Chapter 89: Falling into an illusion

 When he felt that the distance was close, Shen Yun directly left the spiritual spring water where he was and ran quickly towards the formation eye.

  There was a big tree at the position of the formation she just saw, so the purpose was very clear.

Far away, Shen Yun saw a very conspicuous big tree with lush branches and leaves. Compared with the surrounding trees, it looked like a burly man standing in that place. The trees next to it were made smaller and smaller by the contrast.

Before Shen Yun even got close, he felt confused and his whole person was plunged into darkness.

“Where is this place?” When Shen Yun woke up, he felt confused, as if he had forgotten something.

"Number 10, let's eat." When Shen Yun was still confused, he saw a lunch box handed in through a small opening in the transparent door, and then a woman in a white coat outside said something and walked towards her without looking back. Go to the next room.

Shen Yun glanced around. Everything was made of transparent glass, and people were living in the rooms on the left and right.

Then I remembered that this was the 24th day since I was sent to this research institute by the Fu family. The fourth level of Qi Qi that I had finally cultivated yesterday had been absorbed. At that time, I had no power to resist at all.

Shen Yun ignored the surrounding environment and immediately felt that his Dantian was empty, like a dry stream that had been drained of water, and not a drop of spiritual energy could be squeezed out.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Yun, who was quite calm at first, suddenly felt a little panicked, feeling powerless in the face of a strange environment.

 The surroundings are all made of transparent glass. The ones here seem to be experimental subjects. They have no names and are all numbered.

The face of No. 9 next to him is very ordinary, but the eyes are very distinctive. It is difficult to forget after one glance. However, he feels very mentally abnormal. He keeps talking about the boss coming to save him all day long. The number 11 next to him is even more... I went completely crazy the past few days.

Shen Yun even felt that he was not crazy yet. He had dug too many graves over the years and had seen too many things.

 Slowly holding on to the edge of the bed, I propped up my body. The feeling of weakness all over my body was very uncomfortable.

He moved to the door and looked at the lunch box at the door. It was the same as the previous dishes and had a familiar taste. Shen Yun was a little confused whether this research institute had also kidnapped the old chefs from the university cafeteria. The taste was just like that of the university. The cafeteria is exactly the same.

 As Shen Yun ate, he felt something was wrong.

 Have you forgotten something just now?

 He patted his head hard and wondered what he had forgotten. He was not even thirty yet, so he got a certificate of forgetfulness.

The people in the research lab gave me some medicine after I fell into a coma.

Shen Yun looked at his arms full of pinholes, trying to see something different in them.

It’s a pity that nothing can be seen from the withered arm.

Thinking about the 24 days since he entered the research laboratory, he has been drawing blood and administering medicine basically every day. Even a few pieces of flesh on his body have disappeared. Shen Yun does not know where this place is, let alone who is in it. , I only know that when the Fu family sent me in, I felt like I had entered a terrible cage.

Every day is torture. Looking at the dull-eyed people around me, I can clearly see the face next door, while the others are like blurry figures.

Shen Yun rubbed his eyes and felt something was even more wrong.

“No. 10, let’s go out.” Shen Yun finished his meal and was carefully looking at his surroundings when he saw the glass door opened and several people in white coats walked in.

 Wearing a mask, you can’t see your face clearly.

Shen Yun thought that this was because her spiritual energy had revived. Maybe it was a special way of covering up. She didn't pay much attention to this matter.

What she cared about was what the people in front of her were trying to do with her. Her aura had disappeared. She wanted to practice, but she found that there seemed to be something blocking the aura in this laboratory. Anyway, she couldn't feel any aura. "Why are you taking me here again today?" Shen Yun asked.

 “Ask less if you shouldn’t!” the person said in a cold voice, which suddenly felt a little inconsistent. This voice should not appear here.

Several people swarmed up and pulled Shen Yun outside. Shen Yun wanted to break free, but he couldn't muster any strength.

He was taken directly to an operating room and then fixed to the bed in the operating room.

 Looking at the lights overhead, an inexplicable sense of familiarity came over me again.

 After a while, several people came in.

"Xue Yi." Shen Yun looked at the thin and elegant man in front of him, and for some reason a name came to his mind. He seemed to have never seen this person before.

Then I heard the person named Xue Yi start to speak, "No. 10's aura has disappeared. A low-level cultivator like this, a casual cultivator with no cultivation path, has no use value. Why don't we take a look at her again?" Dantian structure, this can also provide a new sample for our research. "

 The people around him didn't have any good suggestions. After thinking about it for a while, they agreed to the suggestion of calling Xue Yi.

Shen Yun saw each of these people pick up a scalpel, wearing a special mask on their face, and cut open their clothes.

It was clear that the knife had not yet fallen on him, but Chen Yun felt bone-gnawing pain all over his body, as if he saw himself covered in blood. Several people were scratching his body with the knife, and he was like a broken doll. No one would care about him at all. Care about whether it hurts and whether the blood dries up.

 When the cold tip of the knife touches myself.

 Shen Yun suddenly became excited.

 The tip of the knife is directly attached to a thick layer of metal.

 Only a ding was heard, blocking the movement of the tip of the knife.

 Shen Yun broke free from the restraints on his hands and directly summoned the Qingfeng Sword in his body.

As soon as the person on the opposite side saw Shen Yun's movements, he also took an attack stance, and quickly attacked Shen Yun with the scalpel in his hand.

At this moment, Shen Yun was completely awake. All the things that were wrong that he just felt were explained. He had accidentally fallen into an illusion. It turned out that the combination of the Phantom Ecstasy Array and the Bagua Array had this effect.

Looking at the people on the opposite side, Shen Yun's eyes turned red, his spiritual energy surged all over his body, and he raised his sword to attack.

 The blades of the swords met, and both parties took a few steps back.

It seems that even though this place is an illusion, the people opposite are still well-educated.

Shen Yun thought about the pain he felt when he died tragically in his previous life, gritted his teeth, and his brain, which was hit by anger, suddenly woke up.

Hand forward directly with the sword in hand, spiritual energy poured into the Qingfeng sword. With a buzzing sound, the sword move emitted a burst of sword energy.

Shen Yun couldn't help but be happy that he had finally mastered sword energy. Looking at Xue Yi who was gradually disappearing over there, he felt relaxed all over his body.

 Looking at the other three people, Shen Yun continued to face them with his sword.

 (End of this chapter)

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