Chapter 88 Isn’t this inconsistent with gravity?

Zhuo Yu and several soldiers looked at each other when they heard what Shen Yun said, "Are you feeling tired too?"

 Several people asked at the same time.

“I thought it was because I had exercised less recently and my physical fitness had declined, that’s why I felt tired. I didn’t expect you were like this too,” Zhuo Yu suddenly said.

  After all, walking this little bit in the morning is commonplace for soldiers who often train with heavy loads.

 They never dared to express their tiredness, especially after walking over the stone, they felt tired all over again. Unexpectedly, this was also a key message.

 “Look, this is something abnormal.” Shen Yun said.

Yan Han next to him felt his slightly groggy brain, and then looked at Shen Yun. It turned out that the monk's feeling was different from other people's.

 I thought it was due to the many things going on during this period, but I didn't expect it to be this reason. I still don't know much about cultivators.

"Then you should tell me what circumstances can cause such an impact." Wang Jing thought about it carefully. The books he had read did not say anything about the circumstances that would cause such an impact. Looking at Shen Yun, he had no grudge and asked directly. stand up.

“If you want to know the reason, let’s see if you are willing to accompany me for a while.”

"We came out just to figure out the missing persons. As long as we can solve the problem, don't talk about it. We will accompany you for 10 rounds." A few soldiers were the first to speak.

 The people from the special department also nodded.

“Since you guys have no objections, let’s go.” Shen Yun became the leader.

  First I took the people around for a while to confirm my suspicions.

“This is a combination of the phantom ecstasy array and the Bagua array.

The missing people should have gone to the same place, but the effects of these two formations will make people disoriented and exhausted. People will even fall asleep if they stay in them for a long time.

If those missing people could enter the place where the monsters were said to be before falling asleep, they might still be able to survive. If they fell asleep directly in the forest, there was no guarantee. "Chen Yun explained his findings carefully.

Everyone knows the environment of this forest, and they also know what Shen Yun's last sentence said, "I can't guarantee it." After all, if you fall asleep in a forest full of wild animals, your chances of survival are really slim, not to mention the very low temperature inside. .

 It is estimated that in the end it either became food or froze to death due to hypothermia.

Now thinking about those few people who escaped, they were really lucky.

“Is there any way to break these two formations?” Wang Jing was the first to hear about the phantom ecstasy formation. It can also form a combined formation with the Bagua formation, which sounds very powerful.

"Although these two formations are powerful, they are not very aggressive. In addition, they are formed naturally and were not deliberately arranged by anyone, so their power is much smaller." Shen Yun turned around. She understood the situation. If someone had specially arranged this, she wouldn't be able to get out today, let alone other people.

  But it is formed naturally and can be solved by oneself.

"You guys take a rest here first. I'll look for where the formation eye is first." After Chen Yun finished speaking, he turned around and jumped towards a big tree next to him. With a few gentle jumps, he reached the top tree. On the branches.

With the help of spiritual power, Shen Yun stood firm.

 Started to carefully analyze the places I had written down along the way I had just walked. “Did she jump up just now?” Wang Jing asked the people around him.

"Yes, you read that right." Li Ming raised his head and looked at Shen Yun above, not forgetting to confirm to Wang Jing that there was nothing wrong with his eyes.

"Can a person jump so high at once? This doesn't comply with gravity." Wang Jing thought about Shen Yun's actions just now and felt that this girl was a little abnormal.

"You, a little Taoist priest, actually talked about gravity. It's funny. You have already figured out the formations. Isn't gravity just for breaking free?" Li Ming gave Wang Jing a strange look. It is really strange to hear the word gravity from the mouth of a superstitious Taoist priest.

"What's wrong with me, Taoist priest? You look down on Taoist priests. Even if I am a Taoist priest, I am still a Taoist priest who has gone to school." Wang Jing rolled his eyes at Li Ming and continued to look at Shen Yun above.

At this time, Shen Yun had already found the approximate location of the formation's eye.

 Things that were not clearly visible outside were now clearly visible inside, as if a layer of fog had been lifted.

  Jumped directly from the tree.

Looking at the people below who were quickly moving to catch the severe cold, Shen Yun twisted around in the air and moved away from him.

“Captain Yan, what are you doing?”

"What you just did was too risky. Even if you are an expert and brave, there is a lack of medical treatment here and injuries are very dangerous." Yan Han looked at Shen Yun who asked him, and couldn't help but said with a straight face. One pass.

"I'm sorry, I didn't take you into consideration, but don't worry, I'm sure of it." Shen Yun apologized lightly. There was a quick way, so he couldn't crawl down the tree trunk.

"Sister, do you still need a younger brother? Look how I am doing. You are so powerful. How can you jump down from such a high place and nothing will happen? Can you leave this unique skill to me?" Li Ming saw that the atmosphere was not right and immediately Make jokes and make fun of others.

"I don't need my little brother, and I don't want to get into a group fight." Shen Yun waved his hand and walked directly towards his destination, "I saw the formation. If you want to go there together, you should wait here."

They didn’t wait for an answer, but the people who followed them confirmed their attitude.

 The formation eye is not in the center because the two natural formations are combined, so the formation eye is still in the danger zone.

 Halfway through, the people behind were no longer dragged down by the formation.

 Even Li Ming and Wang Jing could not keep their eyelids open.

"Don't go forward with me. I was wrong when I came here. I didn't expect that the deeper you go in, the stronger the effect of the formation will be. Now that you are going forward, you will probably fall unconscious in a while. It's not safe here. "From the moment he entered the danger zone, Shen Yun felt that there were some small animals following him. The further inside, the more animals followed him, and there were many animals that were very dangerous to humans.

 I don’t know if it’s because I’m curious, or I’m just waiting for someone to come out of a coma. Anyway, it seems that taking them further inside is definitely not a good choice.

Shen Yun added a layer of spiritual isolation to himself, and now he doesn't feel any discomfort. However, looking at the people who kept rubbing their temples, except for the severe cold who had no symptoms, the others were not in good condition.

Yan Han is also a decisive person, and he immediately came down and decided, "Let's go back along the road we just took. You can go over and see the situation by yourself. If you can't handle it alone, then go back and wait until you get back to think of a solution. Don't act temporarily." powerful."

 He knew Shen Yun's ability, so they would not hold her back if they retreated.

"Don't worry, I will do my best." Shen Yun nodded, watched them retreat, turned around and quickly dispersed some ordinary animals following them, and then took a small cup of spiritual spring water in his hand. Sure enough, All the little animals with sharp noses followed him directly.

 (End of this chapter)

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