Chapter 7 The appearance of spiritual energy

Ji Yun looked at the curious eyes on the other side and looked back straight. The Shen family members are all easy to recognize. Everyone is tall and thin. Even my height of 171cm makes me look short among these people.

The person who was looking at Ji Yun suddenly looked away with embarrassment when he saw Ji Yun looking this way.

"Okay, don't wait at the door. Come in quickly and recognize me. Aifen, Xiaofeng, come with me to cook." Yang Xiaocao saw the whole family standing at the door looking at people, and quickly said hello, Then he asked the eldest daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law to go over and cook together. The granddaughter had just come back and always wanted to prepare something good. The children of other families were all fat. Why did she feel a little uncomfortable when she saw her granddaughter so thin? Isn’t that right? That family was probably patriarchal.

The old lady thought so in her heart, but did not say it out loud, "You and your parents are resting here, we are all family members. Don't be afraid. Grandma will prepare delicious food for you." The old lady explained and left in a hurry. Got out.

Ji Yun was pulled into the room by her parents. With everyone watching, she told some stories about her life in the capital. She did not exaggerate or conceal anything, she spoke straightforwardly and clearly about her life in the capital.

 The living conditions have been okay in the past few years, but the care and attention from my family are nothing to ask for. At most, I think about it and ask about it occasionally.

The whole family felt a little uncomfortable when they heard what Ji Yun said. Originally, there was only one girl from three families in the family. Although Ji Momo had an unpleasant personality, her family treated her well. They didn't expect that their own child would be in someone else's home. But he lived a life where no one loved him. Thinking about how the girls in the village lived in families that favored boys over girls, everyone unconsciously got involved with Ji Yun.

Ji Yun saw that they were a little silent after hearing his words. He really didn't know why.

When Yang Xiaocao finished cooking and came over to invite everyone to eat, he saw that the atmosphere in the room was a bit strange.

She hurried over to make a break, and the whole family had a meal together at noon, and finally got to know each other a little better.

 After eating, those who should work should work, and those who should rest should continue to rest.

Ji Yun was held by Yang Cancan’s hand and said goodbye to his family, then walked directly towards his home above.

Followed by Shen Limin and Ji Yun's brother Shen Xing, who had just met before eating.

At this time, the family members who had only known each other for a few hours were thinking about how to speak.

"Yunyun, there are only three rooms in the house. You can live in the room where Momo lived for the time being. How about building a room for you when the house is expanded in the future?" Yang Cancan looked at her daughter who was supporting her thoughtfully. , asked cautiously.

 “Okay.” Ji Yun nodded, as long as you have some accommodation.

Yang Cancan breathed a sigh of relief, his daughter didn't seem difficult to get along with.

"By the way, my household registration has been transferred back. I want to register my household registration at home tomorrow and change my surname. Is that okay?" Ji Yun asked the two people for their opinions.

"Okay, okay, dad will take you there tomorrow." Shen Limin from behind responded immediately.

  While talking, several people arrived home.

This is Ji Yun's first time here. It is a very ordinary small farmyard. A longan tree blocks most of the sunlight, making the yard much cooler. There are three houses built with bricks and stones. They are in the village. It's quite a nice house.

“Li Min, let’s go and clean up the room first, and let Yun Yun take a rest later.” Yang Cancan started to organize things as soon as he entered the yard.

"Let me help, too." Ji Yun couldn't sit by himself and watch a pregnant woman with a big belly working there.

“No, mom and dad are here. You are already very tired after coming from the capital, so take a rest first.”

“Mom, I’m not tired, this little work is nothing.” Ji Yun is not a squeamish person, and she used to clean the house a lot.

Ji Yun didn't know how to call her mom just now, but now that she was calling him out, Ji Yun felt at ease. He picked up his salute and walked towards the house. Yang Cancan heard Ji Yun call her mother, and her eyes couldn't help but turn red again. She watched Ji Yun catch up and didn't stop him.

The room is not small, but there are a lot of things in it.

The three of them simply tidied up the room, put away Ji Momo's things, and put Ji Yun's things on the table.

"The housing conditions at home are not good. Let's stay here for now. When the conditions improve later, we will build a new house." Yang Cancan said a little awkwardly as he watched Ji Yun pack his things.

"Our house is quite nice. It's very comfortable when the wind blows. You can see the mountains from the windows. It's not like Beijing, where housing is tight. If you want to see so many trees, you won't be able to see them unless you go to the park. There are still houses outside the house. "There is no cool breeze at all." Ji Yun said with a smile. She really felt that this room was good. Looking at the scenery outside the window, she felt that her whole body was open.

 Hearing what Ji Yun said, both husband and wife smiled.

"Then take a rest for a while and we won't disturb you." Yang Cancan said thoughtfully.

Ji Yun nodded. Even if he didn't rest, pregnant women would have to rest.

Ji Yun breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the couple going out. Fortunately, the recognition went smoothly on the first day, and the family members didn't seem to be difficult people to get along with, so it was no big deal if their conditions were so different.

Looking at the green outside, Ji Yun sat directly by the window and started meditating.

Except for the chirping of birds and the chirping of cicadas, all other sounds in the entire space disappeared, and gradually these sounds also became far away.

Ji Yun gradually became immersed in his thoughts, trying to see if he could find the existence of spiritual energy just like he did in Jingshi.

Thinking about the ray of spiritual energy he felt before coming from Beijing, Ji Yun felt that the spiritual energy may have revived earlier than humans knew. It was only after the great spiritual energy explosion a few years later that humans realized that a special energy had appeared in the world. .

Ji Yun, relying on his spiritual consciousness that was stronger than ordinary people after being reborn, tried hard to feel the strange movements in the surrounding air.

  Unfortunately, she did not discover the spiritual energy until she decided to end the meditation.

Ji Yun immediately decided to withdraw his consciousness and go out to communicate with his new family members.

Then I knew that as soon as my spiritual consciousness was recovered, I felt a wisp of spiritual energy appear.

Ji Yun suddenly became excited. She thought that it would take a long time to feel the spiritual energy here, or that there might not be any at all, but she didn't know that she could feel the spiritual energy with just a little effort of meditating.

And this spiritual energy is not as fleeting as what he felt in Beijing. Ji Yun feels that the spiritual energy is constantly appearing. Although it is very small, according to the current situation, he should be able to draw it into his body in a few days.

Controlling the excitement in his heart, Ji Yun carefully compressed his consciousness into a thread and probed in the direction where the spiritual energy came from.

"Yunyun, are you awake?" Ji Yun was trying hard to find out the source of the spiritual energy when he suddenly heard a knock on the door outside.

His consciousness paused, then he retracted it directly. After rubbing his brain, which was aching from overuse of his consciousness, Ji Yun stood up and walked towards the door.

 (End of this chapter)

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