Chapter 100 Someone is looking forward to his return

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the house, Shen Huaan took Shen Yun's hand and said, "Your uncle went to check again. The doctor said that everything was fine. They couldn't believe it. After checking several times, they thought it was a mistake. .

Your uncle's old cough that he had for many years has now healed, and his health has improved a lot. I know it must not have been a mistake by the hospital, but that the medicine your grandfather got from somewhere worked.

Your grandpa didn’t let me tell you where he got the medicine. If someone asks you, don’t say you know. Since their doctor saved our lives, we can’t cause trouble to them. "Shen Hua'an took Shen Yun's hand and explained.

  She didn’t know that Shen Yun had brought out the things, but she still firmly supported the old man’s words.

Shen Yun nodded, "It's a good thing that my uncle is well." Shen Yun was happy from the bottom of his heart. This man was her uncle who she saved, so it was worth it.

"Now your uncle is well and your cousin is doing well at work. If I find him a wife in the future, my life will be considered complete." Shen Huaan said in a brisk tone, which shows that he still has many plans for his future life. .

"Yes, my cousin and uncle have both gone to work?" Shen Yun asked directly when he saw that there was no one else in the room.

"Yes, your uncle is restless. He went straight to work as soon as he recovered from his illness. He dragged Huang Bin with him every day, saying that before he retired, he could tell him about his many years of work experience. When you retire, you don’t have to worry about him anymore," Shen Huaan said with a smile.

 “Then my cousin has made a lot of money.”

"Isn't that right? You sit down first. I'll go to work to ask for leave. I'll have lunch at my aunt's house for lunch and stay there for a few days before going back. Anyway, there are still several days to celebrate the New Year." Shen Huaan stood up and said.

"No, aunt, I just passed by here to have a look and went back in a while. I haven't been back for such a long time. Last time grandma and the others wrote a letter and said they miss me. They will wait for me to go back and have a look, and then come to town again." You, I will definitely stay and eat the delicious food you made." Shen Yun quickly declined. If it weren't for the fact that the afternoon was not suitable for visiting people, Shen Yun would have come here yesterday evening and would not have planned to eat here early this morning. breakfast.

"By the way, Auntie, this is what I bought for you. I put it here. I won't leave any food for today." Shen Yun divided out a portion of the package he was carrying, put it directly on the table, and said goodbye. .

“Oh, it’s so hard to come here and not have dinner here.” Shen Huaan held Shen Yun’s hand and didn’t let go.

“Auntie, when I go back to see my grandparents, I will definitely come to your house for dinner.” Shen Yun did not stay here in the end. He said goodbye to Shen Huaan and walked directly towards Baiyun Village.

  It was summer when I came back last time, and the mountains were full of greenery. This time I came back in winter, and although it didn't snow, the paths were covered with leaves.

The woods seem more peaceful.

 When he first came back, Shen Yun had no cultivation. It took him half a day to get to Baiyun Village. It was only around 9 o'clock in the morning that Shen Yun arrived at the place.

"Hey, the college students from Shen Laosan's family are back. Did you bring anything for your parents and grandparents?" As soon as Shen Yun entered the village, he saw several aunts sitting there talking in the sun.

I’ve seen them all before, but I’m really unfamiliar with them.

 Shen Yun couldn't even adapt to the look that came over him for a moment.

 Full of exploration, a little bit of gossip, a little bit of curiosity, but it’s complicated.

Shen Yun stood up straight and said, "I brought some specialties from Beijing. My aunts are enjoying the sun. I'll go back and visit my grandparents first."

"Go, go, your family has probably been thinking about it for a long time." Several people waved their hands, not wanting Shen Yun to say anything.

Shen Yun carried his luggage and continued walking upwards. Before he had gone very far, he heard some aunts behind him gossiping, "These college students are also very stingy. They are not willing to let us see the specialties of Beijing. But people are different. , She has a really good figure, and she is well dressed. What kind of person do you think can marry this girl in the future?" Shen Yun's keen sense understood the conversation clearly.

Not wanting to hear the next words, she quickened her pace and withdrew her consciousness.

 Put your spiritual consciousness directly upward.

“Grandpa and grandma, I’m back.” Looking at Yang Cancan at her grandma’s house, Shen Yun stopped directly at the door of the old house.

A group of people inside heard his shouting and looked over in surprise. Shen Yun instantly felt that it was a good decision to go home. Some people were looking forward to his return.

“Oh, my eldest granddaughter, come in quickly.” Although Yang Xiaocao is older, she has the fastest reaction.

  He came over directly.

Shen Yun looked at her walking movements and knew that the old lady had done quite well in physical training in the past six months.

As for my two aunts and my mother, they probably also practiced, but not very well.

  He was surrounded by a group of people and entered the courtyard.

Yang Xiaocao took Shen Yun and looked at him, "Oh, I've lost weight again. This city doesn't support many people. Hurry up and get ready to cook. You must be hungry if you come back so early in the morning."

Yang Xiaocao gave the order without saying a word, and took his two eldest daughters-in-law to prepare for lunch.

"Grandma, I'm not hungry. Don't worry. I brought you something when I came back. Do you want to take a look first?" Shen Yun quickly grabbed the old lady and shook the bag in his hand.

"How can you have money when you go to school? I will give you money to buy some good food and bring us something." Yang Xiaocao couldn't help but grinned when he heard Shen Yun say this, but he still complained.

Shen Yun didn't care about this, and started to take things directly from the bag. Each woman in the family had a bottle of peach blossom cream made by herself.

“Grandma, take it and use it. It’s the same peach blossom frost that can make you younger last time.” Shen Yun smiled and distributed the things to everyone.

"You girl, you know how to tease your grandma." Yang Xiaocao knew that Shen Yun did this himself, so he was not polite.

Then there were a few pieces of clothes, one jacket for each elder, or the new down jacket from Pengcheng. There were eight jackets in total, which almost wiped out Shen Yun's savings, but seeing a few people complaining, their faces Shen Yun felt that the smile that could not be concealed was nothing.

"By the way, hurry up and get the coat we made for the girl." Yang Cancan saw that his daughter was happy, and he directly put the child in his arms into his niece's hands.

While greeting, he pulled Shen Yun towards the house.

 After a while, Shen Yun put on a red double-breasted jacket, black cotton trousers, and a pair of cotton shoes.

 It was so comfortable that she didn’t want to take it off.

"By the way, Mom, why didn't you see dad, uncle, cousin and the others?" Shen Yun turned around and saw no other men except grandpa for a long time. We didn't have to be busy with farming today. Where did this man go? ?

 (End of this chapter)

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