The overall evaluation can be summed up in one sentence: he is so young, he must have a promising future.

Su Lin and Ban Qiu left Yuhua City.

Before they had walked far, Ban Qiu was wondering where Su Lin was going.

Because he seemed to be aimless, he kept looking at the wild flowers on the roadside, as if he had found something from Chinese medicine.

Finally, Ban Qiu couldn't help but ask curiously, "Brother Su Lin, what have you been doing along the way? You seem to like these flowers very much?"

Only then did Su Lin come to his senses. In fact, since he left Yuhua City, he had been thinking about how to find nectar for the little ancestor, but he had observed all the way and found nothing.

There was no shortage of pollen among these wild flowers, and there were also many bees and butterflies lying on them to absorb it.

But what exactly is nectar? Does it refer to the honey produced by the bees after absorbing pollen?

If it was really that simple, wouldn't everyone be able to raise the colorful cloud butterfly, and it would have been everywhere on the street?

"No, I'm just curious, what exactly is this nectar?"

Banqiu knows much more about this world than he does, so maybe asking her will get the answer.

But it's obvious that Su Lin thought too much. When Banqiu heard this word, she instantly thought of honey.

But after a brainstorming session, the two of them directly rejected this idea. Fortunately, Banqiu once again put forward a constructive suggestion, "Brother Su Lin, if you say that this nectar is produced from flowers, maybe we can find the answer by going to Lincheng County."

"Oh?" Su Lin's eyes flashed with surprise. He didn't understand what Banqiu meant by this sentence.

"Why doesn't Brother Su Lin know? Lincheng County is a place in our northern country known as the Flower Capital. There are countless people who know how to grow flowers, and all kinds of exotic flowers and plants can be seen everywhere. There must be someone who knows what this nectar is."

After hearing this, Su Lin seemed to have found his goal suddenly.

He nodded and praised: "That makes sense. Then we will go to Lincheng County. If we are lucky, it may not take long."

So the two of them went straight to the pipeline.

Along the way, Su Lin still did not give up observing the wild flowers on the roadside. After all, he could not hang himself on a tree, right?

According to the system's prompt, this colorful cloud butterfly has only fifteen days left to live if it is not fed since it was taken out of the secret realm.

"This thing is so fragile. I don't know if it can play such a big role when I cultivate it with all my heart?" Su Lin said to himself.

All his strange behaviors were seen by Banqiu, but he did not point it out.

"Host, you have completed the phased task in the Yuhua City map and received 200 bonus points and 5 spiritual pills."

At this time, Su Lin suddenly heard the system voice in his mind.

He was very surprised, and then immediately opened the system's points exchange mall and went straight to the items needed by the spiritual pet.

Seeing that the 150 points could just be exchanged for a small bottle of nectar, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind to get it.

Looking at the small bottle in his hand, he felt a pain in his flesh, but thinking of the powerfulness of the colorful cloud butterfly after it grew up, these emotions were swept away.

Not far ahead was a tea stall. The midday sun was so scorching that even Su Lin, a cultivator in the foundation-building period, could not stand it.

Mainly because of physical thirst, he suggested to Banqiu: "Why don't we take a break and drink tea?"

Banqiu was already sweating at this moment, and she nodded slightly to indicate her agreement.

"Boss, give us a pot of tea each."

The quantifier used by Su Lin was directly pot, not bowl.

Of course, the business sold more, so the owner of the tea stall naturally did not refuse, and soon two pots of tea were placed on the table in front of the two.

Su Lin hurriedly poured a bowl and gulped it down. It was really cool and thirst-quenching.

From then on, his attention was on the larva of the colorful cloud butterfly.

When he left Zhou's house, he took a small porcelain jar that could just be held in one hand, and used straw to make a warm nest inside, and put the colorful cloud butterfly larvae in it.

But now it was full of mucus, wet, and looked like a big snot stuck on it.

Very disgusting.

But Su Lin still teased it without disgust, which made Ban Qiu on the side couldn't help but say contemptuously, "Brother Su Lin, what are you playing with?"

"I don't think it looks like a silkworm, but rather a maggot, so disgusting."

Su Lin naturally didn't care, but patiently explained to her, but didn't say it out loud, "This is a good thing. When it grows up, its value is unlimited."

Ban Qiu expressed doubt, thinking that this is it?

Su Lin opened the small bottle of nectar, dripped a drop on his finger, and then put it into the ceramic jar.

The colorful cloud butterfly larvae seemed to smell some kind of fragrance, and immediately came up and sucked it happily.

"Host, your pet's current hunger value has been restored, status [Life: 1] [Skill: 1] [Combat: 0]"

Hearing the system's prompt sound, Su Lin was a little puzzled. With zero combat power, it actually has skills?

Could it be this cold touch? If you have a cold or fever, just apply it directly on your head, it will definitely work.

Considering that it is still in the larval stage, Su Lin does not have too much extravagant hope.

To put it bluntly, it's good to be alive.

Soon the two of them finished their rest, but looking up at the scorching sun, they really didn't want to leave the shade.

In the end, they gave a tael of silver and bought the boss's teapot, which was naturally full.

This was the first time the boss had seen a customer take a teapot, but the money he gave was enough to buy the stall, so he was naturally respectful.

"Take care, both of you, and come back when you have time!"

Looking at the silver in his hand, a smile appeared on his face.

Here, the road to Lincheng County is still very long. It took until dark, and it was estimated that there was still 70% of the way to go.

If it goes on like this, it will probably take another three or four days. At this moment, Su Lin wished he could grow a pair of wings, or fly with a sword like those great cultivators.

In this way, he could reach his destination in the blink of an eye, which would save him a lot of trouble.

The two were really exhausted. Seeing that it was getting late, they couldn't find an inn to stay in.

Could it be that they had to sleep outdoors today?

Hearing the cry of coyotes in the forest, Banqiu did not show any worry on his face, because he knew what kind of strong man was next to him.

If he could beat the wild boar monster, would he be afraid of a group of coyotes?

But it was not pleasant to camp in the wilderness after all, and Suning also wanted to find a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

So he rushed forward in the dark and finally saw the lights.

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