Chapter 5 The birthmark on the shoulder

"How can my adopted daughter become the biological daughter of an adult family? I don't agree!" Shen Limin said excitedly. He felt that the girl in front of him was talking nonsense. He had been fooled by her appearance, but now he said it again Her daughter is someone else's, so she wouldn't want to say that she is his biological daughter.

 Nonsense, even though my daughter is not so good-looking, she has been raising her for more than ten years.

"It's just that the Ji family has no daughters. It's unreasonable to rob our granddaughter. Although our family is poor, we are not the family that sells children. Tell me what the status of the Ji family is in Beijing. "The old lady was so angry that she even put aside her suspicions about Ji Yun.

Ji Yun looked at the anxious expressions of the two people and felt a little strange in his heart. He had never experienced this in the Ji family for so many years. Now seeing his relatives caring about Ji Momo in front of him, he couldn't help but think that without this chaotic life, his own life would have been different. Will life be a little different?

"Can you calm down and listen to me?" Ji Yun said calmly.

These two people were also concerned and confused, and did not think deeply about what Ji Yun said at all.

 Shen Limin was not so excited when he heard Ji Yun say that Ji Momo was fine.

"You just said that Momo is the biological daughter of the Ji family, then you...?" Shen Limin also realized this calmness. Just now, the girl seemed to have said that he should be her biological father.

“I hugged Ji Momo wrongly when I was little.” Ji Yun said directly.

Huang Bin was dumbfounded as he listened. At first, he thought that his uncle was sorry for his aunt, but now the matter has changed in another direction. He must listen carefully and go back and talk to his mother.

 “The wrong hug!” The old lady reacted. If she hugged her wrongly, it meant that the girl was born to her daughter-in-law, and there was no need to worry about the relationship between the daughter-in-law and her son.

"Shen Limin, you are really capable. Your own children can admit their mistakes. Look how much this child looks like you. I'll tell you that this child is your child. You still don't admit it." The old lady took Ji Yun's hand directly. , began to complain about his biological son. As for the suspicion that Ji Yun was born by another woman, that does not exist, there is no such thing.

The old lady accepted it quickly, but Shen Limin did not accept it so quickly. After all, it was the daughter he had loved for nineteen years. Now that someone who looked like him said that the daughter was not his own, could he believe it?

 “Do you have any evidence?” Shen Limin asked with a frown.

"Little uncle, what evidence do you need? Look how much she looks like you. Besides, look at her clothes. They are all good clothes. How could such a person come to lie to you, a poor old farmer?" Huang Bin I couldn't stand it any longer, so I pulled Shen Limin aside and whispered.

"Then I have to figure it out. How can I explain this to your aunt? This is so unclear. This girl is a good girl, and I have to make sure that what she says is true. The relationship that has lasted for more than ten years cannot be... It's gone if you say no." Shen Limin shook his head helplessly.

"Then if she is really a cousin, won't she be sad if you say that?" Huang Bin said softly.

"Sad, I should be sad! The person I have loved for more than ten years is not my own daughter, and I don't know if anyone else loves my own daughter. Can't I be sad?" Looking at Ji Yun's face, Thinking about the inexplicable feeling of closeness in his heart, Shen Limin's heart couldn't help but waver.

Seeing Shen Limin's troubled look, Ji Yun thought for a while and said, "I heard from my adoptive mother that I was born in the Township Hospital of Jinhua Town. It was the 10th of July. It happened to rain heavily that day, and a group of people came to the hospital because of a landslide. For the injured, there were few people in the hospital at that time, so it was quite chaotic. "Ji Yun didn't have any real evidence at this time. He wanted to do a genetic test, but he didn't have the connections now.

"That's right, when Cancan had her first baby, Limin, you were so scared that you had to send her to the hospital in the town. It was the only hospital in the village. Do you still remember, Limin?" The old lady has a good memory. Well, when Ji Yun said this, he remembered what happened back then.

Now the old lady was more sure that what Ji Yun said was true.

Shen Limin nodded. Of course he remembered this. When his wife gave birth to a child, his mother went to her eldest sister's house to make food, and she was still taking care of the child. "By the way, I have a red petal-like birthmark on my shoulder." Ji Yun said.

If it can't be confirmed again, there is nothing I can do for the time being. Since God doesn't allow me to recognize each other now, it means that the fate has not yet arrived.

 I can only find other ways to take care of the Shen family.

"Wait a minute, I'll ask." Surprisingly, when he heard Ji Yun say this, Shen Limin hesitated a little, turned around and ran down.

“Grandma, why don’t we go down too? It’s quite a long walk from the town. This…”

"My name is Ji Yun for the time being. If possible, I hope to change it to Shen Yun." Ji Yun said bluntly. She didn't want to have too much contact with the Ji family, otherwise the Ji family would think she couldn't bear to leave their family.

"My cousin is also tired, let's go back and have a rest." Huang Bin didn't have so many entanglements and said directly.

Anyway, he looked at her like his cousin, gentle, gentle and polite, soft-spoken, unlike Momo, who always seemed to have a little thought in people's eyes.

"Okay, let's go down first, but Binbin, don't make any noise." The old lady took Ji Yun's hand and walked downstairs. She walked to Shen Limin's house and said hello, then continued walking downstairs.

 “Where are we going?” The matter has not reached the final step yet, and Ji Yun will definitely not leave now.

“Come to my house, I will cook, and we will eat at our house today.” The old lady said with a smile.

Ji Yun felt the kindness of the old lady and didn't understand why she seemed to accept it faster. Could it be that she didn't like Ji Momo, Ji Yun guessed.

Ji Yun followed the old lady to the main house of the Shen family. The terrace where the house was located was not small, and there were many rooms. Ji Yun took a quick look and saw that there were seven or eight houses, which were much larger than the houses he had seen in the village.

 She was arranged to sit at the table under the jujube tree in the yard.

Huang Bin didn’t know what he was asked to do by the old lady. Anyway, he didn’t see anyone when he came back.

The old lady took the dish and sat next to Ji Yun, looking like she was going to have a deep conversation.

"Do you have anything to ask?" Ji Yun looked at the old lady's eyes and looked at himself from time to time without saying anything. His straight back was a little stiff.

Ji Yun is really a bit introverted. In the past, she would not take the initiative to talk to strangers unless she had to. But now that she is facing her own grandma, and she will have to interact with her often in the future, Ji Yun still forces herself to take the initiative. The first step.

“Child, can you let me see the birthmark on your shoulder?” Before the old lady could answer, she heard a female voice coming from the door.

Ji Yun looked up and saw a pregnant woman with a big belly walking towards this side quickly, throwing away Shen Limin's support.

 (End of this chapter)

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