Chapter 103 The mysterious thread on the body

 A group of people arrived at Shen Huaan's house. This was the family area, and the car was parked in the yard.

   Uncle and the others knew the Huang family’s neighbors, so they greeted them directly and pushed the bicycle out.

 6 people in total, two bicycles.

 “Where are we going now?” Shen Yun didn’t know the destination, so he followed along.

“Don’t be anxious, get in the car first, and let’s leave quickly.” Shen Limin greeted quickly.

Shen Yun looked at the sitting position of the other car and sat directly in the back seat. The front seat could only be used by his second cousin who was a step behind.

There were three people sitting in a car, and the little broken car creaked under the pressure. Several people walked towards their destination laughing and joking.

We took detours and climbed mountains along the way, and walked around in many places before we reached our destination.

It is also a small mountain village. The economy inside is not good, but it is a little better than Baiyun Village.

As soon as Shen Yun arrived, he didn't know what to do when he heard his first cousin and second cousin start shouting.

Shen Yun originally wanted to help, but now he looked at the villagers who gathered around to watch the excitement and asked about the situation. Then looking at the skilled explanations of the people next to him, Shen Yun felt that he could only watch from the side. Get on the car.

Watching a group of people answer the villagers' doubts in a while, and hearing that there is money to be made, the food at home can be sold for money, and it is more expensive than what is sold in the town. A group of villagers asked them to wait here, and then Go home in twos and threes to get things.

 After a while, a group of people carrying baskets and bags came back.

"Boss, take a look at mine. These are all carefully selected in our house. They're fine." A group of people swarmed around the few people in front of them. Seeing the enthusiasm of everyone, Shen Yun couldn't help but step aside. Retreat.

Looking at the cousins ​​and uncles in front of them checking the quality of the things, and then looking at how they bargained with the villagers, these people have become a bit like businessmen after the past few days of training.

Shen Yun was helping to look at the goods they had collected.

"Little girl, you are also with these bosses, right? Look at all the good stuff I have. I have something to do at home, so why don't you help me collect it first?" Shen Yun was looking ahead when he saw Several people came towards him carrying bags.

 A man, followed by two women, all looked at Shen Yun with expectant expressions on their faces.

Shen Yun stared at them carefully for a few times, then lowered his head to look at the bags they were carrying. The upper layer looked really good, "I'm sorry. I can't understand this. I just came here to watch the fun." Shen Yun said directly. Wave your hands.

"What else do you need to look at to buy this thing? Look, these are all good things picked at home. We weighed them before we came here. One bag weighs 20 kilograms. Look, there are so many people in front of us. We are not in good health. , if you collect your things, we can save ourselves from having to fight with people in the past." The three people gathered around Shen Yun and began to persuade.

"Are you in poor health?" Shen Yun asked casually, then squatted down and looked through the contents of his pocket. Although it was not as good as they said, the quality was good.

"Isn't that right? We were in good health in the past few years and we were the most capable in the village. I don't know what happened in the past two years. Our bodies suddenly became weak. People said it was because we were tired and injured when we were young. My health is broken." Several people said with sad faces.

“Are there others like you in the village?” Shen Yun looked up at several people curiously.

"We don't have any in our village, but there are a few like us in other villages. They went to see them, but the doctor said they were weak and had nothing wrong with them. We didn't have the money, so we didn't go see them." Several people thought for a while and said. Shen Yun looked at the status of several people. After looking at a faint line connecting into the distance on several people, he had some guesses in his mind.

"Okay, it seems that your health is indeed not good. I'll ask my brother and the others to come over and take a look. If you are okay, these things will be collected." Shen Yun said, and directly greeted the people in front of him. Shen Limin happened to have some free time. , walked over directly.

 Hearing Shen Yun say that the dry goods of the few people in front of him were OK and should be accepted, he also looked through them himself and confirmed that the quality was good. He weighed them with a scale and collected the items directly.

 “Dad, I’m going to go to the village for a walk, can you take a look at things here?” Shen Yun and Shen Limin discussed.

Shen Limin thought that Shen Yun was tired of being here. Thinking that he had been to this village more than once, he nodded, "Go, don't go too far, we will have to go to another place to collect the goods after the collection is finished." "Yes." Shen Limin explained.

"Okay dad, don't worry, I'll just walk around here." Shen Yun responded, then easily followed the three people in front of him.

The three people in front were indeed not in very good health as they said, and they had to stop and take a rest after walking a few steps.

Shen Yun looked at the ethereal and swaying lines on their bodies. Only he could see this thing, and no one else could.

This is because others can't see it, so it is directly connected to the person's body. Looking at the essence that occasionally flows along the lines, if this person hadn't been in good health, he would have left long ago.

Shen Yun walked forward inadvertently and passed by several people.

"Hey, uncle and aunt, how about I send you back? Seeing how weak you are, go back and have a rest." Shen Yun said with concern.

"Thank you, little girl, if you support your aunt and the others, I can hold on a little longer." The man gasped.

"That's okay. Uncle, then you just insist on it. I'll help Auntie and the others go in front, and you will follow behind." Shen Yun directly supported one with each other and helped the two women up.

The village is not big, and other adults and children were watching the fun outside, but they did not notice the four people here.

Several people soon arrived at the first aunt's house, "Well, aunt, please wait outside first. I will send this aunt in first, and then I will come back to see you off." Shen Yun directly put the person outside and sat down.

"Okay, thank you, little girl. I am really grateful to you today. May the God of Immortality bless you." The woman who sat down said quickly.

Shen Yun noticed that the lines on her body became brighter when she was talking about the God of Immortality, and then a large mass of essence quickly disappeared into the distance along the lines.

 Women seem to be getting weaker.

Shen Yun looked thoughtfully at the lines connecting several people in different directions. She became even more interested in sending a few people home.

Shen Yun supported an aunt and turned around to open the door.

Shen Yun felt that as soon as he entered the door, there was a special energy field. It was very weak, but it was not very comfortable.

 (End of this chapter)

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