After finishing speaking, she put away her things and jumped over the strange rocks one by one.

Only when crossing the Jinsha Dry River, the strong metallic energy fluctuations made the protective suit on her body a little hot, but everything else went smoothly.

Even those fiery worms that are active in the golden sand will not pose any threat to her. After all, such tiny star beasts have weak combat power and can be ignored.

Ye Huang also caught some of these fire worms. She had seen them in the Star Beast Pokédex. They were similar to the fireflies she was familiar with, but they were much more powerful than fireflies.

According to the data marked in the illustrated book, this kind of fire worm cannot be killed even with a heavy hammer. Their shells are extremely hard, comparable to diamonds.

Still shining like a diamond! And it is a special kind of fluorescence, the darker the environment, the brighter they are!

Ye Huang put all the fire worms caught in one of her "net pockets". This net pocket is called ice cable net. It is a fishing tool she bought on the black market. beast.

The price of the ice cable net is not expensive, and the energy is not too powerful, but after her ice cable net was bought back, it was soaked in the liquid medicine, and it was very strong.

I've never used it before, but this time I'm using it to hold fire worms.

These fire worms are a derived fire and wind attribute, and their energy is very flexible, which is why they can eat gold for a living in the extremely metallic Jinsha River.

Treating these fire worms can be used to modify the defensive performance of her and Yu Fengbai's protective clothing, she is very useful.

It's just that there is no time right now, she is anxious to find Yu Fengbai first, so she can only catch these fire worms in the ice rope pocket and store them.


Walking out of the strange stone forest here, when Ye Huang stepped on the rocky beach outside the strange stone forest, he couldn't help but hissed, and his heart suddenly thumped.

A cold aura rushed up from under the rocky beach and directly pressed against the soles of her feet. Even if she was wearing protective boots, she could still feel the bone-chilling coldness.

This kind of strange cold and cold Ye Huang is all too familiar...


In this piece of underground, there is such a strong evil spirit hidden!

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Huang's eyes.

No wonder there are strange ice-attribute energy fluctuations in the area of ​​Floating Cloud Island's Fiery Mountain... It shouldn't be real ice, but the breath ice under the influence of this secret realm.

No wonder she couldn't see any traces of star beasts' activity on this rocky beach!

Ye Huang felt the rich spiritual energy in the air, and felt the suffocating energy from under his feet, and there was a rare confusion in his eyes.


Spiritual Qi and suffocating Qi can be roughly said to be mutually reinforcing.

But it is different from the mutual generation and mutual restraint of all things. Although the spiritual qi and evil spirit are said to have their own boundaries, in general, they are not in a state of coexistence with clear natural boundaries.

The only explanation is that the "creator" of this secret realm once used spiritual energy to suppress a kind of evil spirit that he could not dissolve.

To put it bluntly, this secret realm is not a paradise-like fairyland found by the "creator", but a place of exile...

Exile a secret realm of stubborn "Sha Yuan" scourge!


Ye Huang suddenly muttered to himself, suddenly a little speechless.

I thought I had broken into the secret realm of the treasure house of a boss, but who knows, it turned out to be the underground prison of the boss——

This kind of feeling from heaven to hell!

In this case, it seems impossible to find some "baby" left by the cultivator in this secret realm!

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