The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 97: I don’t want to prove how thick my skin is in front of the crowd

Chapter 97 I don’t want to prove how thick my skin is in front of the crowd

This secret realm is a secret realm that can only be entered during the Qi training period. It is called Hongyuan Secret Realm.

The moment he saw the name, Shen Yun also remembered that when he was reading about cultivation knowledge, he had occasionally seen a little introduction to this secret realm.

There are some spiritual plant monsters here. In the past, it was a small secret realm that no one liked to enter.

The aura is very thin compared to the outside, and there are fewer monsters. The way to enter the secret realm is through the teleportation array. Basically, everyone who meets the conditions can enter, which is incomparable to the secret realm that only appears once every few hundred years.

 This trial place is a little different from other secret realms. Generally, casual cultivators without sects like to come in to explore.

Large sects and big families basically look down on such small secret realms, so when the spiritual energy dissipates, the spiritual energy of the small secret realms also dissipates a lot, and no one has time to notice this small secret realm.

Shen Yun guessed that it had been hidden for thousands of years because no one paid attention to it.

 Perhaps due to the revival of spiritual energy in recent years, the small secret realm has gained some spiritual energy and is full of vitality again.

Although no one could appreciate this secret realm before, Shen Yun felt that it was just right for people nowadays.

People of this era have just realized the matter of cultivation.

 There is not much need for spiritual energy, so this secret place is a good place.

Shen Yun thought about the people waiting outside, took out a blank jade slip from the space, and engraved the contents on the blank jade slip, so that he would not have to explain it himself when he went out to give it to Yan Han and others.

Thinking about what the jade slip said, each person could only enter this secret realm once. Shen Yun didn't waste any time. He turned around without saying a word, picked up the little jumper and walked outside.

The jade slip said that there is a water area here with many aquatic plants growing in it. Mosquitoes are also flesh even when they are small. Shen Yun decided to go and take a look first.

The water is not far from here. As soon as Shen Yun got closer, he saw fish jumping out of the water. There were also many beautiful aquatic plants growing on the water.

 The scene of azure fish playing with lotus flowers is beautiful to look at, but the teeth in the fish’s mouth are a bit scary.

 Shen Yun's footsteps stopped directly on the shore.

Even if I were as big as I was, I probably wouldn't be able to squeeze through the teeth of this group of eyeing fish.

 Shen Yun looked at the little Bunda next to him with some expectancy.

It was motionless and even leaned back. It seemed that it was not an aquatic species and was a little afraid of water and cold.

Shen Yun could only give up his thoughts.

Looking at several spiritual plants not far away from him, Shen Yun cut a thick branch from the side and placed it directly on the water.

Looking at the motionless fish under the water, he flew up, stood on tiptoes on the wood and walked towards the inside. As his body swayed on the water, his palms quickly passed over the water, and several spiritual plants appeared directly in Shen Yun's hands. He turned around and walked quickly towards the shore.

In the water on both sides, because Shen Yun moved the spiritual plant, the big-mouthed fish jumped up in excitement.

Shen Yun directly took out Qingfeng, bang bang bang, and knocked down the strange fish that rushed towards him. Fortunately, in mid-air, these strange fish had no place to rely on and fell directly into the water.

 In a few steps, Shen Yun had returned to the shore.

 Arrange the spiritual plants in your hands directly to a place with water in the space and continue to grow them.

Looking at the spiritual plant farther away, Shen Yun could only sigh. There was no flying magic weapon in his own space. When he could control the sword, he would have to wait until he established the foundation. At that time, he would be ejected from the secret realm.

 Looking back, he saw the fish he had just photographed floating on the water with their white bellies turned over. I didn’t use much energy just now.

Shen Yun frowned and was a little confused. She temporarily forgot that she could lift hundreds of kilograms with her bare hands, so she just fished one out with a stick.

Although this strange fish has a strange long head, its body looks like an ordinary fish.

 It looks a bit like monkfish, but the water in front of you is obviously not sea water.

Shen Yun used a branch to pull it, but he couldn't identify the name of the fish based on his biological knowledge.

As for the knowledge of cultivation, the space is slowly being piled up in warehouses. Shen Yun hasn’t finished reading it yet.

  After pulling up a few pieces from the water, Shen Yun directly put them into the space.

Thinking about the aquatic spiritual plants he had just planted, Shen Yun used a net to catch a few fish, which could be regarded as restoring the living environment of the spiritual plants.

Shen Yun's several operations actually scared away the fish that were staring at her eagerly on the water surface.

With his eyes brightened, he took the branch in the water and moved to another place.

There were also a few old spiritual plants, which Shen Yun directly collected and put into the space.

With almost all the water in the water, Shen Yun wandered around in the woods again, collecting everything he saw into the space.

This space that has existed for thousands of years is indeed not fake. There are still many good things in it. Even if the ordinary spiritual plants and herbs are a hundred years old, they are still good things.

 Shen Yun happily collected the gift.

 I directly found a secluded place to meditate. The spiritual energy in this place is so strong that it would be a pity not to practice. When I reach the ninth level of Qi training and go out to refine a boiled foundation pill, I will be ready to break through the foundation building stage.

 Maybe this year I won’t have to take a car to go home for the New Year, and I can go back by Feijian by then.

 Shen Yun is so old, thinking about it makes him feel very cool.

After telling Xiaobengda to look at the situation around him, Shen Yun retained a trace of consciousness and directly concentrated his mind, entering the state of cultivation.

He has been cultivating for a long time. When Shen Yun opened his eyes in surprise, he felt that the world was spinning, and a scene changed in front of him.

Shen Yu looked at the people opposite who were stunned because of his appearance, and saw how these people pointed their weapons at him without saying a word.

 The sky was filled with quicksand, and the entire line of sight became blurred.

"Brothers, please tell me what you have to say. Look at your armbands. We are all our own people. Put down your weapons and call Yan Han over." Shen Yun reacted quickly. Before Quicksha appeared, he saw the armbands of the group of people on the opposite side and knew that they were all his own people. , but he was relieved.

 Fortunately, this place has not been occupied by others in the past few days since I disappeared.

But when thinking about the gun pointed at him, Shen Yun was still afraid that the other party would fire. Although the gun and ammunition could not hurt him, he did not want to prove how thick his skin was in front of a group of people.

His consciousness was only focused on the situation outside. After watching Yan Han and the army captain Shen Xincheng being called over, Shen Yun watched with relief as the sand and dust faded away.

"You little girl, you are so courageous. Captain Yan has been so anxious these days that his nose is smoking. Why don't you join our army?" Shen Xincheng spoke first.

 (End of this chapter)

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