Su Lin continued to provide the best cultivation environment for his family members. After just one day, the head teacher informed him to come to the school to gather.

When Su Lin arrived, thirty or forty figures had already gathered in the school's trial square.

Their bodies shimmered with various divine lights, and every aura was extremely powerful. Behind them, phantoms of the world appeared, which were manifestations of their divine realm.

"These should be the strongest geniuses in each class in the school, but there are only thirty-four of the hundreds of classes in the school. It seems that some lower-grade classes have no one to compete for."

Su Lin murmured in his heart. Most of the thirty-four people present were leaders in their senior year of high school. Among the few remaining talented sophomores, Su Lin was the only one who could actually participate in this assessment in his first year of high school. That’s all.

Although he is the youngest, Su Lin cannot weaken his momentum.

Without hesitation, he also released his divine light. Fifteen points of divinity plus more than 500 points of divine power made his divine light extremely powerful.

With such attributes, if there is a little more divinity, it is even possible to become a demigod. Even compared to the seniors in the third year of high school, they are only stronger.

The surging divine light was like a torch, directly lighting up the trial square.

"Who is this?"

"That's right. Seeing how powerful his divine power is, how could he not have any reputation at all before?"

"Is it pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?"

"You're kidding me. Where can I get the resources to practice while pretending to be a pig? I'm afraid that if I pretend to be a pig, I'll become a real pig."

"Could it be that he is the true god's heir who specially transferred to the school after hearing that the principal had a quota?!"

In the trial square, a group of high school students were speculating on each other.

Outside the trial square, a group of mighty demigods gathered together and chatted with each other under a true god who was filled with divine light and couldn't even see his figure.

"Deng Wen, it's okay. I actually have such a trump card at hand. I had such power when I was a freshman in high school. Could it be that he is the descendant of a god with medium power or above?!"

Deng Wen said with a smile: "The world of gods is full of endless secrets. It is the most basic principle not to pry into other people's secrets. It doesn't matter what the identity and background of other people's children are, as long as they are powerful."

Then he turned to look at the true god behind them who was full of divine light, and said respectfully: "Principal, the people are almost here, can we start?"

The principal nodded.

After that, the teacher asked all students to sign a liability exemption agreement.

Some people were afraid of death and chose to quit.

In response, the principal shook his head and said nothing.

With a wave of his hand, several students who chose to give up were teleported away.

Then he looked at the remaining people and nodded with satisfaction: "The remaining people are very courageous. What our world needs is courageous pioneers. I hope you can all perform at your best this time." Even if you don't get first place, you may still encounter opportunities in the plane."

After saying that, his whole body turned into golden light and merged with the trial square.

Then the trial square shook, and it unexpectedly entered the etheric sea.

Next, they will go to plane S-5656824, where three demigods are waiting for them.

In the trial square, a task selection interface appeared in their hands.

Above are the relevant tasks released by the school, and each task represents a certain amount of points.

The person with the highest points in the end will get a place in the selection competition for the strongest high school students.

Su Lin looked at the task selection interface. The colors of the series of tasks were also different.

The top tasks are all 100 points, completely blood red, and then the scores get lower and lower, and the color gradually changes from red to yellow and eventually even green.

Su Lin looked around again, then licked his lips and sighed: "Sure enough, it is a bit aimed at Poseidon. For the same difficulty task, the rewards of annihilating Poseidon's legions or followers are 10% more than those of Barbarian God and Beast God. about."

But this may also be due to the difficulty. After all, for most students, the creatures in the God's Domain are terrestrial creatures, and it is quite troublesome to deal with the legions in the sea.

After selecting the mission, the principal drove directly into the trial square and entered S-5656824 in the etheric sea.

Next, they will take the test here, and the whole world is their proving ground.

Such assessments all came directly from the incarnation. Su Lin, who was wealthy and wealthy, directly chose ten points of divinity to form the incarnation.

An incarnation with a powerful divine light flashing on his body appeared in front of him, and before he could react, the void around him collapsed, and then countless members of his family in the same divine domain turned into a pop and fell to the S-5656824 plane. among.

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