No one spoke for the whole night. Even if Yuan Ting felt that he had an absolute advantage, he would not choose to fight with Wudang Sect, which was full of martial arts masters, at night.

After all, in order to occupy the Central Plains, the Yuan Dynasty had fought with many martial arts masters. They naturally knew how invincible the powerful martial arts masters were in the dark.

But as the light of dawn appeared on Wudang Mountain, 500,000 troops began to prepare for battle.

The earth seemed to be created by the actions of the soldiers. Soldiers in armor, holding spears and bows in their hands, began to march towards Wudang Mountain.

And the powerful Huihui cannons had been fully prepared, and all the boulders were aimed at the narrow mountain road.

If the Wudang Sect dared to send people to stop the army from going up the mountain, the boulders thrown by the Huihui cannons would instantly submerge them.

Wang Baobao believed that even Zhang Sanfeng, who had a profound cultivation, would definitely find it difficult to resist the boulders that were like rain.

It must be said that the Yuan army was indeed experienced in dealing with martial arts masters, and they used absolute power to crush them step by step.

"Go, crush Wudang Mountain!"

Wang Baobao, who was in the center of the queue, waved the sword in his hand, and the army in formation shouted at the same time: "Crush Wudang Mountain!"

Their shouts were like thunder, shaking the sky, and many disciples on Wudang Mountain changed color for a moment.

"Master, they are going to attack the mountain!" Song Yuanqiao said with a little worry in front of the square of the hall on the top of the mountain.

Zhang Sanfeng was still unusually calm at this moment. He said with a gentle smile on his face: "Believe in the God of the Heavens, He will definitely protect us!"

After speaking, the shadow of Tai Chi flashed behind Zhang Sanfeng, and he stepped into the air and rushed down the mountain.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng's figure, Wang Baobao's face twitched, and he quickly waved the sword in his hand.

Seeing this, soldiers from all sides drew their bows and shot arrows, and the Huihui cannons that had been prepared long ago were quickly fired.

In an instant, countless stones smashed towards Zhang Sanfeng with the sound of breaking through the air. The magnificent momentum estimated that even a strong city could be smashed into ruins in an instant.

Any martial arts expert would not be able to survive such an attack.

But their target was Zhang Sanfeng.

The Tai Chi diagram behind Zhang Sanfeng suddenly expanded and wrapped himself in it.

All the arrows and rocks that hit the Tai Chi diagram actually floated in the sky in violation of the laws of physics.

For a moment, Zhang Sanfeng was flying in the air as if he was carrying a mountain of rocks on his head.

"Old Taoist Zhang Sanfeng, the leader of the Zhutian Shenjiao, aren't you afraid of being punished by the gods for attacking rashly?"

Zhang Sanfeng flew in the sky, shouting, and he even used the power of the Great Dao that he controlled.

Under the blessing of the Great Dao, the surrounding heaven and earth made sounds, as if the whole world was questioning the attacking Yuan soldiers.

"Oh my god, is this the person we want to attack?"

"He can fly, he is really a god!"

"Are we really attacking the spokesperson of the gods?"

"Why does the court want to be an enemy of such a terrifying existence!"


In front of the power of heaven and earth, countless Yuan court soldiers could not help but fall into confusion. Looking at Zhang Sanfeng floating in the air, they were dumbfounded.

Even the soldiers of the Yuan Dynasty had fought against martial arts masters before, and many of them had even wiped out martial arts sects.

But those martial arts masters could only run faster, attack more powerfully, and use more exquisite moves. They had never seen a god-like existence like Zhang Sanfeng.

For a moment, the entire Yuan army seemed to be pressed down by the immobilization button, and had no ability to move at all.

Even Wang Baobao was stunned at this moment. Although he had heard that Zhang Sanfeng had received the blessing of the gods after believing in the gods of the heavens, and his cultivation was close to that of a god, the scene in front of him was still completely beyond Wang Baobao's imagination.

"Is the blessing of the gods really so terrifying? It can actually make people become immortals?"

Looking at Zhang Sanfeng in mid-air, Wang Baobao muttered to himself in disbelief.

At this moment, he was completely panicked, and he couldn't even control the army again.

Seeing this scene below, Zhang Sanfeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the power of the gods still broke the Yuan soldiers' faith in the court.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhang Sanfeng directly recited the sacrificial text of the gods of the heavens loudly.

"The gods of the heavens are the eternal gods of the world, and their power covers all the heavens and the worlds. My god is merciful and gives all living beings the opportunity to believe in him, and appoints me as the messenger of the gods of the heavens in this world."

"You attack me at will, which will inevitably anger the gods of the heavens. For your forgiveness, you should recite the sacrificial text with me and ask for forgiveness from the gods!"

Under the power of the rules of the Tao, Zhang Sanfeng's words seemed to echo in the depths of everyone's soul.

Especially when Zhang Sanfeng recited the sacrificial text of the gods of the heavens, the whole world changed color.

After all, Zhang Sanfeng had already offered sacrifices to Su Lin twice in Wudang Mountain. Although it was not as good as the Shenwu Daming World, the connection between the Yitian Tulong World and Su Lin was not shallow.

Under this connection, Zhang Sanfeng once again shook the power of the Great Dao to recite Su Lin's sacrificial text, which naturally aroused the response of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

In the sky, the sun, the moon, and the stars appeared at the same time, and the thunder seemed to cheer for Zhang Sanfeng.

Under such power, few soldiers could hold on.

They subconsciously knelt on the ground and followed Zhang Sanfeng to recite the sacrificial text.

At this moment, Wang Baobao had woken up. When he saw the scene in front of him, he quickly shouted: "Don't keep reading, your salary and salary all come from the imperial court. Believing in the God of All Heavens Religion means betraying the imperial court. Aren't you afraid of death?!"

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Wang Baobao and retorted directly: "Your salary and salary come from the imperial court? Where does the money from the imperial court come from? Your salary and salary are all the people's blessings. It is easy for the people to be abused and it is difficult for God to bully them. How can you still not understand? Only faith Only the gods of the heavens can save the common people and be worthy of your salary!"

After hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, even the few Dayuan soldiers who were still awake had a trace of confusion in their eyes.

Many people were silent for a moment before kneeling on the ground and chanting the name of the God of the Heavens.

Among the 500,000 people, there were probably more than 490,000 people chanting sacrificial incantations at the same time. Although they did not form any sacrifice, such large-scale prayers were still sensed by Sulin in the main world.

He glanced at the Heaven-Slaying Dragon World connected to his soul, and said with a smile on his face: "Not bad!"

Following his words, the whole world seemed to be trembling, and a majestic image of a god appeared in front of Wudang Mountain.

After this god appeared, he nodded gently to all the soldiers, and then turned into light spots and merged into the soldiers.

The soldiers who chanted the words of sacrifice suddenly felt that their tired bodies became extremely comfortable, and even their strength became a little stronger.

For a moment, everyone was extremely excited. This was the true god, and he could really respond to the sacrifice.

Seeing this scene, Wang Baobao already knew that the situation was over. At this moment, it would be good if these Yuan soldiers did not capture themselves and sacrifice them to the gods of the heavens.

Thinking of this, Wang Baobao couldn't help but feel a trace of despair in his heart.

He mobilized nearly all the living forces of Dayuan in the hope of annihilating the God Sect from the source.

But I didn't expect that someone would instigate him to rebellion with just a few words!

What are you trying to do? Will Tu Qianli give away his head?

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