The Age of Universal Gods: My God is the Big Boss of the Heavens

Chapter 67: Millions of believers gather at Wudang

Zhang Sanfeng naturally didn't care what Wang Baobao was thinking at this moment.

He was looking at the five hundred thousand soldiers kneeling on the ground with a smile. When Su Lin's figure appeared between heaven and earth, he knew that he had been recognized by the gods.

With a few words, half a million Yuan soldiers became believers of the God of the Heavens. Zhang Sanfeng was quite satisfied with his results.

Several people watching the live broadcast couldn't help but sigh at Zhang Sanfeng's way of preaching.

Uchiha Itachi: "Zhang Zhenren's teaching method is really worth learning. I wonder if I summon the ninjas from the five major ninja villages and show the miracles of the gods in front of them, will the people in those ninja villages be able to do it?" Take the initiative to surrender to my God?”

Qin Shihuang smiled and said: "It should be so. After all, the power of the gods of the heavens is infinite. No one can refuse to convert after feeling the power of my god."

Compared to Qin Shihuang, Chongzhen, as the earliest believer in Su Lin, had a more thorough understanding of various sacrifices and belief methods.

He said with a sigh: "What the First Emperor said is correct, but the power of our god does not come casually, or if it weren't for Zhenren Zhang's peerless cultivation that temporarily frightened 500,000 soldiers and asked them to follow If you recite the sacrificial inscriptions, it will probably take a large-scale sacrifice to activate the power of the gods."

Then Chongzhen said: "We believe in the God of the Heavens because of the mercy and power of the God. We need our own strength to spread His faith. Don't try to use the power of the God to attract believers for everyone. After all, there are not many people like Zhenren Zhang who are already famous in the world and can intimidate hundreds of thousands of people, at least Weasel and Ning Caichen cannot do this. "

After hearing Chongzhen's words, Ning Caichen also sighed: "Yes, I can't do this anyway!"

Itachi was silent for a moment and then said: "Well, although I am powerful now, my status is not as transcendent as Master Zhang. It seems that Master Zhang's preaching is really a miracle that cannot be copied."

Qin Shihuang: "However, Master Zhang is a professional Taoist priest after all. When it comes to preaching, he is definitely one of the best. You can still study his actions carefully. At least he can be simpler when preaching."

While the chat in the group was getting heated, Zhang Sanfeng was scratching his head a little.

Although the five hundred thousand soldiers have converted to the gods of the heavens, they cannot be allowed to continue to surround Wudang Mountain.

But if they are allowed to return to the control of Dayuan, these soldiers who believe in the gods of the heavens will definitely be ostracized or even massacred by the court.

After all, these five hundred thousand soldiers are like seeds. Even if Zhang Zhenren sits in the position of Emperor Yuan, he will not allow these believers of the gods of the gods to enter the military system.

Otherwise, it is estimated that not long after, all the soldiers of Dayuan will become believers of the God of the Heavens.

Just when Zhang Sanfeng was hesitating, smoke and dust suddenly billowed in the distance, as if countless people were rushing towards Wudang Mountain.

Zhang Sanfeng looked into the distance curiously and saw figures gradually emerging on the road in the distance.

It started with a few people, then hundreds, thousands, and then tens of thousands.

Finally, the entire land seemed to be covered by crowds.

"Master, Cuishan has brought people to rescue Wudang!"

"Yuan Ting is so bold, he actually dares to besiege the sacred mountain of our Heavenly God Sect?!"

"Don't be afraid, Master Zhang. My Mingjiao is here to help you!"

"My Kunlun faction is here too!"

"And Huashan!"

"The beggar gang came to rescue us with millions of believers!"

Accompanied by shouts full of inner strength, countless martial arts people, leading their followers of the gods of the heavens, are rushing towards Wudang Mountain.

In fact, Zhang Sanfeng still underestimates the influence of the Heavenly God Sect in the world of Heaven and Dragon Slaying. You must know that the Great Yuan is tyrannical at this moment, and people everywhere are already in dire straits.

The more troubled the times, the stronger the influence of religion. Even all kinds of cults can spread wildly, not to mention that the All-Heaven Religion is an orthodox religion and even has the blessing of the true god.

Moreover, all martial arts sects in various places have witnessed the manifestation of the God of the Heavens. In order to win the favor of such a god, almost every martial arts sect is working hard to spread the word.

Most sects have even come up with a lot of basic martial arts secrets, which makes the All-Heaven Sect's missionary work more efficient.

In just a few years, the All-Heaven God Sect has no less than 20 million followers in the world of Yitian Slaying Dragon.

After hearing that the Yuan Dynasty sent sergeants to besiege Wudang Mountain, these martial arts sects and believers could not sit still.

In addition, Zhang Cuishan, the leader of the rebel army, contacted him, so all the believers who could come at this moment had already arrived in front of Wudang Mountain.

Even with Zhang Sanfeng's knowledge, looking at the dense crowd of people was a little tingling.

Originally, the number of the Yuan army's 500,000 troops was exaggerated enough, but compared with the believers currently supporting them, the 500,000 troops were just a small point, while the believers were a large mass.

"At least several million believers have come!" Zhang Sanfeng was secretly speechless.

At this moment, Wang Baobao was completely dumbfounded. These believers were not defenseless poor people.

After various sects distributed practice secrets, these believers have been practicing for at least a year. Although they are not very strong, they are definitely not weak. At least two of them can fight one soldier.

"Dayuan is over!"

Looking at those fanatical-eyed believers, Wang Baobao was already sitting on the ground with a death wish.

At this moment, Zhang Cuishan and many masters of the Mingjiao, who were at the front of the team, had arrived nearby. They were ready to fight with weapons in their hands.

But in the blink of an eye, they found that all the soldiers of the Yuan army were kneeling on the ground respectfully and constantly shouting the words of sacrifice to the gods of the heavens.

That pious look was probably not even comparable to the believers in front of them.

In an instant, Zhang Cuishan and many masters of the Mingjiao were a little dumbfounded.

What was going on? They came to rescue with the determination to fight the Yuan army directly, but they didn't expect Zhang Sanfeng to deal with all the Yuan army alone.

And the way to deal with it was so weird, which made them a little unacceptable for the time being.

The atmosphere on the field was a little awkward for a while.

But Zhang Sanfeng looked at Zhang Cuishan with a smile.

He was not only moved by Zhang Cuishan's filial piety, but also because these 500,000 Yuan army had a place to settle.

He had just seen that many of the believers coming to help were rebels. In this case, these Yuan troops could be placed among the rebels in various places.

This would not only strengthen the power of the rebels, but also weaken the power of the Yuan Dynasty.

For a moment, Zhang Sanfeng applauded his own wit.

However, looking at the millions of people gathered at the foot of Wudang Mountain, Zhang Sanfeng naturally knew that he could not let so many believers go back directly.

This time, the faith of the believers was frustrated. After thinking for a while, Zhang Sanfeng flew directly in the sky and shouted: "Today, my god has added 500,000 believers. Today, millions of believers gathered at the foot of Wudang Mountain. Today, we will hold a large-scale sacrifice to celebrate my god!"

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, countless people who were a little embarrassed just now cheered: "Hold a large-scale sacrifice to celebrate my god!"

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