The person introduced to you in Chapter 72

"It's like this. Mom is thinking that you don't have many connections in Beijing now. With your current family, it will not be easy to find a family with better conditions in Beijing in the future. Mom wants to introduce you to one first, so You two are in a relationship, and you will get married directly after graduation, what do you think?" Wang Meilan held Shen Yun's hand and said thoughtfully.

Ji Shen has been looking for him several times. Is it just for this reason that he wants to find a partner for himself?

"What a good family. Momo is the same age as me. You should consider her first. I am the eldest son of the Shen family. After graduation, I will return to my hometown to honor my parents. After all, they have not had much time to get along with each other in so many years. You can't bear to leave me." Shen Yun refused with a smile.

  Not to mention that he doesn’t want to find a partner now, even if he wants to find one, he can’t ask the Ji family to help him find one. After all, he found someone for himself in his last life and sent him directly to the research laboratory, which cost him the rest of his life. Isn’t the lesson harsh enough?

"How can Momo talk about the partner? She is still a high school student. Now the partner's own conditions are not up to the standard. You are different. You are already a sophomore. You will graduate after studying for two more years. Anyway, you are studying Your major is not good either. Do you, a girl, really dig dirt like those men and spend all day with those burial objects?

"Wang Meilan persuaded patiently, as if everything was for her own good.

Shen Yun looked at the natural expressions of the other two people in the room. Apparently, he had no objection to Wang Meilan's statement.

  I don’t think there is anything wrong with what she said at all.

"Sorry, this major is my favorite. I only applied for this major so that I can engage in archeology in the future, not to increase my capital for marriage." Shen Yun shook his head and said.

In my previous life, when I was still the daughter of the Ji family, my family was very dissatisfied with Shen Yun when the admission notice came out. After that, Shen Yun was basically left alone when she went to school.

In this life, I am no longer the daughter of the Ji family, and now I want to think about marrying myself. Didn't he know what kind of family he was introducing to him? If it was that person in his previous life, he would give him a knife first to save him from joining an evil organization and causing harm to others in the future.

"Yunyun, you don't understand now. You thought you could support yourself by going to college. You don't know how much living expenses are in Beijing now. Let me tell you, the person my mother introduced to you is now working. , people said that if you are willing to get engaged to him, then they will be responsible for your college living expenses and tuition fees. It will not be easy for you to see your biological parents' family, and your mother cannot bear to see you working too hard. Otherwise, you, Let’s arrange a meeting first and then make a decision. “Wang Meilan doesn’t give up.

Chen Yun looked at the flash of schadenfreude in Ji Momo's eyes and knew that it would definitely not be his turn to be a good person. There was still a 25-year-old Ji Xue in the Ji family who was not married yet.

"Auntie, if there is nothing else, I will leave first. After all, I have been here for a long time, and Momo feels uncomfortable. Last time, she felt uncomfortable when she saw my mouth. Even my father looked down on her and started pointing fingers in front of everyone. Looking at my father, I also blame my father for having spoiled her for so many years.

But she and Ji Shen are exactly the same, so they are brothers and sisters. I would like to congratulate you on getting two children of such high caliber.

I won’t waste your time. After all, it will be evening soon, so I’m sure you don’t want to invite me to dinner. "Chen Yun didn't give anyone much chance, he got up and walked outside.

  Since I’ve come here myself, it’s unreasonable to say that I’m a white-eyed wolf.

 As for whether Wang Meilan was very angry because of her coming, that was beyond her control.

“Hey, why are you so rude? Mom hasn’t finished speaking yet.” Ji Momo called from behind.

 Shen Yun ignored the shouts from behind and walked straight out of Ji's house. As soon as she left the house, her face changed to a depressed look. Now Shen Yun is not as stupid as she was in her previous life. She insists on keeping the family scandal to herself and swallows all the pain in her heart. Now she understands that a proper show of weakness can even cause no harm. The softness of others can also cause others to gossip.

As expected, Shen Yun hadn't walked a few steps when he saw a few ladies in front of him approaching, gossiping.

"Is that so? Why do you leave right after you come and don't want to have dinner here?" A person asked with a look of concern.

As soon as Shen Yun saw these words, the people next to him turned their gazes towards him.

Sure enough, the common people in the imperial city also like to hear gossip, "I just came here to have a look and don't want to cause trouble to my family. It's only been a few days since school started and Ji Shen has gone to my class to cause trouble twice."

My parents have no power in the family now, and I am afraid that I will not be able to study.

Ji family, forget it, since they asked me not to be shameless, then I..., aunts and uncles, I won’t say more to you. I came here on leave at this time, so I'm leaving first. "Chen Yun said something true and false, and immediately left the place. Since Ji Shen would go to his own class to ruin his reputation, he didn't mind giving him publicity.

 You can’t afford to suffer such a boring loss.

 I hope that the rumors at home during this period can make the Ji family warn Ji Shen to stop coming here to cause trouble for him.

Shen Yun happily stepped out of the alley and passed an oncoming car.

Shen Yun keenly felt the gaze in the car, but when he looked over, he saw that the car over there had gone far away, and the license plate was not one he recognized. Shen Yun didn't pay attention to this matter and went directly back to his residence.

Thinking about how he hadn’t written a letter to his family for so long, Shen Yun immediately picked up a pen and paper and started writing, writing one letter to his grandparents, and another to his parents.

I also wrote a letter to my aunt. After all this time, my uncle should have finished taking the medicine and asked how the test results were.

It was the first time in his life to write letters to relatives far away. This feeling was quite strange. Shen Yun thought about his usual study life with great interest, and then wrote all these without reporting the good news or the bad news. Go up there and greet everyone at home again, that should be enough.

Shen Yun thought about it and seemed to have nothing to add, so he folded the envelope with satisfaction.

Going out to find the post office, I directly posted the three letters.

Then he turned around and walked towards the snack street next to the school. There were also clothes sellers there, with good quality and low prices. Shen Yun scrapped two sets of clothes in the few days he came to Beijing and put back two sets of special department work clothes. But Shen Yun will not only I have to work and go to school, so I still need to buy more clothes.

 (End of this chapter)

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