Thinking of the Zerg's need for evil spirits, Ye Huang rubbed his index finger under his nose and his eyes flashed.

Rancho sent the ice ghost over, is it also for the evil spirit?

The problem is, they are so bold, this kind of evil energy suppressed by the whole secret spiritual energy, the energy is unimaginable...

It doesn't matter if they don't find it. If they do, they are afraid that they will be attacked by the evil spirits to the point of death. What skills can they use to complete the task? !


At this moment, a cloud of smoke suddenly erupted from the mountains in the distance, and there was a muffled sound.

It was followed by another high-pitched beep, which was very rhythmic, some long and some short.


Ye Huang immediately heard that it was Wuming's summoning sound, and his eyes lit up, Yu Fengbai and Wuming were indeed there!

Hearing the call, Ye Huang immediately jumped over there.

Because the rocky beach is too vast, she cannot run through the entire rocky beach in one volley, and from time to time she has to leap and fall down to continue the journey.

Every time my foot steps on this rocky beach, the icy suffocating aura hits the soles of my feet like a blade.

Fortunately, after she established the foundation, her aura control was more vigorous and flexible. Therefore, although she could feel the pain from the cold, the evil spirit could not really hurt her.

On the rocky beach, a trivial crackling sound like firecrackers was set off. It was the aura that she brought up when she passed by, and the intense confrontation between it and the underground suffocation. The flashes generally followed the direction of her vertical leap.

The ground against the rocky beach was covered with a kind of flowers and plants that grew close to the ground. This kind of flower, Ye Huang recognized, should be a kind of Yin-Yang flower.

Similar to the so-called other side flowers, the leaves have no flowers when they are born, and there are no leaves when the flowers bloom, and the flowers and leaves can never coexist.

In fact, it is a special flower plant that is affected by both aura and suffocation. The leaves here should be nourished by aura, while the flowers are affected by suffocation.

The so-called symbiosis of perpetual difficulties, that is, on the same flower plant. Different flower strains have obviously different seasons in this strange energy place.

Therefore, some of the flowers and plants on this rocky beach are pure flowers, some are pure leaves, and they are scattered together. At first glance, there are flowers and leaves.

This leaf nourished by spiritual energy is not uncommon for Ye Huang. Compared with the previous Ganoderma lucidum, the spiritual energy contained in these small leaves is far worse, and its medicinal value is also low.

However, Ye Huang was very moved by the flowers that were bred by evil spirits.

The rare bearer body, used to refine some special medicinal pills, is still something that can be encountered but not sought after.

Because she was in a hurry to meet with Yu Fengbai, Ye Huang was not in a hurry to collect these flowers, because this kind of flower was more troublesome to collect and couldn't be picked directly. It was too time-consuming and energy-consuming, and she had no time.

Now, let's find her wife first!

Ye Huang's speed was extremely fast, and in the shortest time, he swept across the rocky beach and rushed to the foot of the mountain range.

Even though she is already strong enough now, she was already sweating profusely when she was forced to hurry up while spending her energy and fighting against evil spirits.


Ye Huang bent down and took a deep breath, pulled off the protective mask and wanted to wipe the sweat off his forehead.


Suddenly aware of something, Ye Huang slammed to the ground, and then rolled like lightning to a rock. At the same time, there was a loud noise when she was standing just now.

The energy fluctuations came, and Ye Huang was shocked.

It wasn't an attack from a star beast, it turned out to be a miniature energy cannon.

Sniping? !

who is it? ! Ye Huang's heart skipped a beat, it was definitely not Yu Fengbai, who was this sniping at her? !


At this moment, the rock that Ye Huang was hiding in was hit by another energy cannon.


Ye Huang puffed out a mouthful of dust, and there was a hint of annoyance in her eyes, did she really think she was afraid? !

She was just a conditioned reflex, the attack power of this energy cannon, she really doesn't really care about it right now!

Sorry for explaining the update problem: because some babies may not be able to see the content in "author's words", I don't know why this update is messy and less, so let's explain it here. At work, there is a change in August. Because I didn't choose to improve across departments, I was first seconded to help with the project. I was very busy. Because I was in a hurry to end the work in this department, I compressed some work in September to August, so that I could return to normal in September. Update, this project will be negotiated at the defense meeting on September 1st. On the 2nd, I will be in charge of the acceptance work, so I have been busy these days. On September 3rd or 4th, the update will be officially resumed.

I haven't had time to play in the group these two days, I haven't had time to read the comments and reply to the babies, and the babies who have been voting monthly votes to support this article~ I really appreciate the support of the babies~

Every time I am busy and want to give up, I see the messages and support from the babies and I get motivated~ Come on, come on together~

After I return in two days, let's play in the group together~

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