There are also giant mushroom-like things growing on the strange rocks, many, densely packed, layer upon layer, people with dense phobias are estimated to go crazy.

After Ye Huang took a look and saw these giant "mushrooms", she almost went crazy:


Whoa hastily, Ganoderma lucidum!

Huge Lingzhi! Ganoderma lucidum with super earth attribute!

Ye Huang almost burst into tears in an instant.

Ganoderma lucidum has the effect of nourishing qi and blood, and its properties are very neutral, not to mention that the properties of Ganoderma lucidum here are super strong.

What's more, this Ganoderma lucidum, like those golden sands, has been nourished by aura for a long time!

Ye Huang almost couldn't hold back and started to cut!

Fortunately, the importance of her wife to her still overwhelmed these Ganoderma lucidum.

On the river bank, the strange rock was too wide from the forest, and the line of sight was blocked too much. Ye Huang jumped at the top of a strange rock, and this jump startled her again.

Not vertical jump, but take off!

Ye Huang only felt that his body was as light as a swallow, as if two wings had grown on his back. With the wind here, he "flyed" directly over the target strange stone and landed on the top of another strange stone.


Ye Huang patted his chest and suppressed that little heartbeat.

The foundation has reached the realm of great success. In theory, it is indeed possible to stand on the ground, that is, the ability to volley is there.

However, the height of the volley is also limited. In her understanding, Ye Huang should be able to use some high-level spiritual tools to fly out of thin air at a low altitude for a short period of time after the foundation is truly established.

But her current foundation building, but not even Xiaocheng, just had the sea of ​​​​dantian qi, and this sea of ​​​​qi is still very limited.

To be honest, she still can't "fly at high altitude" at the moment, but like the big guys in martial arts novels, it seems that she can fly around at a low altitude in an instant!

Ye Huang glanced back at the distance. If there was no foundation, she would have to use her special wire dart to complete it.

Standing on the top of this strange rock, Ye Huang looked around.

On the Jinsha Ganhe side, the strange stone forest felt the same as she had before, and she could not see the edge at a glance, and she could faintly see the activity of the star beasts inside.

Ye Huang turned his eyes to the other side of Jinsha Gan River, his eyes jumped slightly.

The near shore is the same as this side, it is a strange stone forest. The strange stones are also covered with "giant mushrooms" like Ganoderma lucidum, but the strange stone forest over there is relatively narrow, and there is a rocky beach beyond the strange stone forest, and the rocky beach extends into the distance. A mountain range can be seen in the distance.

The heights of the mountains could not be seen clearly, because the sky was covered with a kind of smoke, a grayish-yellow grayish-yellow smoke.

Ye Huang stared there and didn't move.

Sure enough, with a gust of wind, the cloud layer of smoke began to roll over, and in the roll of clouds and mist, there seemed to be a large building on the mountain range...

Is that the corner of the ruins of Andromeda that I saw on the illusion before? !

Ye Huang lowered her eyelids, moved her wrists, pondered a little, and took out a few of her things from her storage space.

The spiritual plate transformed from the weak water plate, and the "fine needles" she used to ask for directions last time to find Yu Fengbai, etc...

After taking out these things, Ye Huang hooked his lips.

Sure enough, I was prepared, and I was afraid of losing my wife. She left some things last time, so it would not come in handy.

Moreover, the spiritual energy here is abundant, and she has advanced to Foundation Establishment, and this "positioning" is a little more accurate.


Soon, seeing the fine needle shaking and pointing in one direction, Ye Huang raised his eyebrows, "That's good!"

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