Chapter 96 Playing with fire and burning yourself

Shen Yun wanted to hunt a few of them, but he had no chance.

 Walking to a lake, I also found traces of people who had previously set up camp here. Maybe because they left suddenly, the tent was still standing here.

 Seeing such a tent appearing in the natural environment, Shen Yun felt quite warm in his heart.

 Walked directly over.

 Some of the remaining items in the tent have been disturbed by some small animals.

Shen Yun immediately put away his things and packed the tent, planning to take it with him later and take it out directly when he went out.

 Walking around the edge of the lake, there was really no big danger. Only some small animals drinking water would attack if they were frightened.

Shen Yun couldn't help but sigh. The people who came in last time were quite lucky. If the place they came in was a snowy area or a desert, the outcome would be hard to predict.

Shen Yun took his things and left here to continue moving forward. He also encountered several kinds of spiritual herbs in the process. He did not let go of any of them and transplanted many of them in his own space.

When we finally walked out of the woods, a bamboo house suddenly appeared in front of us.

Shen Yun scanned it with his spiritual consciousness and found that the bamboo house did exist.

 Catch the egg that wants to jump over there.

 Go that way carefully.

 The bamboo house is well integrated into the surrounding environment, as if it is growing there.

 It is not conspicuous, but it cannot be ignored.

 Pushing open the door carefully, there was nothing inside.

Shen Yun walked in, but the door behind him closed automatically.

 I was shocked, but I pushed the door but did not open it.

  Turning around again, the interior of the bamboo house was no longer made of bamboo, but was directly made of black iron. The door behind him disappeared, and a door appeared on the opposite side.

"Xiao Benda, you are an old man too. Do you know what is going on?" Shen Yun did not act rashly now. His consciousness was always on the outside. His consciousness was not aware of the changes here just now. Obviously the current situation is definitely not as simple as walking from here to the opposite door.

Little Benda didn’t answer as usual, and jumped directly onto the fire on the wall and started to bake eggs.

Shen Yun was speechless for a moment. Sure enough, this guy was only reliable once in a while.

He carefully took two steps forward, and suddenly two puppets fell down in mid-air. There was nothing there just now, and Shen Yun didn't even notice how these two things appeared.

 Before Shen Yun could retreat, the two puppets attacked directly.

Shen Yun didn't have time to think about anything and went straight to greet him.

 These two puppets have flexible bodies, unlike anything Shen Yun has ever seen.

Shen Yun took a few moves and knew the strength of his opponent. Both of them should be at around the third level of Qi training. Their cooperation was indeed very tacit. It took a lot of effort for Shen Yun to stop the two puppets.

 He ​​breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the light that suddenly came on on the door. Did he pass this level?

 Shen Yun did not rush to open the door, but just sat there and adjusted his breath.

 The technique continued to operate, and when the spiritual energy in his body was filled again, Shen Yun had already touched the threshold of the ninth level of Qi training.

“Little Bengda, let’s go and have a look at the door.” Shen Yun greeted Little Bengda who was warming up by the fire, and went straight over to open the door.

 The two rooms are the same.

Shen Yun was ready and stepped in directly.

 A puppet with an eighth level of Qi training appeared again. The same mode as before, just hit when you come up.

The puppets have no weapons, they just use their bodies to move each move. Shen Yun also used the physical training skills he learned to directly take over.

As he was making moves one by one, he realized that this puppet didn't seem to be trying to hurt himself, but rather seemed to be giving moves to himself.

As he fought with puppets, Shen Yun became more and more proficient in physical training, and his body's toughness also slowly improved.

 When he had thoroughly mastered the physical training and Qi layer skills, the puppet stopped moving.

Shen Yun looked at his thin-skinned but increasingly tough body, and was a little curious, where is this place? How come there are step-by-step instructions? This is great.

 After adjusting his breath for a moment, Shen Yun directly opened the next door.

As soon as he entered, two puppets with the fourth level of Qi training appeared. They launched fierce attacks. Each move was the same as the puppets just now, but this was not like feeding moves, but like testing the teaching results just now.

 Facing two fourth-level Qi practitioners, Shen Yun was not afraid. Coupled with the teaching just now, Shen Yun stopped the two puppets without much effort.

 Pushing open the next door, there was a puppet holding a sword. Shen Yun understood it immediately, took out Qingfeng and faced it directly.

The familiar feeding moves feel better than fighting monsters. Each move makes Shen Yun understand the Chaos Sword Technique more deeply. With each move, Shen Yun directly uses the second level of the Chaos Sword Technique.

 The puppet didn't stop moving until the first two levels of the Chaos Sword Technique were mastered.

  Shen Yun understood that the teaching time was over.

 Sit directly on the ground and adjust your breath. As the spiritual energy flows in, your cultivation level has naturally reached the ninth level.

  Pushing open the door on the next floor, two sharp sword auras came straight towards the door in front of me.

Shen Yun quickly dodged and then fought with two puppets who were on the sixth level of Qi training.

 In the end, the robes on his body were completely scrapped, and the two puppets on the opposite side also lost their arms, and the battle stopped.

In the next two layers, the first layer of spell teaching, Shen Yun can still be easily cope. The latter layer appears two nine -layer French puppets. Shen Yun can only hide.

In the end, Shen Yun got an afro, a beggar's uniform, and was tied to the ground with a cane.

 The two Dharma cultivator puppets disappeared from the spot.

Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not really directed at him, otherwise his life would have been at stake.

 Breaking free from the shackles of the cane, he looked up and saw the happy little bunba roasting in the light. Shen Yun held his breath. He came in to be nursed, and others came in to enjoy life.

 Look at the eggshells that are roasted yellow and black.

"Oh, that's not right. Xiaobengda, you are playing with fire and burning yourself. Don't really roast yourself. I don't want to eat you. Who knows if you will get diarrhea." Shen Yun didn't bother arranging his hair and directly Go over and take the eggs out of the fire.

Black and yellow marks did appear on the eggshell, and even the cleaning technique couldn't remove them.

However, the egg, which has been silent for a long time, can now feel a little continuous but weak vitality.

Shen Yun felt happy and directly put the eggs into the fire pit again.

 Then he opened the next door directly. There were no puppets in this one, and it looked like a normal room.

A few chairs, a table, and a jade slip placed on the table.

 Shen Yun picked up the jade slip and put it on his forehead, and a large amount of information poured directly into his mind.

 It turns out that this jade slip is an introduction to this secret realm.

 (End of this chapter)

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