Chapter 6 Acknowledging relatives

“Cancan, why are you down here?” Before Ji Yun could speak, the old lady next to him quickly walked over and helped the person over.

"Mom, don't worry, I heard what Limin said, come down and take a look." Yang Cancan held Yang Xiaocao's hand and talked to her, but looked straight at Ji Yun.

Ji Yun stood up directly. This must be his mother, but Ji Yun was a little confused as to why he hadn't seen her in his previous life.

“Can I see the birthmark on your shoulder?” Yang Cancan asked again. Looking at Ji Yun’s face, and thinking about what her husband had just said when he went back, Yang Cancan began to have serious doubts.

"Okay." Ji Yun nodded. The birthmark was on his shoulder. He had it since he was a child. There was nothing he couldn't see.

 The two of them followed the old lady directly to her room to look at the birthmark.

Ji Yun's birthmark is on her left shoulder, which is light red like a petal.

As soon as Yang Cancan saw the birthmark on Ji Yun's shoulder, he was so excited that tears fell down.

Ji Yun was startled and quickly supported her.

"Cancan, what's wrong with you? Don't cry. We have something to talk about. You still have a baby in your belly, so you can't be so excited." The old lady quickly advised.

“Mom, please call Limin in.” Yang Cancan cried.

Yang Xiaocao didn't respond, so he raised his voice and shouted outside.

 Shen Limin came in very quickly.

As soon as he came in and saw Yang Cancan crying, he immediately came over and said, "What's going on? Why are you crying when everything is fine? The child is still here, and there is another one in your belly. No matter what the outcome, let's calm down first." Shen Limin coaxed softly.

Yang Cancan calmed down a little when he heard Shen Limin say this.

 “You’re right.” Yang Cancan wiped away her tears.

“Child, I just want to ask, it’s been confirmed over there that Momo is their biological daughter, right?” Yang Cancan asked, holding Ji Yun’s hand.

“Yes, I asked someone to do a paternity test abroad.” Ji Yun nodded.

“That’s right, the hospital in the town is not big. When I gave birth, there were only two of them giving birth, including me.

Later, someone was injured in a landslide, and many injured people were admitted to the hospital in the town. It was probably the two children who got into trouble at that time. Yang Cancan said after thinking for a while.

She had just given birth not long ago, and before she left the delivery room, she heard the rush outside. There was no dedicated obstetrician in the small hospital in the town. At that time, she and the woman next door had just given birth not long ago. The doctor hurried out, and there was only a little nurse left inside. It was probably that the two families had mixed up their children at that time. After all, looking at the way Ji Yun was dressed now, it was impossible for someone to deliberately mix up the children. .

Ji Yun couldn't help but nodded when she heard Yang Cancan say this. The results she found in her previous life were like this. When the nurse was cleaning up the two children, she accidentally made a mistake.

Later, the mother was weak, and the children were taken care of by family members. The children were all the same when they were born. In addition, the children grew up quickly, and they changed in two or three days. I probably didn't expect that the children were not their own.

"It's all my fault. When you were born, the doctor took a look at me. At that time, I noticed the red mark on your shoulder. When it disappeared, I asked the doctor. The doctor said it might be the red mark caused by the squeeze in the birth canal during birth. Yinzi, I didn't take it to heart, I never thought it was the child who caused the problem." Yang Cancan couldn't help but blushing again as he spoke. Ji Yun looked at the people with red eyes and said consolingly: "I can't blame any one person for this. I can only say that the conditions at the time were too bad."

After what Yang Cancan said, Shen Limin, who was still a little skeptical at first, also dispelled his doubts.

Looking at the daughter in front of me, thinking that the daughter I had raised for 19 years left without saying a word, I still feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, let's all be happy. This is our child. We must treat the child well in the future. Momo's child will have his own parents to love him in the future. His parents' conditions are not bad. You can keep it in mind, but don't worry about it." Yang Xiaocao looked at the faces of his son and daughter-in-law, and immediately said, let's make the matter clear first, so as not to hurt her daughter's heart.

When the two of them heard what Yang Xiaocao said, their expressions calmed down.

Ji Yun didn't care that they were thinking about Ji Momo. After all, he was not that heartless and heartless person. If a child he had raised for so many years forgot about it in a short while, then he would probably be the same as Ji's family.

 But when I heard my grandma say this, I felt a lot better. It didn’t matter if I thought about it. As long as I didn’t mention it in front of myself often, I could just pretend I didn’t know. As time went by, I would be able to let go of this person one day.

Seeing the two people looking at him, Ji Yun took the initiative and said: "Don't worry, the conditions of Ji's family in Beijing are not bad, and she will not have a hard life." As for whether her family can always love her, that depends on She's up to it.

 When several people heard what Ji Yun said, they immediately felt relieved.

Just as he was about to ask Ji Yun what he wanted to order, he heard a noise coming from outside the door.

When a few people looked outside, they saw an old man with white hair, tall and thin body and a bit of a stoop walking over with a few people, whom they had never seen before.

But thinking about the results of the past life investigation, these should be my relatives, and the old man in front should be my grandfather.

As expected, Yang Xiaocao greeted her directly, and then Ji Yun heard the old lady explain her life experience to several people.

After listening to what the old lady said, several people nodded. They were called back by Huang Bin. At that time, they had already heard what the boy had said in general. Now Yang Xiaocao said it in more detail.

 After hearing this, everyone looked directly at Ji Yun.

“Now that I’ve got it back, I don’t mind being poor at home. From now on, you can stay at home well. If someone else has a bite to eat, you won’t be deprived.” The old man looked serious, but his tone was rare and soft.

The people nearby heard what the old man said, but they didn't have any objections. Anyway, there were a lot of people in the family, and Shen Limin was also separated. If this girl is easy to get along with, then they will treat her as family from now on. If she is not easy to get along with, like Momo In that case, less contact.

Ji Yun didn't know what the people on the other side were thinking. He listened carefully as Yang Cancan introduced several people to him.

The old man in front is my grandfather, named Shen Guoliang, the older couple behind is the eldest uncle and his wife, and the younger one next to them is the second uncle. Next to him were his cousins, cousins, and cousins. I also have an aunt, Huang Bin's mother, who didn't come here today.

 There are more than a dozen people in the family, including those who have worked outside and have not returned home. It is really a big family.

 (End of this chapter)

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