Ye Huang held it up and his eyes jumped slightly.

The ice ghost's reaction was so strange that she didn't know how to describe the ice ghost's performance for a while.

"let me go!"

At this moment, the ice ghost suddenly said coldly, "Otherwise—ah!"

Before she could finish speaking, she let out a pained cry, her facial features were a little distorted, and her originally terrifying face became even more hideous.


Ye Huang was surprised to see the blood stained on the trouser legs of the ice ghost protective suit, and his eyes widened, "What's wrong with you?"

Seeing that the ice ghost could no longer stand up while speaking, she could only help the ice ghost to lie down.

Ye Huang's finger touched the pulse of the ice ghost, and she was shocked and said, "Are you going to give birth?!"

Is it about to give birth? !

The conscience of heaven and earth, she did not hurt the ice ghost in the slightest, the only explanation is that the fetus in the belly of the ice ghost has reached the due date.

Even when it was due to give birth, he entered the ruins of Andromeda with a full-term stomach, and experienced a series of energy fluctuations...

Is this ice ghost really a woman? !

Are you really planning to have this child? !

"Ah! Ah-ah!"

The ice ghost Yuan Xihua was speechless, and after Ye Huang put her on the ground, she cried out in pain.

Ye Huang quickly retracted the line dart, and quickly took out a blanket from the storage space and threw it on the ground, helping Yuan Xihua up.

Seeing Yuan Xihua screaming in pain, Ye Huang felt a little helpless for the first time.

She is also well-informed, and she has seen countless scenes, but it is really, really the first time to deliver a baby... The problem is that she has never learned this, not at all!

"You, you—are you okay?"

Ye Huang held Yuan Xihua's hand, wanting to cry but without tears, "You——do you want me to help you take off the clothes below?"

What kind of business is this!

After tossing for a long time into the secret realm to help others deliver? !

Yuan Xihua's clothes were already stained with blood, and the protective clothing was in a mess.

While talking, Ye Huang hurriedly threw out a high-energy tent. Fortunately, the mountains here have strong soil properties, and they are not as heavy as the suffocating ground on the rocky beach.

Then a rune energy, Ye Huang finally fixed the tent amid the raging energy fluctuations.

As soon as the tent was propped up, the inside was much better than the previous external environment. There was no strong wind, and it also resisted a lot of messy energy waves...

But the cry of the ice ghost was even louder!

"get out!"

Yuan Xihua gritted her teeth and looked at Ye Huang, her face was full of sweat, "...Go out!"

"Okay, okay—don't worry, I'll go out now!"

Ye Huang responded in a hurry and jumped out of the tent almost in one step, and said again worriedly, "Are you sure you don't need my help?!"

"No, I want this child alive—"

"No, don't want the child alive--just his corpse--"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Huang heard the ice ghost in the tent screaming and saying a series of contradictory words. The voice was a bit hysterical, but it also made people feel weird!

Aware that something was wrong, Ye Huang turned around and rushed in.

The moment Ye Huang rushed into the tent, she saw the ice ghost holding a sharp blade, piercing her own abdomen with clenched teeth.

"What are you doing!"

Ye Huang kicked the sharp blade in her hand and said in surprise, "What are you doing?!"

"Kill her!"

"No, no... save her..."

The ice ghost seemed to have been tortured to the point of losing her strength. Following Ye Huang's kick, she lay there gasping for breath, her mouth was messed up and still said contradictory words.

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