Su Lin also looked at Yan Chixia with amusement, and then a great voice sounded around:

"Ten miles of Pinghu are covered with frost, and every inch of black hair is worried about the prime of life. Looking at each other alone in the moon shape, I only envy the mandarin ducks and not the immortals; Ning Caichen, Nie Xiaoqian, your love is destined by heaven, and should have been separated by life and death in the end, but I feel your faith!"

"Give Ning Caichen the blood of the sun and the moon, and from now on, ghosts will not invade, and all evil will not approach!"

"Give Nie Xiaoqian a trace of pure yang energy, extreme yin will give birth to yang, and turn death into life!"

Then he glanced at Yan Chixia, who was expecting, and thought that if there were rare masters in this world of Liao Zhai to escort him, Ning Caichen would be able to preach better, so he couldn't be stingy.

"In consideration of Yan Chixia's contribution to the sacrifice, I will grant you fifty years of cultivation and twenty years of life!"

When Yan Chixia heard this, he couldn't help but show a look of surprise on his face. Sure enough, the true god is generous, and there is no loss in believing in the true god.

In the gratitude of the three people, Su Lin canceled the projection, and infinite divine power and golden light sprinkled on the altar.

The first person to change was Ning Caichen. He was originally an ordinary scholar, and even if he was given cultivation, he might not be able to control it.

So Su Lin directly helped him change his bloodline, and transformed him into a citizen of the sun and moon with the power of the Sun and Moon Saint.

The unique sun and moon power of the Sun and Moon People is extremely lethal to demons and ghosts, which can be said to be the most suitable power for the world of Liao Zhai.

Nie Xiaoqian used the power of the Great Dao that he mastered to make her turn from yin to yang, and it is not impossible for her to be resurrected and reborn in the future.

If it was placed when the gods and Buddhas were still there, such a rebellion against heaven would definitely be punished by the gods and Buddhas.

However, now that the gods and Buddhas in the world have dissipated, Nie Xiaoqian is much freer. Even if there is a little backlash from the way of heaven, it is easily suppressed by Su Lin.

As for Yan Chixia, he was simple and rough. He used divine power to improve his internal power and increase his vitality by the way.

However, just this little change made Yan Chixia have a stronger fighting power.

"Thank you for the gift of my God. Your most devout believer Ning Caichen is fortunate to be favored by the gods. In the future, I will definitely spread the light of my God all over the world and let the world bathe in the grace of the gods!"

Ning Caichen shouted with unimaginable firmness in his eyes. Along with his shouting, a trace of extremely bright power shot out from his body.

Nie Xiaoqian knelt behind Ning Caichen and felt that her body did not feel uncomfortable at all under the shining of the sun and moon. Instead, it was warm, as if she was resurrected.

Her originally cold face also showed fanatical worship and shouted: "I will definitely spread faith for my God!"

And Yan Chixia also shouted loudly: "Yan is also determined to believe in the great God of the Heavens. I will definitely let the gods of the God of the Heavens spread all over the world and offer the best sacrifices to the God of the Heavens."

Hearing what the three said, Su Lin nodded with satisfaction, and then withdrew his divine thoughts from this world.

After Su Lin's figure completely disappeared, the three people who were kneeling on the ground slowly stood up.

"Mr. Yan, thank you for your pocket!" Ning Caichen smiled gently, and then saluted Yan Chixia.

Yan Chixia shook his head and said, "It's nothing. After all, I am also a believer of my god. However, how to preach next will take the trouble of Brother Ning. You can find me if you need my help."

Ning Caichen glanced at Nie Xiaoqian, a trace of pity flashed across his face, and then a trace of the power of the sun and the moon flashed across his body and said, "After the guidance of the gods, I have understood the darkness of this world. As believers of the gods of the heavens, we have the responsibility to clear the darkness for the gods and let the light of the gods spread throughout the world. In this case, let's start from Lanruo Temple!"

Yan Chixia touched his chin, thought for a while and said, "A thousand-year-old tree demon? She and I were only 50-50 before, But after the reward from the gods, I am sure to defeat her, but the tree demon has a strong vitality, even if I defeat her, it is difficult to kill her. "

Ning Caichen showed a trace of the power of the sun and the moon and said: "Don't worry, we just need to control her. The previous sacrifices were simple, but next time we have to prepare better sacrifices for the gods. "

Yan Chixia nodded and said: "Using demons as sacrifices, it is quite appropriate. In this case, let's plan it well."

After speaking, he looked at Nie Xiaoqian standing next to him. After Su Lin's transformation, Nie Xiaoqian now has a positive side and a negative side. Even with Yan Chixia's eyes, she can't see any difference between her and an ordinary girl.

"Miss Xiaoqian has followed the tree demon for many years and knows her details, which can save us a lot of effort. "

Nie Xiaoqian nodded and said: "Of course, I have no choice but to prepare sacrifices for the great gods of the heavens. "

At this moment, Ning Caichen, whose expression had been calm just now, suddenly changed his face.

"Congratulations on completing your first sacrifice and obtaining the qualification to join the chat group of the heavens. Do you want to join?!"

Ning Caichen hesitated for a moment, but still chose to join.

"Seniors, I am Ning Caichen from the world of Liaozhai. I greet you all!"

Looking at the three people in the chat group, Ning Caichen said with a little respect.

Chongzhen: "There's a newcomer!"

Zhang Sanfeng: "Welcome, newcomer!"

Uchiha Itachi: "Welcome, welcome. Is the newcomer also a believer of the God of Heavens? You can look at the relevant content in the group shared file. There is a basic introduction about us. You'd better update your own."

Ning Caichen: "Thank you, seniors!"

While speaking, Ning Caichen kept muttering in his heart that there was actually an emperor in the group.

But he still downloaded the relevant basic information as he was told.

"Real people, ninjas and emperors!"

Ning Caichen said with a smile on his face: "It seems that a scholar needs to be added to the group. The great gods of the heavens are indeed philanthropic!"

"Dear seniors, I just encountered a great opportunity and converted to my god. I will update my information now."

After reading Ning Caichen's relevant information, Chongzhen and others all sighed. No matter what the world of the three of them is, it is still dominated by humans, but Ning Caichen's world is a bit too pitiful.

Demons are rampant, gods and Buddhas have disappeared, and humans are like livestock.

"Brother Ning, you have a great responsibility. If you need any support, please let us know."

"Thank you, seniors."

"My God is so gracious. Since He has chosen you, it means your world can still be saved. Spread the faith of My God and work hard until your death. Only then will you have a chance to save the world."

Looking at the people in the chat group, Su Lin nodded with satisfaction. The purpose of his chat group was to allow these friends to help each other. Now the atmosphere in the group is very good.

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