Chapter 99 Born with a large cheating device

Shen Yun didn't have anything to deal with. When he came, he stayed outside for a night and then went directly to the mission. He stayed in the secret realm for a few days and saw that several people were not surprised at the time of his appearance. Shen Yun Yun estimated that he should have come out on the fifth day.

  I changed out of my tattered cassock, carefully put it away in the space, and then I was ready to set off.

  First we walked from the danger zone to the original camp, took the small package we brought with us, and were taken directly to the train station by car.

 It is much more comfortable than reversing the car several times when we came here.

 When I arrived at the station, I didn’t even ask to wait. I got on the nearest train to Beijing.

This time I went back half a day faster than when I came here.

 When I got off the bus, a bus picked me up directly at the station.

"I'll be disappointed later. Just report what you have seen and heard these days. Don't be nervous. As for the follow-up matters, there will be dedicated people to handle it." Shen Yun didn't forget to tell Shen Yun when he got into the car in the cold weather.

 “Okay, I understand.” Shen Yun nodded.

 Although this was the first time she met the superior of the special department, she had worked there in her previous life, so she was somewhat familiar with the matter of reporting.

The car stopped directly at an office building, which looked much more formal than the headquarters of the special department.

Shen Yun didn't ask any questions and followed Yan Han in.

 When the place was cleared, five people were already waiting there.

Shen Yun glanced at them and felt that they looked familiar, but he had never met them in person.

I can only stand calmly behind Yan Han and wait for Yan Han to report the matter first.

Looking at the gentle faces of the big shots, Shen Yun was surprised. As expected, the big shots were all gentle yet serious.

Unlike some people, their position is not high, but they have a bigger role than anyone else.

 The severe cold report ended quickly, and it was Shen Yun's turn next.

"Comrade Shen Yun, right! We have heard your name for a long time, and today is the first time we meet. Thank you for what you have done before. I also need you to answer some questions today, so I'm sorry to trouble you." The boss was very polite. .

 After speaking, he gave Shen Yun some time to react, and then directly started to ask Shen Yun some things about the secret realm.

Shen Yun didn't hide it either. Since the jade slips had been exposed to the severe cold, he must have known what he needed to know.

 Shen Yun carefully recounted all the scenes he encountered inside. He hid his cultivation a little, but it didn't delay anything.

 A few people listened to Shen Yun's careful description, but it was a bit more complicated than what Yan Han said.

“Comrade Shen Yun, can you come and go freely in this place?” one of the people asked.

"That's not true. I haven't figured out how to deal with the teleportation array yet. Each person can only enter once. I won't be able to enter in the future unless I get stronger and see if I can study the principle of this teleportation array." Shen Yun He explained carefully that it wasn't that he didn't work, but that he couldn't help himself now.

 Several people on the opposite side nodded to express their understanding.

"Yan Han, you and Shen Xincheng should work together to solve the follow-up matters. Don't bother the two masters. If there are any problems later, you will report them." The matter of the secret realm was once again left to Yan Han.

Yan Han nodded.

Then the time for today’s reporting work came to an end, and neither of them talked about a few things in total.

 Shen Yun followed Yan Han out silently.

 “Where are we going now?” Shen Yun asked Yanhan on the side. "I have to go back. As for you, you can go back to the dormitory first, or you can choose to go back to your hometown and wait. We will come and find you when there is a task that needs you." After Yan Han finished speaking, he had already gone a long way.

Shen Yun was a little speechless. He thought of himself as a fire brigade. When something happened, he thought of himself, and when nothing happened, he just let himself be.

This was not the attitude the last time I let myself go.

Shen Yun walked out of the office building, turned around and walked directly towards the train station. Anyone who was missing here could transfer, and he didn't have to wait here. He should go back and meet his family first.

  I happen to have luggage on hand.

The train ticket purchase went smoothly. Everyone who was supposed to go home had already gone home. Shen Yun was the only one who left late during the holiday.

Going back this time is a little less hesitant than the last time I went back. I already know my relatives there.

 We arrived at our destination in the middle of the afternoon, and we set foot on familiar land again after half a year.

By the time we reached the town, the sky had darkened.

Shen Yun did not continue on his way, but directly found a deserted place and entered the space.

This is the first time I have entered the space after coming out of the secret realm. In an instant, I feel that the concentration of spiritual energy is much thicker than before. It seems that because I have upgraded in recent days, the concentration of spiritual energy in the space has also increased.

He walked around with satisfaction. The spiritual plants he dug out from the secret realm were all living well in the space, and none of them died.

 Shen Yun also moved some other medicinal materials he picked directly to the warehouse while he had time.

 After a lot of work, Shen Yun returned to the database to look for something. I only know that I have the Five Elements Spiritual Root and can cultivate, but I never know what the specialness of my Spiritual Root is.

 Shen Yun decided to study it carefully today.

Having a target, it is not difficult to find things. Shen Yun looked through a few jade slips and found the record about spiritual roots.

 Generally speaking, ordinary spiritual roots and simple mutant spiritual roots will have some level barriers when they are cultivated and upgraded.

  However, there are several spiritual roots that will not be present, such as the Chaos Spiritual Root and the Heavenly Spiritual Root, which will not have cultivation barriers.

Shen Yun took a closer look and found that he was more in line with the situation of Chaos Spirit Root.

Looking at the cultivation situation of the Chaos Spirit Root, Shen Yun realized for the first time that he might have been born with a large cheating device.

 After calming down his breathing, Shen Yun insisted on reading all the information. Next time he encounters different spiritual roots, he will try to see them at a glance instead of being confused for so long like himself.

By the time Shen Yun had written down all the information in his head, it was almost dawn outside, so he stepped out of the space.

Shen Yun took the luggage he had prepared in advance and found a place to eat in the town. He planned to visit his aunt's house for a while and then return to Baiyun Village.

"Auntie." As soon as Shen Yun arrived at the door of Huang's house, he saw Shen Hua'an going out and quickly said hello.

"Hey, that's right. Why are you back today?" Shen Hua said in surprise.

"The school stuff is over and I'm back. I just happened to come over here to see you before I go back. How are you and your uncle doing recently?" Shen Yun explained.

"Let's go inside first." When Shen Yun asked this, she unconsciously put a smile on her face, which showed that the situation must be good.

 (End of this chapter)

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