What's wrong with this man? !

At this moment, Yuan Xihua knew that she couldn't break free, so she didn't continue to struggle, she just stared at Ye Huang quietly, her eyes didn't waver.

Ye Huang raised his eyebrows, this kind of gaze was a little uncomfortable, not normal calm, but a lifeless indifference.

She had seen this kind of vision when she was in country Z. It belonged to a long-term slaughterer. Everyone and things couldn't arouse any vitality in that person's eyes. It seemed that they were all dead things in his eyes.

Compared to that, the surprised look in his eyes before was a lot more lively and cute.

"Besides you, how many people did Rancho send?"

Ye Huang stared at Yuan Xihua's face and said, "How many people have entered this secret realm?"

When she heard the word "Rancho", Yuan Xihua's eyes flashed a little, but she did not escape Ye Huang's eyes.

"Rancho is your boss, right?"

Ye Huang immediately asked, "You all call him Emperor Lan?!"

Yuan Xihua's eyes returned to the previous indifference, as if she didn't listen to what Ye Huang asked at all.

"Don't play stupid!"

Ye Huang was a little annoyed at the bottom of his heart, and this kind of person who doesn't get in the oil and salt is the most annoying, "We know the details of Rancho very well—his old friends Su Shuo and Luo Tianhe, I know both!"

When Yuan Xihua heard the three words "Luo Tianhe", a flash of fluctuation flashed in his eyes again, and there seemed to be a hint of confusion.

"You also know Luo Tianhe, right?"

Ye Huang tentatively said, "Luo Tianhe is here too—"

"He has become the living dead,"

At this moment, Yuan Xihua suddenly said, "I will never wake up, no medicine crystal can save him!"

Yuan Xihua probably spoke very little, Ye Huang could hear that her voice was very dry, but her voice was as indifferent as her eyes.

"you are wrong,"

Ye Huang said puzzled, "He has already woken up! Is your news so delayed? Go to the main star to inquire, let alone the main star, even Lan Mangxing - you know, you haven't heard of such a big news?!"


Yuan Xihua actually said again, "The poison in him, any medicine crystal is useless!"

Ye Huang spread his hands: "If you don't believe it, forget it, he's here too this time, you—ah!"

Before she could finish her words, Yuan Xihua suddenly rushed in front of her: "If you lie, he will never wake up, and before the time comes, he will never wake up!"

A gleam of light flashed in Ye Huang's eyes, she seemed to have captured some incredible information? !

time is not up yet?

Could it be that Yuan Xihua knew what poison Luo Tianhe was in? Could it be that the poison would be automatically detoxified after a certain period of time? !

Even, could it be Yuan Xihua's poison? !

No no no, impossible. Ye Huang immediately denied this guess, because Suo Huange had said that Yuan Xihua and he had met since they were very young...

Yuan Xihua is not very old, and it is estimated that he is similar to Suo Huange.

Luo Tianhe was poisoned decades ago, before Yuan Xihua was born!

"Have your brains been eaten by the Zerg!"

Ye Huang said speechlessly, "Is Luo Tianhe really awake? Since you are so concerned, haven't you sent someone to check?!"

"Luo Tianhe..."

At this moment, Yuan Xihua's scarred face revealed a bit of confusion and pain, and shook her head fiercely, as if to shake off some of her own thoughts, "Why do I care, I have never I've never seen this person...why is it so sad-"

As she spoke, she suddenly seemed a little unable to stand, and her bloated figure was shaky.

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