Chapter 73 The three views are consistent

It’s not yet dinner time, so the snack street is not the busiest yet, but stalls selling food have already been set up.

Shen Yun smelled the strange fragrance all over the street and decisively turned into the clothing store next to it.

 I simply bought two sets of clothes, and I still have more than 500 left in my hand.

Shen Yun was a little worried thinking about how quickly he was scrapping his clothes. If this continued, he would have nothing to wear before his first salary was paid.

Carrying my clothes, I felt that the snacks on the street no longer tasted good.

Why is it so difficult to make money? Do you have to get gold to buy it yourself?

Just as I was thinking about it, I looked up and saw Hu Yan and three people over there.

Shen Yun put his thoughts aside and said, "Hey, what a coincidence, you guys are here too."

"Shen Yun, didn't you go to your adoptive parents' house?" The three people saw Shen Yun and immediately came over happily.

 “I’m gone, I’m not coming back.”

"So fast! I heard from the squad leader that Ji Shen looked very anxious, so he asked us to come over to you quickly, because we were afraid that we would miss something and make you regret it for the rest of your life. How are you, are you okay?" Hu Yan asked in a low voice.

"It's okay. It's an urgent matter. He's called me a few times. I just thought it was quite embarrassing in the past, so I never went. I didn't expect him to go to the boys' dormitory to cause trouble. Nothing happened when I went there. And they were He sarcastically said that the major I studied was of no use and asked me to find a good man, saying that a high degree of education is just to enhance my value in the marriage market. When I heard this, I became angry. " Shen Yun and his roommate. They whispered what Wang Meilan said.

Being able to play with Shen Yun is because they have very compatible views. In addition, they are the only four girls who are choosing archeology this year. They chose it because they really like this major. This time I heard Shen Yun say this. , immediately said that this is feudal thinking and is unacceptable.

Then he happily asked Shen Yunyi to have dinner.

 Several people sat together at the rice noodle stall where they often eat.

"Aren't you working hard in the library? How come you have time to come over for dinner?" Shen Yun asked curiously. These three people are really working hard. They set the goal of taking the postgraduate entrance examination as soon as the school started. I remember that Shen Yun was also with them in his previous life. We have worked hard together, but Shen Yun plans to let nature take its course in this life.

“I haven’t eaten here for the whole summer, haven’t I? I already came out of the library in the afternoon, so today is just a day off to relax. I didn’t expect to meet you. Are you here to buy clothes?”

“Yeah, buy two pieces of clothing and wear them interchangeably.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

The few people chatted here and there, but they were not talking about anything about the Ji family. After dinner, Shen Yun went back to his residence, they went back to the dormitory, and they separated outside the snack street.

It was past 7 o'clock in Beijing, and there were still a lot of people in the evening. When Shen Yun walked on the road, he could meet people walking in twos and threes, and he could also see people rushing home.

In the alley where he lives, many houses have turned on their lights. Shen Yun has been living there for almost a week, and he still hasn't figured out whether this is a dormitory for a special department. Anyway, he has never met anyone he knows.

Even next door to my own home, I haven’t seen anyone come back.

Shen Yun pushed open the door of the small courtyard, went back to the room, washed and cooled his clothes, and continued into the space.

 I first practiced the physical training technique for half a day. The physical training technique during the Qi training period was relatively simple, but the subsequent ones were more difficult. Not only did it require a long period of training, but also medicinal baths and elixirs were added.

These medicines are not ordinary medicines. Shen Yun is dizzy looking at the prescriptions anyway. There are only a few in the space. Shen Yun is now wondering if he can collect some medicinal materials. When the foundation building period comes, he cannot let go of the body refining technique.

 In the future, I will become the strongest sword practicing alchemist.

 Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

 Shen Yun practiced even more vigorously. After you have mastered the physical refining technique, you can continue to practice swordsmanship. Only after the spiritual energy in your body is squandered, Shen Yun will go to the Immortal Mansion to meditate and practice.

 Shen Yun found that every time he practiced again after the spiritual energy was exhausted, the effect was very good.

These are no exception. She successfully stabilized her cultivation at the sixth level of Qi training.

 The whole person looks more restrained and perfect.

With a thought, people immediately left the space. Today is Monday and there is a class in the morning.

Shen Yun has no plans to give up her studies for the time being, so she still goes to class on time every day and listens carefully.

I carefully prepared breakfast for myself, and just as I was about to eat it, I heard the sound of the door opening next door, which had been silent all this time.

Shen Yun didn't want to use his spiritual consciousness to pry into other people's privacy, but he directly heard the voices next door.

With a quick glance of consciousness, it turned out that it was Yan Han who was sending Yan Han, who was sitting in a wheelchair and staying in the small yard next door.

My part-time boss lives next door to my house, but there is no worse news than this.

 The rice in Shen Yun's mouth no longer tasted good.

However, looking at Yan Han's miserable look, Shen Yun later remembered that he had blocked the work this time, and it had nothing to do with Yan Han. This could be regarded as dragging him down.

Shen Yun silently apologized in his heart and ate faster.

Looking at the closed door next door, Shen Yun had no intention of going in to say hello.

 After attending classes all morning, she went directly to the vegetable market and bought a big pig's trotters and some ribs, planning to make some soup for the severe cold next door.

After all, I will still have to worry about Yanhan when I encounter things that may be related to my enemies in the previous life. Although this is a good thing for the country, I still feel bad about it.

 After the pig's trotters were stewed, Shen Yun knocked on the cold door next door.

“Hello, are you looking for Yanhan?” The person who opened the door was a beautiful sister.

Shen Yun didn't use his consciousness to look around when he came, so he didn't find anyone else in Yan Han's house. Looking at the beautiful young lady, she must be Captain Yan's lover. He didn't know if he was disturbing others at this moment.

“Excuse me, is Captain Yan at home?” Shen Yun asked politely.

"Here, are you his colleague? You brought something here for Yanhan?" The beautiful sister was very cheerful, smiled gently, and directly welcomed Shen Yun in.

Shen Yun looked at the young lady in front of him and sighed that Captain Yan was really lucky. How could such a beautiful girl like Captain Yan's cold face?

"Yes, I heard that Captain Yan was injured. I stewed some pig's trotters. Could you please give it to him." Shen Yun didn't want to go in and make a sense of presence at this moment. His partner was here, and this was his territory. Chen Yun directly handed the lunch box to the girl in front of him.

“The cold is inside the house, do you want to go in and take a look?” the girl took the lunch box and asked in a polite and warm voice.

"No, no, I have something to do in the afternoon. You can just hand it over to me." Shen Yun just wanted to run away now. Yan Han is a hard-working man, and he is probably too busy to spend time with his girlfriend every day. , I was finally injured, so I should still wink a little.

 (End of this chapter)

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