The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 102: The Shen family's economic development has taken the first step

Chapter 102 The Shen family’s economic development has taken the first step

"This is really suitable for me." The old man recognized his identity as a supervisor.

 He is the patriarch of the family, and no one objects to this matter.

Shen Yun talked to the old man for a long time before being called over to eat by Yang Xiaocao, who was preparing the meal.

The old lady specially cut some meat and made meatball soup for Shen Yun.

While eating, Shen Yun discussed with his grandma about his grandfather's muscles, which immediately made the old lady smile.

“Your grandpa has never had much knowledge in his life. If you hadn’t told me, grandma would have thought it was the chicken.” Yang Xiaocao said in a low voice.

Shen Yun looked at the old lady's happy look and was very satisfied.

  After dinner, the old lady rushed me back to get some repairs.

  Shen Yun, who had not slept for a long time, rarely slept in the darkness under his new quilt at night.

 As soon as I got up the next day, I heard someone walking outside.

Shen Yun quickly packed up and went out, only to see Shen Limin, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, standing in the yard.

“Dad, you’re back.” Shen Yun looked at the thin man in front of him, feeling a little happy.

"Daughter, I just heard your grandma say down below that you are back. Why don't you get some more sleep? You must be exhausted after such a long journey to Beijing." Shen Limin looked at Shen Yun up and down and said happily.

 “I’m not tired anymore. I slept well last night.”

“Okay, as long as you’re not tired, by the way, this is what dad bought you, see if you like it.” Shen Limin quickly took out a watch from his pocket.

It is a plastic watch that is very popular in Pengcheng now, but the price of this one is probably not low, and the quality looks different from the ones sold at stalls in Beijing.

"Let me put it on and have a look." Shen Yun didn't care that he was an immortal cultivator, and happily took the watch and stuck it in his hand.

The light purple color makes the wrist look particularly white.

 “It’s so beautiful, thank you dad.”

"Why are you so polite? Your uncle and the others bought this and asked me to bring it to you. They were afraid that you wouldn't wake up, so they didn't come up to disturb you." After Shen Limin gave him something, he remembered that he was still carrying it in his hand. There's a bag of stuff.

Shen Yun was a little curious. These grown men were quite thoughtful. They remembered to bring gifts for themselves when they went out to work. Could it be that she had become the little princess of the whole family?

Shen Yun thought about how beautiful she felt and opened the bag directly.

 Sure enough, it is somewhat in line with boys’ aesthetics, with the ineffective bracelet and the beautiful hair rope.

There is actually a small Buddha pendant inside.

This is quite expensive, made of gold.

"Dad. Isn't this a mistake?" Shen Yun took out the pendant from the bag.

"That's right, that's right, I bought it for you. Several of your cousins ​​went to work on construction sites and earned some money when their business was free. They bought it for their wives. With the extra money, I bought one for you. Hurry up. Keep it, gold is not cheap," Shen Limin said quickly.

Shen Yun didn't expect that several of his cousins ​​would buy this specially for him. Although he could get gold by himself, it was the first time he received such a gift from a family member of his own generation. Shen Yun was still in a good mood. "Then I'll put it away." Shen Yun put it directly into his pocket, and actually put it into the space.

"What are you two, father and daughter, muttering about at the door? It's so cold in this weather. Come in quickly. Don't get too cold later." Yang Cancan was watching his newly awakened son in the house. When he saw his father and daughter, The two of them had been standing in the cold wind talking, and they quickly came out and called out.

"Daughter-in-law, you're awake, look at what I brought you." Shen Limin couldn't hide the smile on his face when he saw Yang Cancan. He picked up the bag at his feet and asked Yang Cancan for credit.

“Okay, okay, the child is still here, please calm down, and come in and take a look.” Yang Cancan complained with a smile.

 Shen Yun looked at the atmosphere between the two of them and wisely declined Yang Cancan's invitation. Go directly to the kitchen and start cooking porridge.

After dinner, I realized that Shen Limin would not be back for long this time. The business outside was very good and all the goods in their hands were sold out.

They came back to stay for a while, and then went out to collect some goods later, so they could earn some more while there were still a few days left before the Chinese New Year.

Shen Yun realized that this business was more profitable than he thought. In addition, the men in the Shen family were now strong and their safety outside was guaranteed.

“Can you take me with you to take a look when you go to receive the goods?” Shen Yun was not interested in selling goods in the city. But he was very interested in the work going on in each village.

"It's quite tiring to run out. If you don't mind it, then follow us." They did not refuse Shen Yun, but they reminded her.

 “It’s not too tiring, you can do it, I’m sure it’ll be fine.” Shen Yun said affirmatively.

"Yunyun, let's come back and have a good rest. Why are we following them? We're so tired. It's good for us to figure out how to cook it at home." Yang Xiaocao was a little unhappy when Shen Yun said this. It's such a cold day, girl. My face was chapped when I left the house.

"Grandma, I just want to go out and see a lot of things, and get to know the places around us. Do you want me to go?" Shen Yun endured his embarrassment and had a rare coquettish tone.

The old lady had no resistance to this at all. In the end, she found all her scarves and gloves and gave them to Shen Yun to wear before letting Shen Yun go with her.

“Let me tell you, we bought two second-hand bicycles, which will be at my aunt’s house. When our business is done, we will definitely be able to buy a few more.

Perhaps buying a big truck won’t be a problem in the future. "As the second cousin walked, he and Shen Yun were thinking about the future together.

Shen Yun suddenly remembered that in her previous life, there seemed to be a rich man who made a fortune by selling melon seeds. She really didn't pay attention to his specific name.

“By the way, brother, are our things popular in the city?” Shen Yun asked.

“Of course it’s popular. The things we picked are all plump and fragrant when they fry them. Many people like to buy our things.” The cousin said proudly.

“How can people find us if they want to come here to buy our melon seeds again?” Shen Yun guided.

“When you see us, don’t you know it’s us?” The second cousin thought this question was a bit strange.

“Then when our business gets bigger in the future, if we ask someone to help us sell it, will they not recognize us?”

"It's simple. If we give a name, people will know us." Shen Limin, who was listening to several people talking, said directly.

Shen Yun didn't expect that Shen Limin would be the first to react. Looking at the stunned expressions of the two people next to him, he directly agreed with Shen Limin's statement.

Before receiving the goods, several people along the way decided on the name of the melon seeds, the icon, the future development of the packaging bags, etc., all under the guidance of Shen Yun.

  The Shen family's economic development has taken the first step.

 (End of this chapter)

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