The lava demon covets Su Lin's divinity, but in fact Su Lin also wants to get the priesthood of the lava demon.

Yes, the legendary lava demon also has something similar to the priesthood.

However, unlike the priesthood of real gods, the priesthood of the legendary lava demon is given by the abyss consciousness.

As the most peculiar existence in the entire multiverse, the power of the abyss consciousness is absolutely one of the best. Even those great divine beings who are called gods above gods have to be cautious when facing the abyss consciousness.

The lava demon is a high-level demon born in the abyss lava sea. As long as he reaches adulthood, he can enter the legendary level.

When he enters the legendary level, the abyss consciousness will give him a demon level similar to the priesthood.

As long as the legendary lava demon is killed, the demon level can be transformed into the corresponding priesthood with a little transformation.

The same thing happens to demons. After killing the gods, they can choose to use divinity to strengthen their existing demon level, and at the same time, they can also transform the priesthood of the gods into the corresponding demon level.

This is why the gods and the abyss have always been at odds with each other.

However, it is not easy to catch the legendary lava demon in front of him.

The lava demon is cunning by nature, much stronger than those reckless demons, and is even called the devil among demons.

At this moment, this real invading lava demon is worthy of the title of cunning. He held a lava fireball in his hand and threw it at Su Lin, but he did not leave the portal at all.

This can not only test Su Lin's strength, but also if there is an accident, he can escape through the portal in the shortest time.

Anyway, ordinary divine creatures dare not enter the abyss at all, that is completely seeking death.

Seeing this, Su Lin was not in a hurry. He blocked the lava fireballs in a random manner, as if he had no interest in the lava demon at all.

But for those demons that invaded his divine domain, Su Lin was not so polite.

Although the Sun and Moon Saint did not attack directly, he still decisively released his powerful sun and moon power.

Under the cover of the power of the Sun and Moon Saint, the sky of the entire God's Domain seemed to have an illusion of the sun and moon in the same sky.

The powerful sun and moon power filled it, but in terms of the lethality to evil, the sun and moon power is not much worse than the holy light.

After the abyss demon army entered the God's Domain, they immediately felt bad.

Under the cover of the sun and moon power, the unique damage reduction buff of the abyss creatures was directly abolished, and even their attacks were weakened a lot.

In addition, Shisui no longer held back, and a high-end ninja was almost a bug-level existence in this almost melee battlefield.

Even if the ability of Susanoo was not used, the large-scale fire escape plus physical skills also caused a lot of casualties to the entire demon army.

Although the ordinary Sun and Moon people have no special combat ability due to their short training time, their physical fitness as a high-level race is not worse than that of demons.

In addition, everyone can use the power of the sun and moon, which is extremely lethal to the demons.

So the entire battlefield was in a one-sided situation as soon as they came into contact. Even though the number of demons was far greater than that of the Sun and Moon people, they were still being slaughtered.

However, in just over an hour, the demons had been slaughtered, and the damage they caused to the Sun and Moon people was only in the double digits.

Even because of the aura of Shisui, most of these injured Sun and Moon people were able to evacuate the battlefield safely.

In the end, only a few Sun and Moon people died because of bad luck and were hit by demons.

The army was completely destroyed, and the legendary lava demon outside felt something was wrong at this moment. He threw several powerful lava balls at Su Lin in succession, and then wanted to drill into the portal to return to the safe abyss.

"You want to run away after you come here, it's funny!"

Su Lin sneered at this, and then stretched out his hand and summoned Shisui, who had been prepared, from the divine domain.

Then, before the legendary lava demon could react, Shisui summoned his Susanoo.

He arrived in front of the lava demon with a body-flickering technique, and the strongest illusion, Kotoamatsukami, was activated.

Even though the lava demon was a demon, it had a strong resistance to all kinds of charms and illusions, but it was also confused for a moment when facing Kotoamatsukami.

At this moment, Su Lin had already arrived in front of the lava demon, and powerful divine power condensed in his hands.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a palm that covered the sky and the sun appeared. The huge lava demon was directly grasped by the palm and could no longer move.

In order to maximize the benefits, Su Lin flashed into his own divine domain, and then did not give the lava demon any chance. Su Lin clenched his big hand and directly crushed the powerful lava demon into slag.

All the demons that died in his divine domain will become nutrients for Su Lin's divinity.

With this legendary demon and five thousand other demons, Su Lin may be able to increase his divinity by two more points.

However, what Su Lin was looking forward to more was not the two points of divinity, but the demon rank left after the death of the lava demon.

The lava demon that was crushed to death by Su Lin turned directly into a pool of lifeless magma, and a small black light spot floated on the magma.

"Is this the demon rank comparable to the priesthood?"

Su Lin picked up the small black light spot and activated the omniscience of the god.

However, since the demon rank comes from the powerful abyss consciousness, it is impossible for Su Lin to figure it out with his current strength.

But through some information he got, he still roughly understood the general situation of the demon rank.

The so-called demon rank is the permission given by the abyss consciousness to the demon to use the rules.

Compared with using divine power to influence the rules, using this permission consumes less and can also pry more power.

"The so-called priesthood is probably this kind of power."

Su Lin guessed, and then used divine power to purify the abyss breath in the demon rank.

Black mist began to rise gradually on the black demon rank, and the demon rank itself began to turn transparent.

But after a while, the demon rank had completely become transparent, like a pure gem.

There were also some phantoms of flames and lava rising in it.

"Lava flames!"

Su Lin curled his lips. Although he knew that the lava demon would most likely only explode this type of priesthood, he was a little disappointed when he really saw it.

Although the priesthood of lava and fire is powerful in attack, it is just an ordinary priesthood after all, and it is definitely not in Su Lin's eyes.

Although it is also possible to directly break the priesthood to increase divinity, Su Lin does not lack divinity, so there is no need to choose such a wasteful approach.

"Forget it, it should be useful when building a pantheon in the future."

After thinking for a while, Su Lin put away the priesthood of lava and fire.

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