"Brother Su Lin, that seems to be an inn." Banqiu's words revealed excitement.

Everyone knows what this means. It can avoid wind and rain. For those who are on the road, this is really a comfort.

The two soon arrived at the door of the inn, but they were obviously disappointed.

Su Lin looked at the closing sign hanging on the door and felt like he kicked it, "Isn't it an inn? Doesn't it allow people to stay?"

This is also an angry talk!

After all, the store you open can be whatever you want!

But, not today!

There was only one inn left within a hundred miles, and the lights in this inn were bright, so it was obvious that someone was there.

It's just a staycation, it doesn't count as an intrusion, and you don't do any business that comes to your door? If you have a little bit of conscience, you won't see others sleeping in the countryside, right?

Of course, this is not moral kidnapping.

In this world, morality is the least valuable thing. When necessary, even this rickety door cannot stop Sulin.

So, while there was still a trace of harmony, he shouted into the inn: "Is there anyone there? We are here to complain. It is not easy to travel in the dark and windy weather!"

A quick response came from the inn, "What the hell, there's nothing with eyes. Didn't you see it says closed outside?"

This voice sounded fierce. How could any store be like this?

So the first thought in Sulin's mind was, could the bandits on the mountain break in?

Along the way, he had heard that there were a lot of bandits in this area. This was the only inn within a hundred miles, and there must be many merchants coming and going. If he didn't rob here, where could he rob?

But soon he couldn't figure it out. If they were bandits, wouldn't they be more happy with a few more people?

Are you looking at the money in front of you and not picking it up? They don't have such good people.

So Su Lin called inside again: "Store, please do your best. Wild animals are rampant outside at this time, and there are mountains and forests on both sides of the official road. What if we are eaten by coyotes and tigers that emerge from the woods?"

The voice inside became even more impatient, "Where are you going? It's none of my business?"


At this time, Su Lin couldn't bear it anymore.

They were so rude when they spoke, so there was no need for me to pretend. As expected, in this world, you still have to rely on your fists to speak.

So he kicked open the broken door and shouted loudly inside: "Then I came uninvited today!"

After all, it is an inn in the mountains. It is a bit shabby. There is a two-story wooden building, and the room next to it may be a woodshed or kitchen.

There is also a stable on the other side of the yard, where passing traders can tie their horses.

There are already six or seven fast horses in the stable. They have fodder in front of them and are chewing happily.

"This seems to be an official horse."

Banqiu on the side suddenly spoke up.

Su Lin was puzzled and asked in a low voice: "What? Are there words written on these horses?"

Banqiu shook her head and immediately said: "I used to deliver medicine with my father in Lanzhou City, and I accidentally entered the military camp. Their horses were like this, all strong and strong, as if they were carved from the same mold."

In fact, Banqiu was right.

In this northern country, all military horses and official horses are bred and bred through unified breeding. They eat special forage and naturally grow strong.

The labor of ordinary people is simply not comparable to their physiques, and only the toys raised by wealthy families can barely compare.

"Is this an official inn?"

Thinking of all kinds of things, I'm afraid this is the only explanation.

In this world, transportation is inconvenient, and the four countries in the southeast, northwest and northwest basically rely on such official channels to communicate with each other.

Keeping on the road was not enough, so the officials set up inns at some distance along each road.

It is used to supplement food, grass and rest, and can play a stronger role in wartime. Otherwise, when fighting on the border and sending a message to the capital, the horses must not be exhausted?

Generally, such official inns are not open to external business, that is, ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

But Su Lin couldn't control it. Even if he was asked, he still had a gift from Ding Pingzhou. With that gold token, he would have no problem walking sideways in the North Country.

Su Lin made a lot of noise just now, attracting the attention of everyone in the inn.

Seven or eight people all came out. They were uniformly dressed, but it didn't look like official uniforms, but more like the uniforms of a warrior from a certain family.

Most of these people are warriors in the innate realm, except for one who is an acquired warrior.

Su Lin smiled disdainfully and thought to himself: Doesn't it mean that the northern country's spiritual power is exhausted and weak? Why have I seen so many Houtian warriors during this period? It’s like not asking for money.

The people dressed like the innkeeper and the waiter also came out, and they immediately came up to Su Lin to explain, "Guests, I'm really sorry today, our place is full, please find another place. "

This boss seems to be polite, and he is not the same type of person as those guys.

But he persuaded Su Lin so nicely and angrily, but before Su Lin even opened his mouth, someone felt unhappy.

"What nonsense are you talking to him about?"

The acquired warrior came to Su Lin.

His arrogant look really begged for a beating, "Boy, do you know this is the inn of the official family? Is a guy like you worthy of coming in?"

"While the uncle is in a good mood, hurry up and get as far away as possible, otherwise your life will be at risk!"

Su Lin's face was full of disdain. Saying such words to himself was tantamount to seeking death, and he didn't even know it.

"Hmph, where do you want me to go? It's dark, you guys should go outside and try."

"There are so many of you, it's okay to squeeze in, just ask the boss to give us two rooms, we don't need money."

This move directly angered the acquired warrior, he directly pulled out his knife and put it on Su Lin's neck.

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, the post station owner immediately stepped forward to persuade them to stop fighting, but he didn't say much to Su Lin, but turned around and whispered to the acquired warrior.

As mentioned before, Su Lin's five senses have been sharpened, and he heard all their words.

"Brother Chen, I think this kid may have some ability, otherwise he wouldn't be so calm and shouldn't act on impulse."

"Have you forgotten what the higher-ups told you? If you make a big fuss now, it will be troublesome."

After hearing these words, the acquired warrior felt that they made sense, but he couldn't hold back his anger.

In his eyes, Su Lin was just an ant that could be stepped on to death at any time.

But considering the overall situation, he whispered: "Okay, but you have to prepare something for me. I must teach this kid a lesson tonight."

The innkeeper's eyes flashed with surprise, but he seemed helpless and could only do as he was told.

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