Chapter 60: Give everything to everyone

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang, for your teaching today. If it weren't for you, I would have been thinking about this for a long time. I'm drawing a peace talisman for you, just think it's my heart." After Shen Yun finished speaking, he started directly.

But this time it is not just a painting, but spiritual power is injected into it.

Having practiced it a dozen times just now, Shen Yun carefully controlled the release of spiritual energy without making any mistakes. When the entire peace talisman was completed, the spiritual light flashed.

 Shen Yun felt a special power flowing on the peace talisman.

Shen Yun did not expect that ordinary peace charms with spiritual energy paintings would also be effective. It seems that many things existing on the earth can also be used for cultivating immortals.

Shen Yun took the drawn peace talisman, folded it into a triangle, and solemnly handed it to Zhang Qing'an.

“Teacher Zhang, if you don’t dislike it, just keep it.”

"I don't dislike it. I have drawn my own talisman for so many years, and this is the first time I have received a talisman from someone else." Shen Qing'an happily took the talisman drawn by Shen Yun and put it in his pocket.

 He turned around and picked up the pen and continued to draw on the yellow paper. This time it was a little different from the peace charm just now.

"This is the exorcism talisman you just talked about. You learn it. That guy won't teach you. I will teach you. Anyway, I teach many people. I don't care if you are the one more. Just let him live his life with the so-called orthodoxy. "The old man said cheerfully.

“You are so old-fashioned. Only with people like you in our country can these traditional cultures be passed down.” Shen Yun praised sincerely.

 In this era, there are many people like the Taoist priest just now, but there are not many people like Zhang Qingan.

"That's right, I just looked away. Anyway, I won't take it with me in life or death. If I spread the word to more people, there will be people who will remember me in the future." Zhang Qing'an is very open-minded about this aspect. Back then, he studied art by himself. It was very difficult. Now that he was getting old, he was offered a job by the state, which relieved him from being lonely and helpless. The state provided for him in all aspects of his life. When he met someone who was interested in this aspect, he started to give back to the society.

 Shen Yun raised his hands in admiration. He was not as good as the old gentleman in this regard.

The old gentleman bowed his hands and motioned to Shen Yun to follow suit, then he took a glass of water and looked aside.

The exorcism talisman is much more complicated than the peace talisman. Although Shen Yun memorized the old man's drawing method, he drew it completely and experimented several times.

“Teacher Zhang, look at it, can this painting work?” Shen Yun took the painted yellow paper and held it up for Zhang Qingan to see.

 “The little girl succeeded so quickly?” Zhang Qingan was a little confused. He hadn’t finished drinking the water in his hand yet, so he learned the lesson.

 Looking at the yellow paper in Shen Yun's hand seriously, the lines on it were smooth and complete. It was indeed a complete exorcism charm. "Not bad, not bad. Your talent is really good. The last time I met such a smart person was a few years ago, but he was a little worse than you." Zhang Qing'an took the exorcism charm and looked at it carefully, and couldn't help but praise.

"Come on, come on, now that these two can draw, I have a complete book of commonly used talismans here. Take it back and read it. I wrote this book myself. It clearly explains how to draw these talismans." The more Zhang Qingan read, the more satisfied he became. He turned around and took out a book from the drawer.

Shen Yun didn't expect that after just drawing two talismans, the teacher thought he was talented and taught him all the money. This was an experience he had never had before.

“Teacher Zhang, how much does this book cost?” Shen Yun thought that he couldn’t ask for someone else’s book in vain.

"No money, I'll give it to you. I published it once and sold a dozen copies. I still have a lot more, so I'll give it to you." Zhang Qing'an waved his hand and handed the book directly to Shen Yun.

“Then, thank you, Teacher Zhang.” Shen Yun could only thank the old man for his kindness. Seeing the old man's lack of interest in writing, Shen Yun persuaded him: "Teacher Zhang, times have changed. Maybe your book will become a best-seller in the future. Don't be discouraged."

"Don't be discouraged. I haven't seen anything in so many years. A few hundred books are nothing. Anyway, there are more and more people in our department. At worst, when I die, I will leave my last words and give each person a copy of this book." For new people joining the department, I believe Xiao Yan can definitely handle this," Zhang Qingan said nonchalantly.

 Seeing that the old man had already thought about it, Shen Yun said nothing. However, the old man was in good health and should be able to see the day when his book became a bestseller.

"Okay, okay, I won't delay your business. You have to go out in a while. Hurry up. If you don't understand anything in the future, come here to see me." The old man waved his hand to see the guests off.

Shen Yun looked at the yellow paper and cinnabar on the table, "Teacher Zhang, can you lend me some of these?" He didn't know when the severe cold would let him go, and it was too late to go out and buy them now.

 “Take it, take it.”

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang." Shen Yun thanked him and moved to another place with a stack of yellow paper, cinnabar and a brush.

 There will be very few people queuing up outside.

I don’t have an office, so I took my belongings directly to the office in the freezing cold.

"Captain Yan, can I borrow your place?" Shen Yun saw that Yan Han's place was not small, and he didn't want to ask himself if he had a place to work. Anyway, he was only a part-time employee, and he would mainly do more painting. Dot the symbols in case of emergencies.

"Find a place by yourself. We'll set off in an hour." Yan Han said and then immersed himself in doing his own thing.

Shen Yun had no ink marks, so he directly found a place, put down the things in his hands, and started working.

First draw 10 evil-exorcism charms, then look through the book given by Zhang Qing'an, and see one called the Tianlei Talisman, which is specially designed to deal with evil spirits.

 Shen Yun suddenly moved and asked Yan Han to borrow some blank paper to practice first. When he felt that it was almost done, Shen Yun started to do it himself.

 After drawing a talisman, half of the spiritual energy that had just been consumed was consumed in half.

Shen Yun didn't expect that this talisman would take so much energy. He originally planned to draw a few more pictures, but he suddenly stopped.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Shen Yun packed his things and said, "I'll go out for a meal first. I'll wait for you at the gate when the time comes." Shen Yun greeted Yan Han.

 “Okay, let’s set off at 1 o’clock, don’t be late.” Yan Han nodded.

Shen Yun went directly to the canteen to eat some food, then went out to find a hidden place and entered the space directly. He was about to go on a mission. Thinking about the big snake he encountered in Shanhe Sheji Tutu last time, Shen Yun did not dare to take it lightly and directly Using the time difference between inside and outside the space, he made up for the lack of spiritual energy in his body caused by the painted symbols.

 After leaving the space, Shen Yun was once again the one with full combat effectiveness.

Stepping out of the hidden boundary, Shen Yun returned to the gate and saw Yan Han walking towards this direction with a few people.

 (End of this chapter)

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