Chapter 101 How can human flesh be turned into chicken?

“Oh, your uncle did some small business a year ago and will be back tomorrow.” When Yang Cancan was asked about this, the second aunt said happily beside her.

"What kind of business?" Shen Yun really couldn't remember what business a group of grown men in his family could do, and he had never seen it in a letter before.

"Sit down and ask your mother to talk to you carefully. I'll go and make you something to eat first." The old lady was thinking about her granddaughter right now, and there was nothing to talk about when her sons started a small business.

Shen Yun watched the old lady leave happily, but did not stop her. He sat there and looked at Yang Cancan and the others curiously.

"This is really a coincidence. Didn't my family send you some pine nuts at that time? It turned out that the person at the post office saw that our pine nuts were big and good, so he wanted to buy some and said that he had a relative in the city who liked to eat them. .

Your dad didn't sell them at that time, but he served snacks when he came back. There is no shortage of pine nuts in every household in our village. We have a lot of people in our family, so we got a lot at that time. In addition to the ones sent to you, we still have many kilograms at home, and your dad also I had nothing to do, so I went to the town with my 20-pound bag to try it out. It turned out that this thing was not a rarity in the countryside, but it was very popular in the city.

  I bought 20 kilograms of pine nuts without much effort.

Then your dad discussed it with your uncle and the others and thought that this business could be done. Anyway, these mountain products are not rare in the village, so they collected some pine nuts, walnuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, etc., roasted them, and sold them in the market. .

I heard from them that the business was pretty good, and they stayed there for several days anyway.

 Still mysterious, he said he would give us a surprise when he comes back during the New Year. "Yang Cancan carefully told Shen Yun about the changes in the family in the past six months.

Shen Yun didn't expect that he was still thinking about whether he could do some business. Now his family had to go out to do business first.

Even if she has never done the dried fruit business, she has heard of it. With the opening up, the conditions of every household are better than before.

This business may seem small, but if you keep doing it, it will be great.

“By the way, I left some food for you at home, try it out.” The second aunt pulled out a few small bags from the drawer.

There aren’t many left, but there are a few of everything, including melon seeds, peanuts, walnuts and pine nuts, all of which are plump, large and delicious.

Shen Yun ate a melon seed. It tasted very good. It was a simple salty melon seed, but it was very fragrant when fried.

 Peanut has a simple five-flavor flavor, it’s just not that strong, but it’s really delicious.

 Walnuts and pine nuts were not processed much.

“Who fried this? It tastes really good.” Shen Yun praised.

"The women in our family thought about it together. This time we asked your dad and the others to bring back some other things to try. Then we will see if we can get more flavors." Yang Cancan said happily after hearing Shen Yun's praise.

"Not bad, not bad. Mom, you can try more. Then you can get some five-flavored, milk-flavored, sweet and sour. Don't look at the small things, but it will be a big business in the future. Maybe our melon seeds can be sold to the Beijing market in the future. "Chen Yun praised without hesitation. She strongly supports the family's business. There is only such a small piece of land at the foot of the mountain. If you rely solely on this income to support the family, you need to be lucky to find a good boss and get the wages smoothly when you go out to do odd jobs. .

  It is better to start a small business, the cost is low anyway.

"When will I be able to make it to the capital city? If I can afford to support a family, it will be good to marry all the children in the family." The eldest aunt doesn't have any big wishes. She is now thinking about when her third son will be born. If you can find a partner, when will the other boys of the right age in your family find a partner.

"Mom, you don't want to say that. Isn't it only a matter of time for my brother and the others to get a wife? From now on, we will work hard together. Not only should we live a good life, we will also go to Beijing. Let's go to see the place where my sister grew up." The lobby sister-in-law heard what Wang Aifen said and quickly interrupted.

"Okay, okay, it's a good thing that you young people are ambitious, and we old guys will enjoy the blessings with you." Wang Aifen said cheerfully without getting angry.

 A group of women suddenly became more imaginative about the future, and they all thought about what kind of dry food they would try when the men at home came back.

Shen Yun watched a few people brainstorming ideas from the side, but did not interfere. He walked directly to his grandfather who was squatting on the wall and basking in the sun.

“Grandpa, don’t you welcome your granddaughter back? Why are you squatting here all the time? Go and see if the clothes I bought for you are suitable.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

“Nonsense, how could grandpa not welcome you? Weren’t they all surrounding you just now?”

After that, the old man took two steps closer and said in a low voice, "You must have spent a lot of money on clothes. My family didn't give you much when you left. Grandpa knows that you are capable of making money on your own, but you still have to focus on your studies. Don’t buy these expensive clothes again. We all live in the countryside and work in the fields. We can’t wear these good clothes once or twice a year. Don’t buy them next time.”

"Grandpa, don't worry about this. Just wear it if I buy it for you." Shen Yun said quickly.

"How can you not worry? You are the only little girl in this generation in the family. You have traveled so far and there is no one around to watch. When you come back this time, grandpa sees that you have lost weight again. Please let your grandma give you some supplements at home these days. , Our family is rich this year and can have a good year," the old man said slowly.

"Grandpa, I'm not losing weight, but I'm getting stronger. You didn't pay attention to yourselves. You and grandma have lost weight in the past six months of practicing physical skills. We have turned all the fat on our bodies into muscles. , Although he is thin, he is strong." Shen Yun looked at the old man's worried eyes and explained quickly.

 “Can this good human flesh be turned into chicken?” The old man’s attention was suddenly diverted.

Shen Yun couldn't squat anymore and suddenly sat down with laughter. After laughing for a long time, I explained to the old man the difference between muscle and chicken. Only then did the old man realize that he was laughing.

"My granddaughter is indeed very powerful. You all know this. Grandpa's body has indeed become tighter in the past six months. It must be because I have practiced hard." The old man said happily.

From his point of view, practicing physical skills is to prepare for immortality in the future. Although it is unclear whether he can practice it when he is older, but when he is in good health and does not cause trouble to his children, it will be considered a great merit.

“Grandpa, our family’s future exercise depends on you. It’s perfect for you to be the supervisor.” Shen Yun flattered the old man in a small way and immediately made him smile.

 (End of this chapter)

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