Chapter 90 Destruction of the Formation Eye

 The long sword in his hand kept dancing around him, blocking the attacks of the three people around him.

At the same time, he made a seal with one hand and threw a quicksand all over the sky.

Looking at the three people stuck in the dust, Shen Yun stepped back and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Unexpectedly, these people in the illusion were more powerful than he thought.

But think about it in real life, these people don’t know where they are. Xue Yi, the only one I met, has to rely on him to find out about other people in the research laboratory. If you can't take action, you'd better take revenge in the fantasy world first.

Shen Yun slowed down for a moment, then entered the quicksand sky with his sword in hand.

 Relying on his keen sense of consciousness, he approached several people directly.

 The body shape speeds up, and the body refining skills practiced for such a long time are not in vain.

The Qingfeng Sword thrust out quickly with sword light.

 A green sword light was swung out, and another person disappeared over there.

 Shen Yun chuckled lightly, with a cold look in his eyes, and continued to attack in that direction.

Shen Yun used the first level of Chaos Sword Technique to its extreme, and finally used a wound on his arm to make two people disappear.

Panting heavily and looking at the slowly disappearing laboratories around him, Shen Yun laughed happily, feeling that the depression in his heart had dissipated a lot during this period.

Looking at the woods appearing in front of him, Shen Yun tightly covered the wound on his arm.

He made a fighting stance. During the time when he fell into the illusion, he was surrounded by various animals. He looked at the scorpion with its tail raised in front of him and the scorpions with many legs, and then looked at the large carnivores behind him.

 If you are fighting against one person and setting up such a big battle, the big tree in front is not the center of the battle, it must be a spirit.

But these animals in front of us are ordinary animals, which are easy to deal with.

 Use the mire spell first, and the small animals behind will immediately sink their feet, and then use a few fireball spells to scare away many of them.

Looking at the animals that still wanted to stay here to pick up the leaks, Shen Yun swung his sword directly forward, and a sword energy was instantly thrown out. Suddenly, the small animals that were still here just now ran away with their tails between their legs.

Looking at the animals walking away, Shen Yun sat directly on the ground with his sword in hand, took out a glass of spiritual spring water from the space, drank it, and began to regulate his breathing.

 After the blood on his arm stopped flowing and the pain in his chest disappeared, Shen Yun stood up.

Looking at the towering tree in front of me, the leaves swayed gently without any wind.

I was careless just now, thinking that there was not much danger in the naturally formed formation, but I didn't know that I was taught a lesson as soon as I arrived here. If I hadn't reacted at the last moment, would I have died in the illusion? Something I'm not sure about.

 Sure enough, we cannot take things lightly regarding these fantasy-related matters.

  Now Shen Yun did not dare to be careless, and slowly approached the big tree with his sword in hand.

  There was no situation where I would whip myself with my legs as I imagined.

 The big tree stood there quietly without any reaction.

Shen Yun looked around the area and determined that this big tree was the formation eye.

Yun Danfengqing's appearance is completely different from the fierce attack in the illusion just now.

  Shen Yun looked at the Qingfeng Sword in his hand, and finally decided to dig out the big tree directly.

 Using earth spells directly, the tree roots were pulled out from the soil, and the big tree with a thickness of three people fell directly to the ground.

 The moment the big tree left the ground, Shen Yun felt that the pressure that had always existed suddenly disappeared.      It turns out that the formation is correct.

Looking at a huge stone not far away, he swung his sword and the stone shattered, and the simple trap disappeared.

 As the stones in front of me shattered, a slight wave gradually appeared in place.

Shen Yun saw a formation-like pattern appear on the ground.

 It is not a naturally formed formation like the one just now, but full of artificial traces.

Shen Yun studied the formation carefully, and mysterious and complex patterns were carved on the ground.

 The ground no longer looked like fresh soil, but turned into a whole piece of stone.

After looking at the lines of the entire formation, Shen Yun made a decision in his mind and looked at the faint light at the eye of the formation, which was absorbing the heat of the sun.

It seems that this formation eye is a special magic weapon that can absorb sunlight as the energy for the formation's operation. I have to say that the immortals in the past were indeed very powerful.

Those missing people should have stepped on the teleportation array in front of them and disappeared, feeling the energy overflowing from the center of the array. It seems that the teleportation array has been fully charged in the past two days for the next teleportation. I don’t know who is inside. Can you take the opportunity to come out?

Shen Yun took a closer look and found that this was an ancient teleportation formation. Although he had seen the formation diagram, he still couldn't crack it with his current cultivation level. However, today's purpose was accomplished, and he could go back to deliver the mission first.

Shen Yun waved his hand directly, and a cloud of dust covered the formation map.

  He dragged the fallen tree directly and walked outside.

This is my trophy. Go back and ask Yanhan if you can take it back.

When Yanhan and the others saw Shen Yun again, they saw a tall and thin girl, pulling a tree many times bigger than her towards their direction.

"Wang Jing and Li Ming are already awake now, and we are preparing to go find you."

 That big tree you made there. Yan Han was also a little confused.

“This is my trophy. Can I take the hole I just dug into it home with me?” Shen Yun asked Yan Han directly.

"I'll ask when I get back if this is a rare tree species making the decision, but don't worry, if I can't give you something, I can supply you with something of the same value." Yanhan said businesslikely.

Shen Yun thought that his ultimate purpose of getting this tree was to make some money, but he didn't really want this tree.

"Okay, in that case, I'll drag him back when I go back later, and you guys can evaluate it. By the way, I'm a little bit clueless about finding people, so I'll take you to have a look." Shen Yun threw the big tree to the ground. It stirred up dust all over the ground.

“Have you broken the formation?” Wang Jing came over curiously and asked.

 “It’s broken.” Shen Yun nodded.

Wang Jing's eyes suddenly became hot, "Master Shen, are you still accepting disciples? What do you think of me?" Wang Jing has been a member of the Taoist temple for so many years and has been studying formations enthusiastically, even though he knows the possibility of this thing being realized in this era. It was small, but he was still interested.

He didn't expect that Senior Brother Liu would be sent back to the Taoist Temple by the special department. He would be able to take up the quota of the special department, see Taoist formations, and most importantly, meet an expert who could decipher the formations.

Chen Yun looked at the bright eyes of the little Taoist priest. Although this boy was young and young, he seemed to be a few years older than himself. Before he came, he had ignored him, but now he took the initiative to come over and want to learn from him. This man must have changed too quickly.

  You should be cautious about accepting disciples.

Wang Jing didn't know that he was regarded as having bad intentions despite his rare enthusiasm. He looked at Shen Yun and shook his head, and suddenly felt that the sky was gray.

 (End of this chapter)

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