Chapter 104 The Immortal God

Shen Yun observed carefully. This energy field was a bit like the energy emitted by the formation, but it felt a little different from that.

Shen Yun looked at the yard carefully. Perhaps because the owner was weak, the whole yard had not been tidied up for a long time, and things were placed very randomly.

However, Shen Yun's eyes met the lines running through the window.

The woman next to him looked at Shen Yun as he looked at the yard, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, "I haven't been in good health for a while, and I haven't tidied up the yard, which made you laugh."

"It's okay, I understand. I'll help you go into the house to rest. Your uncle and aunt are still waiting outside." Shen Yun said with a smile.

“Excuse me, I’ll stay in that room.” The woman pointed to the rooms connected by the lines on her body.

Shen Yun nodded and helped the woman directly into the house calmly.

“Auntie, the rest of your family is not at home, can you do it by yourself?” Shen Yun helped him sit on the bed, turned slightly and looked around the room.

In the shady little corner to the north of the bed, he looked at a small altar with a small statue on it. Shen Yun looked at it, but did not see what it was, but the lines on the woman's body were connected to the small statue. body.

 The combination of the thin smoke, the special small image, and the strange lines made Shen Yun feel a bit eerie.

“Everyone in the family has gone out to work. I am not in good health and cannot make any money. Others can only work more.” The woman felt extremely guilty when she talked about this, feeling that she was dragging down the whole family alone.

“Then what should you do if you feel unwell at home alone?”

"Don't worry about this, I'm sure nothing will happen to me. I worship the God of Immortality, and he will bless me." When the woman said this, she drew circles with her arms piously before death, and then clasped her hands in front of her chest. together.

"Is this Immortal God the one you worship over there? Why haven't I heard of it?" Shen Yun asked, pointing to the thing on the bedside.

Just now when the woman mentioned the God of Immortality in the room, another ball of energy flowed away, but then a ball of black gas came back and entered the woman's body. It didn't look like a good thing.

 But the woman's spirit feels much better now than when she was outside just now.

"This is our **** here. Only a few people know about it, but I feel very spiritual. As long as I worship it religiously, my body will definitely get better and better. You see, I feel a little energetic now." The woman felt the condition of her body, and a smile appeared on her lips.

 Then Shen Yun watched her stand up from the bed, then went to the head of the bed to start arranging the altar.

The connecting line swayed with his breathing, like a monster waiting for an opportunity, ready to kill the woman at any time.

Shen Yun took a closer look at the small statue. It was made of stone, but its eyes were wide open and the corners of its mouth were grinning. It looked like a child, but the black stone and this expression made it feel particularly eerie.

The strange thing is that Shen Yun didn't feel the presence of Yin Qi and other gases.

Although this stone statue has absorbed human essence, it still looks like stone to the naked eye.

 Shen Yun did not use his spiritual consciousness and spiritual energy because he was afraid that the stone statue in front of him would have special circumstances.

"Is it really so clever? I bought this one at that temple. I'll buy one for myself when I get back." Shen Yun chatted with his aunt beside him.

"You, you may not be able to get it now. If you are not sincere, the host will not trust you to hand over the stone statue." The aunt said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter if I can't invite you now. If I have a chance in the future, I will know where the place is. If you don't tell me, aunt, I will ask my uncle and aunt outside." Shen Yun said with a smile. When the woman thought about it, it seemed to make sense.

"It's not far. It's in the Jungle Mountain behind us. If you run up here, you'll be about halfway up the mountain. You can see the weather at a glance." The woman pointed in a direction and said.

"Okay, thank you, aunt. I'll go out and see how the other aunt is doing now." Shen Yun quickly expressed his thanks.

 “Go, I won’t leave you alone.” The woman stood up and said.

Shen Yun didn't stay any longer and went out directly.

The two people I was supporting just now have been walking forward for a while.

Shen Yun quickly speeded up and helped the woman first.

"Uncle, you sit down and have a rest. I will help my aunt into the house first, and then I will help you." After saying this, Shen Yun helped the woman into the house.

Just as Shen Yun thought, this place was indeed the same as the woman's house just now, with a small statue placed beside the bed for worship.

 Shen Yun didn't stay much at this time and went straight out to accompany the uncle outside.

"Girl, I'll send it here. Thank you. The house is a bit messy, so I won't invite you in to drink water." The man stood at the door. He had no intention of letting Shen Yun enter the house.

"Okay, then go in by yourself." Shen Yun saw that the man was slightly wary. Since he was not allowed to enter, Shen Yun did not have to enter. With a glance of his spiritual consciousness, he knew what was placed in the two houses in front of him.

Even if you don’t scan it, you can tell that the bright lines must be dedicated to the God of Immortality.

Shen Yun looked at the closed door in front of him and did not stay here any longer. He turned around and walked towards the village. Walking down the village, it was found that these three people worshiped this immortal **** in their homes. It seemed that not everyone believed in this, which made Shen Yun feel relieved.

When they returned to the entrance of the village, Shen Limin and the others had almost collected the goods, and there were still a few people scratching them. Shen Yun sounded like the goods were of poor quality, and the Shen family was determined not to accept them.

“Uncle, we have received so many things from you, don’t give us this, keep it for yourself.” Shen Limin helplessly looked at the old man holding his hand and said.

“Oh, just look at me for pity and take all these away.” The old man kept saying the same thing over and over again. Anyway, they refused to accept or let them go. There were villagers nearby who tried to comfort them, but most of them were just watching the joke.

“Grandpa, if you let us accept this this year, we probably won’t come next time.

 Everyone advised me, so that the business between us can continue for a long time. "Chen Yun persuaded from the side.

 When others hear it, there will be another time. If he offended someone badly today, what would happen next time? This time, without Shen Yun's words, the people from his village would take him away.

 Several people put the collected things on the bicycle and tied them up.

There is no room for anyone to sit on the car now. There are more than 300 kilograms of dry goods in one car. The harvest of this trip is still very good.

"Yun Yun, you follow us and let your first cousin and second cousin send the things back before coming back." Shen Limin greeted Shen Yun directly.

Several people helped push the things out of the mountain, and then the two teams separated at the bottom of the mountain.

 (End of this chapter)

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