The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 74: Stewed pig trotters to mend a broken arm, it sounds very appropriate as expected

Chapter 74: Stewed pig trotters to mend a broken arm, it sounds very appropriate as expected

After waving to the pretty young lady, Shen Yun quickly walked towards the door.

"Why are you running? Your house is next door. If I leave, I won't be able to find you." The cold voice sounded from behind, without any ups and downs.

Shen Yun didn't want to think about it, but for a moment he thought of the scene where he and his partner were quarreling. Could it be that he was older in his previous life, so he suddenly thought of this thing.

 Shen Yun's consciousness moved, he cleared the thoughts in his mind, stood firm, and regained his previous composure.

"Captain Yan, I saw you moving here this morning. I heard that your bones were broken. They said you could eat them to mend them. I stewed a pig's trotters for you to mend your broken arm. I won't save any more. You can eat it while it's hot. "Okay." Shen Yun said with a serious face.

"Stewed pig's trotters to mend broken arms, it sounds very appropriate." Yan Han was still not feeling well, and the young lady next to him suddenly laughed.

"Thank you. I heard that your ribs are also cracked. Please don't work too hard next time." Shen Yun thought Yan Han was going to say something, but he didn't expect Yan Han to say thank you directly.

"It's okay, it's just a convenience. I also want to eat, so I won't delay your meal. I'll go back first." Shen Yun said politely, turned around and walked out, directly returning to his home.

 The radish and pork ribs soup that I stewed by myself is suitable for me, even though my bones have grown.

 After finishing lunch happily, Shen Yun knocked on the door next door again.

"Come in, come on in. I just found out that you live next door. They say that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Coincidentally, you are also Yanhan's colleague." As soon as the door opened, Shen Yun was greeted by the bright smile of his beautiful sister. Shen Yun was instantly nervous. She's not used to strangers being warm to her, what should she say?

“Well, I came here to ask Captain Yan something.”

"Yanhan is fine." The beautiful sister turned around and started calling Yanhan.

 “Come in and sit for a while,” she invited.

“No, no, I’ll leave after asking about the matter.” Shen Yun waved his hand quickly.

Seeing Yan Han coming out, he quickly asked, "Captain Yan, which hospital are Teacher Xu and the others in? Can I go and have a look?"

"At Beijiao Hospital, you should be discharged in two days." Yan Han directly gave the address.

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore, I'll leave first." Shen Yun bowed his hands and hurried away.

"Brother, are you too strict with your subordinates? Why do you feel that the little girl is a little afraid of you?" Yan Qing turned around and looked at her cold-faced brother. Although he was very handsome, this cold face looked really cool to him. It’s uncomfortable, let alone others.

"Is there any? There are still people she is afraid of." Yan Han thought carefully. Although the girl Shen Yun looked polite, with her strength, there is probably no one she can be afraid of. "Sister, if you are fine, just Go back, don't ask questions here." Yan Han looked at his gossipy sister and drove her away.

“If my mother hadn’t been worried about you, you think I would have come here.” Yan Qing didn’t smile as brightly at Yan Han as she did at Shen Yun.

"Go back. If you stay here for another two days, I'm really afraid that my condition will get worse. I'll explain it to my mother." Yanhan said impatiently.

"That's not okay. I came here just to see that you don't act nonsense. You haven't gotten married yet, and you haven't given birth to lovely grandchildren for my mother. My mother told me when I came here. Even if you talk about it, you are not okay. , I can't leave either, this time I gave a death order." After Yan Qing finished speaking, she moved a stool and sat next to Yan Han, determined to carry out the old mother's order and watch the person closely.

Yan Han looked at Yan Qing who looked at him tenderly, turned around and walked towards the house.

 Shen Yun here left Yan Han's house and walked directly towards the place where he bought the bicycle.

The northern suburbs are not close to here. Shen Yun is only in the stage of practicing Qi and cannot fly, so he can only buy a bicycle to travel.

 After receiving the car, Shen Yun rushed directly towards the northern suburbs.

The passers-by saw a shadow flashing before their eyes, and rubbed their eyes thinking they were dazzled.

 And Shen Yun had already left here quickly on his bicycle. Shen Yun rode his bicycle to Beijiao Hospital in half an hour.

This hospital looked like it was recently built, and Shen Yun felt a faint yin energy as soon as he arrived.

 Looking up again, I saw that the corridors on the third and fourth floors of the hospital's inpatient building were full of people.

 Shen Yun's eyesight also improved after he cultivated, and now he could see Xu Zhang on the edge at a glance.

 Jiang Youwei, who came back to look for someone, was reminded by Shen Yun and was also found by the special department. He was currently showing off in the corridor on the third floor.

 Seeing everyone coming over, Shen Yun felt relieved.

At a glance, the yin energy on these people is basically negligible, and they don’t feel as weak as they did a few days ago.

 After parking the car and looking at the gatekeeper downstairs, Shen Yun walked over directly.

“Hello, I would like to visit you upstairs?”

“The patient’s condition is special, and family members are not allowed to visit.” The gatekeeper said seriously.

“Captain Yan asked me to come here.” Shen Yun moved out of Yan Han.

"Are you from the department?" The gatekeeper looked at Shen Yun carefully.

 “Yes, new colleague.” Shen Yun nodded.

The other party said with a straight face, "Take out your ID and take a look."

Shen Yun looked at the person in front of him carefully and said, "When I was at the headquarters a few days ago, Captain Yan asked you to touch stones, which are glowing stones. I happened to pass by at that time."

Hearing what Shen Yun said, the expression on this man's face immediately relaxed a little. This happened a few days ago, and only internal personnel could go to the headquarters.

Thinking of this, the man looked at Shen Yun with admiration in his eyes. Hearing them say that there is a new Overlord Flower in the department, which is amazing, could it be the girl in front of him? He even talked to her, what should I do if he is a little excited?

 “Ahem, let’s go up.” The man took a step to the side, and the stairs behind him leaked out.

Shen Yun thanked him and went straight to the third floor.

 The first one I saw was Xu Zhang.

“Teacher Xu, are you feeling better?” Shen Yun met Xu Zhang’s eyes as soon as he walked up.

"Much better. I looked like you just downstairs. How about it? The West Village wasn't destroyed." Xu Zhang asked with concern.

Shen Yun thought that the battlefield that night was all in the north of the ancient tombs, and the ancient tombs were basically untouched. "Don't worry, teacher, there is nothing wrong there. After you guys feel better in a few days, we can probably continue digging there." ”

"That's good. I'm worried these days and I can't go out. Fortunately, you come over and tell me." Xu Zhang's mood brightened visibly.

"Teacher Xu, how have you been feeling these past two days? Are you feeling better?" Shen Yun asked with concern.

"The people who came here are all pretty good, but when I counted them, there seemed to be one missing person. This person had not been treated outside, and I don't know how he was doing." When Shen Yun and the others passed by that day, he was already sick and confused. , then when he saw Shen Yun, he suddenly remembered that they had hired foreign aid. He had looked at both floors in the past few days, but he never saw anyone.

 (End of this chapter)

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