plane. But looking at so many people who are going through the tribulation below, my heart becomes more and more unwilling. I have been guarding this place where the bird died for so long, and finally... Who can be willing to get nothing at all?

The other party's eyes passed over the group of people on the mountain who had not yet successfully survived the Jindan Tribulation, and his eyes directly locked on Shen Yun who was continuing to survive the Tribulation over there.

Although my cultivation level is one step short of reaching the stage of overcoming the tribulation, I still manage to make some use of it.

Stretched out his big hand to grab Shen Yun below. No matter what, he couldn't return without success.

Shen Yun, who was resisting Lei Jie, couldn't think that the other party saw that heaven was about to appear, and immediately turned his face. When he felt a shadow that was difficult to ignore in the sky, it was too late to want to turn over and escape.

Grabbed by a big hand, Shen Yun felt like he had been struck by lightning and his injured internal organs were about to be crushed.

The most embarrassing thing is that after I was caught, thunder and lightning would continue to appear and hit me.

This movement obviously shocked many people who were going through the tribulation or about to go through the tribulation nearby. Thinking about the confidentiality agreement that they had come to sign before, it seemed that the person they were going to deal with this time was this guy with a hand bigger than a mountain.

People always have inexplicable fear when facing creatures larger than themselves, but looking at the people who were captured above, they still chose to pick up their weapons.

Although Shen Yun was caught, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the actions of the people on the mountain below. "Don't worry about me yet, continue to overcome the disaster." Shen Yun's spiritual energy roared downwards.

"Little insect, you can hardly protect your own life, and you are still in the mood to care about other things." The owner of the big hand also clearly heard Shen Yun's voice, and the angry voice came down from the clouds.

Not only did Shen Yun, who was about to faint, hear it, but the people below could hear it clearly.

 People like you are like small bugs in the eyes of others. It is easier to crush them to death than to crush an ant.

Think about it, there were still many people who didn’t understand the above approach. After all, the danger is only when you reach the Tribulation Stage. In fact, many people’s qualifications cannot rise to the Tribulation Stage.

 But now when I hear the other party say this, I think about my descendants who will be directly manipulated like this, and I feel a sense of reluctance rising from the bottom of my heart. The people below did not bother to use their meager strength to fight against the big hand, but continued to work hard to survive the thunder tribulation. As long as the opponent's spiritual energy was exhausted, the captured person would naturally be saved.

Some people are busy practicing, while others are **** in the palm of the opponent's hand and cannot move, and are struck by lightning.

"Who are you?" Shen Yun asked weakly, but he didn't expect that the guy above could hear him.

He saw that the prey he was about to get was now controlled in the palm of his hand, and he was not worried that he would catch nothing after the Heavenly Dao appeared. He planned to wait for Shen Yun's thunder tribulation to be over before absorbing her energy.

Anyway, he can't leave now even if he wants to. The Heavenly Dao over there has not yet fully awakened, and the thunder tribulations of those below are still connected to his body. Even if he wants to escape, he will continue to be weak for a while, so it is better to wait for the following. All these little bugs have turned into golden elixirs, and if they are all destroyed together, the mosquitoes, no matter how small they are, are still meat, and now he no longer dislikes them.

“I am a great ancient god, not something.” He was very unhappy with the disdain in Shen Yun’s tone. Even an ant would use such words to talk to him.

"Oh, the Ancient God Clan is not a thing." Anyway, he would be struck by lightning and his body would be controlled. He could not die or resist. Shen Yun could only live with his mouth. After speaking, he spit out a mouthful of blood and sprayed it directly. On the opponent's hand, Chen Yun thought that he was spitting on him. Anyway, it was through his mouth.

He said it was nothing just now, but now he felt a little uncomfortable when he heard what Shen Yun said. Although he had been sleeping for many years and his mind was a little confused, he also knew that it was not a good thing to say.

“You little bug, you still dare to insult the gods.” The other party sneered and continued to tighten his palms.

Shen Yun felt that his body was about to burst for a moment, and the blood in his mouth poured out as if it was free of money.

  "Kill me now if you can." Although my body hurts terribly, it is impossible to admit defeat.

"Hahaha, I'll kill you. It won't be easy for you. If you insult the gods, you can only become a tribute to the gods." Thinking about Shen Yun's fate in the end, he felt relieved. He had to sacrifice himself anyway. Still paying attention to what this little bug said has not lowered the style of their ancient **** clan.

He ignored Shen Yun's yelling and focused on the increasingly brighter white mass in the void, ready to stop and run away at any time.

With the green hills left behind, there is no need to worry about running out of firewood. The ancient gods have few people, and life is more important than anything else.

 Shen Yun here really felt like he was going to die, with the loss of a lot of blood on his body and the lack of spiritual energy.

Thunder and lightning struck at the body mercilessly, and now it was just a chance to survive in the palm of the opponent's hand.

 Perhaps this time we really have to say goodbye.

 In an instant, a mouthful of blood gushed out again after being struck by lightning.

  Shen Yun used his last spiritual energy to release the magic pen in his sea of ​​consciousness. No matter what the outcome would be, if this thing stayed, even if there were any changes in the world in the future, the Mountains, Rivers, Society and Country Map would be the last retreat for mankind.

 After the magic pen flew out of Shen Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, she fell into a coma.

 (End of this chapter)

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