The assessment does not prohibit the use of semi-artifacts, and even the use of artifacts is fine.

After all, it is the students' ability to get these things.

But for ordinary divine creatures, using artifacts and semi-artifacts is not something that can be done easily.

That requires a lot of divine power, and even a careless move may damage the divinity.

Facing such an enemy with obvious weaknesses, it is necessary to use artifacts, which is enough to show that his students are unqualified.

"We must strictly discipline them in the future!" Deng Wen sighed.

Looking at Gu Li and others who were already in a mess after defeating the first wave of fishmen, he knew that these students would definitely not survive the second wave.

Sighing, he cast his eyes on the only student who satisfied Deng Wen.

Seeing that Su Lin's clan, the Sun and Moon People, were already cleaning up the last few surviving lizardmen.

Deng Wen sighed: "The gap between gods is bigger than that between gods and dogs!"

Obviously, the task of competing for the class quota must fall on Su Lin.

"Not only does it have 6 points of divinity, but its power is also quite strong. Moreover, its clan is a powerful high-level race, and even has heroes. Maybe it is possible to defeat those senior high school students!"

A trace of expectation flashed through Deng Wen's mind.

When he saw Su Lin's clan using the power of the sun and the moon to rescue the wounded, he suddenly had an idea.

It just so happened that he encountered that demiplane, and maybe Su Lin could use it to improve himself. If nothing else, it would be good to improve his divinity by one or two points.

After thinking for a while, Deng Wen directly transmitted his voice to Su Lin: "With your strength, you will have no problem passing the third wave of tests. Now I will give you a chance. Choose the real invasion in the third wave."

Su Lin, who was watching his clan busy, raised his eyebrows and looked at the endless void.

Deng Wen's face appeared in the void. He said with a smile on his face: "This test is much more difficult than the original third wave of tests. It is likely to cause great damage to the clan. Do you want to accept it?"

Su Lin hesitated for a moment, looked at the smile of the head teacher, and then said firmly: "Accept!"

After all, the head teacher would not cheat him. With his understanding of the strength of his classmates, it is estimated that the second wave of tests would be eliminated.

So he has already obtained the opportunity to compete for the strongest high school student selection competition. Now the sudden change of the assessment content must have a deeper meaning.

Sure enough, after hearing Su Lin's words, Deng Wen's smile became more intense and he said: "In this case, you should give it your all!"

After that, his face disappeared in the void. After all, the entire assessment was recorded. If he said anything more, there was a possibility of foul.

Su Lin nodded, and his expression was a little solemn. After all, such an invasion was much more dangerous than the previous assessment.

After pondering for a moment, he directly issued an oracle to all his clansmen: "Evil is rioting, darkness is coming, my people, take up arms and defeat the last enemy!"

With the blessing of divine power, his oracle has a strong inspiring effect. The Sun and Moon people who have just experienced a great battle have regained their emotions and fighting spirit.

Especially after the projection was cancelled, the Sun and Moon people who were originally injured and dead were instantly resurrected, which made them even more excited.

Facing the real invasion, the Sun and Moon Saint and Shisui did not dare to underestimate it. They quickly mobilized the Sun and Moon people, readjusted their formation, and blocked the enemy not far from the portal.

Five minutes later, a portal appeared.

The one who emerged from the portal was the opponent that the Sun and Moon people had encountered before - the little inferior demon.

After two thousand little inferior demons, two thousand violent demons with a height of more than two meters and wearing black armor appeared.

Berserkers are a common type of soldier in the abyss. Although they are cannon fodder most of the time, they actually have strong fighting instincts. The most important thing is that they also have the unique corrosive breath of abyssal creatures.

Such combat power is no worse than that of ordinary high-level clans.

Behind the Berserkers are a thousand lizardmen with blood-red skin.

Lava lizardmen, mutant lizardmen living in the abyss, are different from ordinary lizardmen living in the main world. Lava lizardmen have a strong abyssal breath and can shoot abyssal lava arrows with armor-piercing properties.

Even organized knights will feel difficult when encountering lava lizardmen.

Five thousand abyssal soldiers, led by a legendary lava demon with fire all over his body.

Although the number is much less than the previous 10,000 fishmen and 20,000 lizardmen, it is definitely a crushing level in terms of combat power.

If placed in the general world, such strength can even capture some small cities.

Moreover, unlike the previous projection assessment that only knew how to charge and attack, as real invading enemies, these abyss demons are real lives.

After they came out of the portal, they did not attack immediately, but the lava demons continued to cast spells to add lava armor, violent blood and other buffs for them.

With the power of the legendary lava demon, his blessing spells are enough to make this army twice as powerful.

It stands to reason that the combat power of a thousand people of the sun and moon is definitely not as good as these demons. Unless the Sun and Moon Saint takes action, even if Shisui leads them, they are afraid that they will not be able to match these demons.

But at this moment, Su Lin couldn't help but smile, and he finally understood why the head teacher did this.

This is completely a benefit for himself, not for anything else, but because the enemy is an abyss demon.

After all, the Sun and Moon people have mastered the power of the Sun and Moon. This power is completely of the attribute of light and has the strongest suppression ability against the Abyss Demons.

Under the power of the Sun and Moon, it is good enough for these five thousand demons to be able to exert the combat power of ten thousand fishmen.

Even the Lava Lizardman Archers, who are the most threatening, are directly purified under the power of the Sun and Moon because they use Lava Abyss Arrows. They are even worse than their counterparts in the Main World who directly use wooden arrows.

It is precisely because of this that Su Lin waited leisurely for the demons to buff various buffs.

After all, entering the God's Domain is just a matter of being purified by the power of the Sun and Moon.

Watching the army enter the God's Domain, the legendary Lava Demon raised his head and looked at Su Lin.

He had a cunning and fierce smile on his face. Unlike the projection of the Naga White Dragon before, he was a legendary creature with extraordinary wisdom.

He naturally knew that fighting with a divine creature was definitely the most idiotic behavior. At this moment, he just had to hold Su Lin back.

As long as his army completely slaughtered the divine domain of the god in front of him, this young-looking god would naturally fall into a weak state.

At that time, he might really have a chance to kill this divine creature. Even if he couldn't kill it, as long as he could snatch a little divinity, he would have a chance to become a divine creature.

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