Chapter 59 Do you really want to become a nun?

Shen Yun didn't care about the people who were touching the stones to see if they were shining, and walked directly to Yan Han who was sitting next to him supervising his work.

"I came just in time. I wanted to ask you something. Take a look. This is what we found this morning. Take a look and see if these can be used as training methods to improve your abilities." Shen Yungang called Yan Han, Yan Han was assigned two piles of books as high as half a person. Looking at the books on his desk, he pushed them under the desk. These must have been selected by him.

Shen Yun looked at the piles of ancient documents and felt that his head was getting big, but thinking about it, he had just discovered spiritual energy now, so everything was starting from scratch, and it was necessary to study these things.

 But this is not the most important thing.

"Captain, I have something important to tell you." Shen Yun said anxiously.

Yan Han glanced at Shen Yun's face and said, "Okay, let's go in and talk."

The two of them entered the office, and Shen Yun directly told Yan Han what he had just discovered about Yin Qi.

"You mean you discovered a new energy!" Yan Han asked seriously.

"Yes, after the spiritual energy appears, the corresponding Yin energy and demonic energy will appear. We must be prepared for these. After all, it is recorded in the book that neither of these are good things." Shen Yun will appear after directly reviving the spiritual energy. The situation has been told to Yan Han.

"Yin Qi, okay, I understand, I'll call people in right now." Yan Han went out and called a few people in.

 They are all men, some are young and some are slightly older.

“Captain Yan, why did you bring us in?” asked a middle-aged man.

“Yin Qi was discovered in Xicun. I wonder if you have any solution?” Yan Han asked directly.

 “Yin Qi?

This is a legendary thing, has it appeared again now?

The exorcism talismans passed down in our temple should be effective.

 How about we go there with an apotropaic charm and give it a try. "The middle-aged man said uncertainly. Their Taoist temple usually looks like a symbol of peace and amulet for further education. Although some people can draw it, such as an exorcism charm, they have never been used, and he is not very sure about the effect.

But thinking about the strange things he saw after joining the special department, he was a little unsure. Supernatural things had happened, and the exorcism charm might be effective.

“Okay, you bring the exorcism charm, call a few people, and let’s go over and have a look.” The severe cold didn’t bother me either. Although detecting spiritual roots is important, solving the problem is even more important.

 “Okay.” The middle-aged man reincarnated directly and walked out.

“Boss, I’m going to see how the master draws the talisman and see if I can learn from it.” Shen Yun looked at the people going out and quickly talked to Yan Han.

She has been coveting the complete collection of talismans in the space for a long time. Unfortunately, her ancestors were not very good at these. Alchemy still left images. This thing is just a book. Shen Yun wanted to learn, but he didn't understand some basic things, so he didn't. The method begins.

“Go ahead, you’ll follow me to the West Village later.” Yan Han nodded in agreement.

Shen Yun quickly turned around and followed him.

“Master, can your skills in drawing talismans be passed on to others?” Shen Yun approached the man who had not gone far and bravely approached him to strike up a conversation.

Even though we don’t know each other yet, we have just met each other, so they are considered acquaintances.

"Do you want to learn? As long as you have 1,000 yuan for tuition, we will teach you and you will be able to learn." The man said reflexively.

 Shen Yun looked at this familiar look and immediately felt that it was unreliable. It was definitely not that she couldn't come up with 1,000 yuan.

"We are all colleagues, and we have to learn from each other in the future. Isn't it bad to ask for money?" Shen Yun muttered softly. "Oh, colleague, I'm sorry, my unique skill cannot be passed down from male to female, internally or externally, and I can't make the final decision, colleague." The man immediately changed his explanation.

  It means the same thing anyway, don’t teach if you don’t have money.

   , irritating.

 Do you really want to become a nun?

“Master, I just heard from Captain Yan that you are not sure whether this talisman tube will work or not. Why not teach me how to draw it with more than one person, so you have more chances, which can also solve the problem.

That’s it, I promise, after I learn the talisman painting techniques in your Guanli, I will never sell them separately. I will let you directly act as an agent in Guanli. "Chen Yun discussed with him in a good voice and angrily.

"Hey, little girl, you are not big, but your tone is not small. We have been studying things for so many years. Why do you think your talent is better than ours? I heard that you haven't graduated yet. Go back to study quickly, little girl. Stop interfering in adults' affairs." The middle-aged man didn't think Shen Yun should be nice to her because she was a department colleague, so he scolded her and left.

“Hey, you look down on others.” Shen Yun was speechless from behind.

 It turns out that not all employees in special departments are easy to get along with. As expected, individuals have their own temperaments.

"Little girl, do you want to learn how to draw talismans?" Shen Yun was about to turn around and complain to Yanhan about his subordinates when he heard someone calling him.

“Old man, I want to learn, can you do it?” Shen Yun turned around and saw a fairy-like old man standing next to him. His long beard looked a bit like a master.

“Drawing talismans is not a simple matter. If you want to learn, come with me.” The old man said simply.

Shen Yun was also a very skilled man and had the courage to follow him directly.

This old man has a peaceful aura about him. Although he has no aura, he still feels very comfortable and should not be deceptive.

 Hmm didn’t go far and stopped at the door of the house next to Yanhan’s office.

The house is also an independent office. As soon as the old man entered the house, he went to get the yellow paper and cinnabar.

 These two are the most basic tools for drawing symbols.

Shen Yun looked at the two sets of tools on the table and consciously stood opposite the old man.

"Look, let's draw the simplest peace symbol first." The old man started drawing as soon as he picked up the pen, as if he had practiced it thousands of times. The whole movement was done in one go, and the lines he drew were smooth and smooth.

 It's just that the old man has no spiritual energy. Even if this peace charm has some effect, it probably won't be much.

Shen Yun thought about the old man's actions just now, and without using his spiritual energy, he directly took out a piece of yellow paper and started tracing on it. Just now he saw that the old man looked very relaxed, but it was a bit difficult for him to draw it in one stroke.

After drawing more than a dozen pieces of yellow paper, Shen Yun finally succeeded in drawing one.

"That's good, little girl. She has succeeded in just a dozen pictures. She is still very talented in drawing talisman. If you practice more, you will be able to draw other things in the future." The old man stood aside and praised without hesitation. .

"Thank you for your compliment. I haven't asked you for your name yet." Shen Yun asked with a smile.

“Oh, the old man’s name is Zhang Qing’an, you can just call me Old Man Zhang.” Zhang Qing’an waved his hand to signal Shen Yun not to be so polite.

 (End of this chapter)

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