Chapter 75 The Cook of the Archaeological Team

"You mean there is another person?" Shen Yun immediately asked.

"Yeah, haven't we been in the West Village for a while? We hired a cook to help cook every day, and occasionally help with digging. This time, I see that everyone has come over, and there is no such cook, right? Have you arranged to go elsewhere?" Xu Zhang said carefully.

 “Then what is this person’s name?” Shen Yun continued to ask.

"What's it called? Wait a minute and I'll ask." Xu Zhang said and turned to ask the person next to him.

“Lao Zhang, you hired that cook, right? Do you know his name?”

"He mentioned the specific name of this at that time. When you ask now, I really can't remember it. I just remember that his nickname is Lao Hei." Teacher Zhang heard Xu Zhang's question and slowly walked towards this person. Bian walked over.

"Teacher Zhang, where did you find this person? Does anyone else know his name?" Shen Yun looked at the person coming over, it was a senior he had never seen before.

"I guess not. Lao Hei doesn't like to talk very much. I'm looking for him because he seems to be honest and responsible. I haven't seen him talking to a few people in the West Village." Teacher Zhang said and turned around to ask. Once again, as expected, everyone said they didn't know his name, they just knew that everyone called him Lao Hei.

 “Then do you remember what he looks like?”

“If you remember what Lao Hei looks like and can draw, come here. Come on, I’ve forgotten him for so many days and I don’t know what happened to him.” Xu Zhang shouted to the people next to him.

 He was really worried. After all, people were cooking for them, and they should also bear some responsibility if anything happened.

 Xu Zhang’s words immediately made the people next to him start to move.

 After a while, a good painter came over. Shen Yun directly asked him to draw a portrait of Lao Hei, and then asked Teacher Zhang some other questions.

After waiting for more than an hour, I got a simple portrait sketch. "This is what I remember about Lao Hei. But I am also very busy at ordinary times. I only saw him a few times when I was eating. Let's take a look at it first." wrong."

After the man finished the painting, he lit it up for everyone to see. When everyone saw it, they all said it looked like it and there was nothing to add. The man turned around and handed the painting into Shen Yun's hands.

"Then teachers and brothers, I won't stay here any longer. In your case, you should be discharged from the hospital in a few days. I'll go find the whereabouts of this old black man first." Shen Yun glanced at the portrait and put it away. said.

"Go, go." When everyone heard that Shen Yun was looking for someone, they waved their hands to signal Shen Yun to leave quickly.

 Shen Yun went downstairs directly.

“All the patients that night must have been sent here.” Before leaving, Shen Yun asked the gatekeeper.

“They were all sent here. Even the two people who were injured earlier came directly here for treatment.” The gatekeeper replied seriously.

“Okay, thank you, goodbye.” After saying that, Shen Yun got on his bicycle and walked away quickly.

I have to go to the West Village, and this person also needs to investigate.

Shen Yun’s cycling speed is no slower than driving. She can even ride a bicycle faster on bad roads.

By the time Shen Yun arrived at the West Village, it was almost evening again.

The entire ancient tomb area has been cordoned off, and a few people are watching here.

Shen Yun saw his old acquaintance Xu Lei from afar.

"Chen Yun, why are you here?" Xu Lei saw a bicycle coming quickly from a distance. When he got closer, he saw that it was Shen Yun. "Come and take a look at the situation here. By the way, can you show me the place you mentioned?" Shen Yun put the car away and looked around. It's not as foggy as the last time we came here. The whole place is much clearer. Only a little of the Yin Qi remains.

  In two days, the yin energy should dissipate naturally, and Shen Yun was relieved.

 “Okay, come with me.” Xu Lei nodded.

Shen Yun followed Xu Lei and walked inside. In addition to the half-excavated ancient tomb in the surrounding area, the soil on the surrounding ground was plowed into pits.

“We dug carefully according to the place indicated by Mr. Zhang, but unfortunately nothing was dug out. Later we discovered that the things seemed to have been dug away.

In the past two days, I have also asked the villagers nearby. They don’t know who buried the tombs here. No one noticed that there were four more coffins here. Our people carefully identified them. It’s not like these people were lying. . "Xu Lei said carefully.

"This is a bit strange. The four coffins are not one. It is impossible for them to appear here out of thin air. Besides, the coffins are not small. If they are carried by people, there will definitely be movement. If they are pulled by a car, the movement will not be small. We can identify it. Is he reliable?" Shen Yun asked Xu Lei on the side.

"Don't worry, this is someone you can trust. We are also wondering. We have cooperated with the public security to investigate to see if there are any missing persons there recently. The research laboratory is also testing the corpses." Xu Lei carefully said.

“When we arrived, we discovered this pit by accident. We all dug it with shovels, but this one was dug by hand.” Xu Lei pointed at the pit in front of him and said.

Shen Yun saw a small pit half a man deep in front of him. The soil on the edge was indeed full of finger prints.

It seems that this person's skills are not weak.

Not far from the pit is a small forest. In this weather, when the vegetation is lush, as soon as one enters, the area cannot be seen. It is an easy place to hide.

Shen Yun looked carefully and scanned around with his consciousness. Nothing was left behind. It seemed that this person was also very cautious.

“Have you been to the woods over there?”

 “I’ve been there, there are no clues.” Xu Lei nodded.

Shen Yun, who was originally going to go in and take a look, also gave up the idea. He didn't say whether he would find anything when he went in. Even if he found something, it might not be what he was looking for. There were too many people in the woods and the atmosphere was already mixed.

"There are no clues. By the way, I have a portrait here. Take a look." Shen Yun took out the portrait he just got and showed it to Xu Lei. "This one is with the archaeologists. They invited it to cook. It’s not at Beijiao Hospital, and I don’t know if what happened here has anything to do with this person.”

“Can you give me this portrait?” Xu Lei took a closer look. The person in the portrait was not conspicuous at all. It just gave him the impression that he was thin and gloomy from the picture.

"Okay." Shen Yun handed the portrait directly to Xu Lei. He remembered the portrait at a glance, so it didn't matter if he gave it to him.

 Because of his experience in the research laboratory in his previous life, Shen Yun had more trust in Xu Lei.

"If you find someone, tell me. I want to see if he created these things. If it is true, he is really a powerful person." Shen Yun made a small request.

"Don't worry, the captain said that if you participate in this case, the rest of the matter will not be hidden from you." Xu Lei nodded in agreement.

Shen Yun smiled and expressed his gratitude, and did not stay here longer. He looked around and left directly.

 (End of this chapter)

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