In this way, those star beast milk have a strange smell that cannot be removed.

Even though she has dealt with the strange taste brought by attribute energy, the strange taste cannot be eliminated very well.

This is also because even those at the bottom of the interstellar space, even if they eat the unbearable star beast meat, they rarely use those milk.

The thought of milk made Ye Huang inexplicably greedy.

With milk, in addition to drinking fresh milk every day, you can also make cream. Now that you have flour, you can make all kinds of snacks with milk, including birthday cakes!

You can also make cheese, milk tea...

Thinking of this, Ye Huang couldn't help but secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Wait, I'll get her some batter."

Ye Huang retracted his mind and told Yu Feng Bai, "It will take a while."

Yu Fengbai nodded, his eyes still slowly sweeping over the canyon. The little change just now was obviously something, and he couldn't relax his vigilance.

In the ruins of Andromeda, after experiencing the transformation of space energy, many energy attacks cannot be output normally, and the combat power has been discounted a lot.

There is still a fragile baby right now, and he dare not be careless.

Ye Huang quickly took out the energy stove, took out a small pot, made some water and boiled it, and then took out a little flour.

After thinking about it, I mixed up a little vegetable juice or something to make this batter more nutritious.

The batter boiled very quickly, Ye Huang tasted it, and the taste was a bit lacking because of the lack of salt. She originally wanted to add a little honey, but quickly gave up the idea.

That is the honey of the alien green queen bee, and the energy is also very high, so this little baby can't eat it. This is the reason why she didn't dare to eat more of this kind of honey, even if it was her father.

Once again, after Mu Miao ate a little more, she heard Mu Hong say that her whole body became hot in the middle of the night, and she even had a little diarrhea.

This kind of energy would definitely not dare to feed a baby.

After cooling down, Ye Huang tasted that the temperature was almost the same. She carefully held the baby and took out a small wooden spoon to try to feed it to the little guy.

"Wow wow wow... um..."

The crying baby pursed his mouth as soon as he felt something in his mouth.

The infant's instinctive way of sucking milk is different from the actions of ordinary people who drink water and porridge. Ye Huang has no experience, and the batter almost spilled on the little guy.

Ye Huang hurriedly took back the spoon, but the little baby didn't drink it, and wow wow began to cry again.

After taking a few deep breaths, Ye Huang patiently began to try to feed it again, but the baby still couldn't cooperate well.

Ye Huang: "..."

She felt that she would never have children in the future!

After a lot of hard work, Ye Huang finally fed it in. The little baby had a very small appetite and finally stopped crying after drinking a little.

Yu Fengbai handed over a hand towel, and Ye Huang hurriedly took it and wiped the baby. I have to say, this towel looks like a silk handkerchief. I don't know what kind of silk it is. use.

The problem with being soft and slippery is that it still has a bit of moisture. It is very clean after wiping, and it also has a strange fragrance, which is very pleasant.

This scent...

Ye Huang smelled it again, and looked at Yu Fengbai suspiciously.

"Grandma's special order, very few, no takeout,"

Seeing Ye Huang looking over, Yu Fengbai immediately guessed what she was going to ask, and said lightly, "Only the Yu family have—"

As he said that, he seemed to be casual and indifferent, "If you like it, I can give you some."

"Oh, but—"

Ye Huang thought for a while, then stretched out his hand and threw a large bag from the storage space, "Is it this? Last time, before Sister Jun left, she gave me several things, and I haven't had time to open this large bag. Open, it smells a bit like it!"

Yu Fengbai: "..."

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