Chapter 95: Things are going wrong

Although his cultivation level is higher than his own, he can't be cowardly at this moment. The little jumper jumps on top of other people's heads and dances. He makes this naughty egg trap miserable, looking at the high-raised tail needle. I knew that I would definitely be in trouble today.

The big scorpion shook off the little fleas jumping on his head several times, and rushed towards Shen Yun with the flying dust.

Shen Yun first got himself a spiritual energy mask to avoid squinting in the sand dust, and then raised his sword and attacked directly towards the opposite side.

Evading the scorpion's big pincers, Shen Yun stabbed the scorpion's back with his sword. There was a "ding" sound, leaving no trace on it, but Shen Yun felt that his hand was numb from the shock.

Flying to avoid another large pliers that quickly overtook him.

Rolling on the spot and dodging the attack of the tail needle, Shen Yun looked embarrassed and distanced himself from Scorpion.

  Shaking his numb arm, Shen Yun looked at the small egg that looked like it was stuck on the head of a scorpion. Shen Yun was really worried that it would get too big and break the eggshell.

But there was no time to care about this now. The scorpion's tail needle over there pierced him again, and Shen Yun quickly avoided the counterattack.

Scorpion was indeed stronger than him. Although he was huge, his flexibility was not bad at all. Shen Yun could only resist with difficulty. He took the time to stab Scorpion twice with his sword and throw out several magic attacks.

I don’t know what kind of material its shell is made of, but it is more powerful than my own robe. Not only can it resist physical attacks, but even magical attacks leave no trace on it.

Chen Yun glanced at the injured and tattered cassock and said, "Xiao Benda, let's retreat first. We can't fight now." Anyway, this secret realm is a big place, and he doesn't worry about the scorpions running out. Shen Yun thinks it's right to run away if he can't fight. , I will feel more confident when I get stronger before I start to stir up trouble.

Shen Yun even ran out a few steps, but when he looked back, he saw that the scorpion chasing him had an egg on its head.

It was so conspicuous on the **** scorpion that Shen Yun could not even see it.

 Scorpion was extremely fast on the sand, and Shen Yun's escape plan failed within a few seconds.

Feeling the huge shadow falling above his head, he raised his Qingfeng sword, endured the numbness in his arm, rolled in the air, and directly avoided the large pliers coming from behind.

It seems that this guy is not going to let him go. Sure enough, the Huohuo family just had too many children and grandchildren.

 Shen Yun braced himself to fight against the big scorpion. Anyway, he still had some room to cover up.

 With the use of mana and swordsmanship, the spiritual energy in the body is also rapidly consumed.

The yellow sand kept churning, and the light of sword energy and magic kept shining.

 The long sword was inserted into the joint of the pliers, finally breaking through the defense of the scorpion's shell.

Shen Yun exerted all his strength, and one of the pliers was cut off by the sword energy.

 The body was also thrown out by the tail needle that followed.

Shen Yun looked at the other pliers that were coming to clamp him, and was about to duck into the space to hide. Anyway, the fight didn't stop the little egg from jumping on the scorpion's head. Shen Yun felt that it would be fine.

 You'd better protect yourself first.

But the moment he entered the space, a sudden change occurred, and Shen Yun was directly carried into the sand by the rolling scorpion.

The imaginary attack did not come, but there was a hissing and banging sound in my ears.

Shen Yun quickly pulled himself out of the sand. He looked up and saw a stunned scene. The big scorpion that had just attacked him was rolling on the ground, as if it had been stimulated by something. The hissing sound was also transmitted by scorpions. Shen Yun had never known that scorpions could still make a sound, and it was a very frequent sound.

 The spiritual consciousness spread out in an instant, and no other animals were found. So what is the situation with this scorpion?

Shen Yun stared over there carefully. The moment the scorpion turned out of the sand, he discovered that the little egg that was jumping on the top of the scorpion was gone, and a hole appeared on the hard top.

Shen Yun was a little in disbelief, and used his spiritual sense to check it again.

 It is indeed a hole the size of an egg.

This little egg is really powerful. Qingfeng couldn't do anything about it, but it persevered and conquered even such a big scorpion. It said it was even more powerful than itself.

Shen Yun looked at the scorpion, which was moving more and more slowly, with a complicated mood. He originally wanted to save the egg, but he was saved by it in the end.

This egg fried rice is definitely not enough to be eaten!

I tidied up my embarrassment and looked at the damaged cassocks all over my body. I felt very distressed. I only had space for this one. I had not yet learned the skills of making cassocks. It seemed that I would only be able to buy more ordinary clothes in the future.

Shen Yun really didn't expect that the most expensive thing since he started cultivating was not money, but clothes.

When the movement over there finally stopped, Shen Yun saw the little egg coming out of the hole on the top of the scorpion. Then, just like before, he motioned for himself to put it away. Shen Yun was already familiar with its movements and directly Just take this big guy into the space.

"You are really capable. Not only did you kill other people's descendants, but you also spared their ancestors. You had a grudge against Scorpion in your previous life, right?" Shen Yun touched the hand that had returned to his shoulder. Egg, "From now on you will be officially named Little Bunda.

 Do you have any comments?

 I don’t have any opinion, that’s it. "Shen Yun didn't give Little Egg time to react and directly decided on the name.

Little Dandan accepted the name Xiaobengda well. He shook it on Shen Yun's shoulder and had no other reaction.

Shen Yun bent down and pulled out the large pliers that he had chopped off from the sand, put them away, and then continued to walk ahead.

 The road ahead was quite quiet. Not a single scorpion was seen. Maybe they were frightened and hid.

 After crossing this desert, we arrived at a normal land, a land with mountains, water, trees and grass.

Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that this place was full of extreme environments, so it would be nice to be normal.

Shen Yun looked at the land in front of him and did not enter rashly. Instead, he sat directly at the junction to replenish the spiritual energy he had consumed.

After these two days of fighting, although Shen Yun did not directly reach the ninth level of Qi training, he had reached the Great Perfection of the eighth level.

 The actual combat capabilities and response capabilities have also been greatly improved.

 Shen Yun is somewhat looking forward to the next trip.

  The consumed spiritual energy was replenished, and he walked forward directly under the weak morning light. This was already the third day since he came in. If he went according to his previous calculations, he would have to go out on the fifth day, so he had to hurry up in the next time.

  In the normal realm, we did not encounter anything too dangerous. Among the lower-level monsters, before Shen Yun could take action, Xiaobengda jumped directly over them. With a burst of bounding, he scared away many of them.

 (End of this chapter)

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