The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 58: If you can fight in a group, why should you fight alone?

Chapter 58: If you can fight in a group, why do you have to fight alone?

“I mean it’s dinner time now. You’re embarrassed to ask someone to chat with you without eating. I’m embarrassed myself.” Shen Yun said directly.

Ji Shen then realized that Shen Yun was mocking him, and his face suddenly turned dark.

"What's the matter? Now that we recognize our biological parents, we can't even talk to you." Ji Shen's tone was harsh and he stared straight at Shen Yun with his eyes, which made his otherwise handsome face look... A bit ferocious.

"That's not true. You have something to say. I just want to remind you that it's noon time and I'm hungry too." Shen Yun didn't care how angry he got. Anyway, this kid is very good at talking. Beating someone, or beating someone in public, was something his Ji family couldn't do.

"You..., forget it, I don't want to break up with you so much. Why were you not here last time when I came to see you? I just left Ji's house and learned to skip school." Ji Shen started to get angry again as he spoke. Then he realized that he was a bit verbose, and continued, "I told your teacher that you should go to Ji's house when you come back. Now I can't invite you. Do you have to ask my mother to come and invite you in person?"

“Can you explain what’s going on? I’m not Young Master Ji. I’m carefree every day. Whatever you want, I’ll prepare it for you at home.

I am not your maid either. I will rush over as soon as you summon me. "Chen Yun didn't care at all about his string of words and replied calmly.

“Hmph, my sister is right, some people are just white-eyed wolves. I have been gone for so long, and I have even forgotten my mother’s birthday.”

Shen Yun felt a little embarrassed when he heard this. What a useless excuse. If Wang Meilan's birthday is remembered correctly, it is October 25th. It is only the beginning of September. It is a bit early to mention her birthday.

Shen Yun glanced at Ji Shen, "Isn't it still early for my birthday? Why do you want me to come over now?"

"White-eyed wolf, do you need any more reason to let you go back? I have raised you so much, and I don't see you coming back to see me. I am really cold-hearted. You should go or not. If you don't go, you won't go for the rest of your life."

"Well, since you said so, I won't go." Shen Yun picked up the book and left. Not going was just in line with his own wishes. He stayed far away to avoid being kidnapped by morality in the future.

"Aren't you afraid that this will affect your future work?" Ji Shen said through gritted teeth from behind.

 “Not afraid.” I have a job now, but I am afraid that I will not have a job in the future. It’s a joke.

"Anyway, mom asked you to go there this Sunday. I won't go with you." Ji Shen's frustrated voice came from behind.

Shen Yun is in a good mood. As expected, he doesn't care anymore. No matter how bad other people's attitudes are, they can't affect him.

Looking at the few people on campus, Shen Yun was not in a hurry. Anyway, there was nothing good in the cafeteria right now. She planned to buy something and add something to her dormitory so that she could start cooking in the future. .

Before he even reached the school gate, he saw a large cloud of gray gloom floating towards him. After a closer look, he realized that it was a listless person or an acquaintance.

"Senior Jiang, do you still remember me?" Shen Yun thought about the work permit he had just received. He should take care of the situation at hand.

The person opposite raised his eyelids with difficulty and glanced at Shen Yun, "Chen Yun, remember, we just met some time ago. You are back at school."

“Yes, Senior Jiang, what’s wrong with you? Why do you look so low-spirited?”

"Hey, we are digging an ancient tomb recently. It's not going well. I'll come to the school and ask a teacher to help." Jiang Youwei couldn't help but frown when he thought about the tomb he was digging now. In the past, everything went smoothly. This time, some strange things kept happening, which made everyone feel nervous. Today, he came back specially to ask an experienced teacher from the school to come and help. “It’s not going well, can you tell me?” Shen Yun asked curiously.

“I’m telling you, don’t be afraid. Strange things have happened this time when digging graves. Two people have been injured. Although it is not serious, everyone is a little scared. Several people are privately muttering whether there is a ghost.

This time I am here to invite the famous Professor Zhang from our school. He used to live in a Taoist temple and is full of righteousness, which can suppress evil spirits. "Jiang Youwei did not hide Chen Yun, who had worked together in Baiyun Village.

  Although what he said was scary, and what was said over there was also evil, generally speaking, they didn’t believe this statement, and they were just joking. If there really was a ghost, who among them archaeologists would dare to go there.

Shen Yun nodded, looking at the yin energy all over Jiang Youwei's body, he really couldn't tell if there was something wrong with it. An injury like his was a trivial matter, and if it continued any longer, he would probably die.

“Senior Jiang, where do you work? I want to go there on weekends to see you.” Shen Yun asked smoothly.

"It's in the West Village." There was nothing to hide, so Jiang Youwei told Shen Yun directly.

 With the tomb in the city next door, I heard about a large tomb in the village. It seemed that the excavation was not going well, but as an ordinary student, she didn't know the details.

But the reason for the unfavorable situation this time must be due to the Yin Qi. Thinking about the last life when I saw Yin Qi after the spiritual energy was revived, the spiritual energy appeared earlier in this life. Unexpectedly, the Yin Qi also appeared along with it.

Thinking about the evil spirit used to catch the thugs from his research institute in his previous life, Shen Yun secretly clenched the book in his hand.

“Senior Jiang, go find Professor Zhang first, and I won’t disturb you.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do in two days, you can go over and have a look. This is a big tomb. I think you can learn a lot from it." Jiang Youwei cheered up and said.

Shen Yun nodded, looked at Jiang Youwei who walked into the school, and directly performed a secret, sending a stream of spiritual energy directly towards Jiang Youwei, and suddenly the Yin energy in him dissipated a little.

Shen Yun did not expect that the Yin Qi would not be scattered this time. It seemed that this time the matter was not a big deal, but this would ensure that nothing would happen to him in the past few days.

Shen Yun didn't bother to worry about buying things in his small kitchen or eating. He walked directly towards the headquarters over there. He must talk to his superiors about this matter. Why should he do it if he could fight in a group? How dangerous it is to fight one on one.

Hurrying to the headquarters, I found that people from the headquarters were queuing up to touch stones.

 Shen Yun only met most of his colleagues now.

 They are of different ages, both men and women, some look very strong, and some feel like they are breathing while walking.

It turns out that what I saw before was relatively normal. If this scene had happened yesterday, I would have thought that I was in the wrong place.

 (End of this chapter)

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